<member name="?:UnityEngine.Font.textureRebuilt(System.Action`1<UnityEngine.Font>)">
<para>Set a function to be called when the dynamic font texture is rebuilt.</para>
<param name="value"></param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Font.CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont(System.String,System.Int32)">
<para>Creates a Font object which lets you render a font installed on the user machine.</para>
<param name="fontname">The name of the OS font to use for this font object.</param>
<param name="size">The default character size of the generated font.</param>
<param name="fontnames">Am array of names of OS fonts to use for this font object. When rendering characters using this font object, the first font which is installed on the machine, which contains the requested character will be used.</param>
<para>The generate Font object.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Font.CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont(System.String[],System.Int32)">
<para>Creates a Font object which lets you render a font installed on the user machine.</para>
<param name="fontname">The name of the OS font to use for this font object.</param>
<param name="size">The default character size of the generated font.</param>
<param name="fontnames">Am array of names of OS fonts to use for this font object. When rendering characters using this font object, the first font which is installed on the machine, which contains the requested character will be used.</param>
<para>The generate Font object.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Font.#ctor">
<para>Create a new Font.</para>
<param name="name">The name of the created Font object.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Font.#ctor(System.String)">
<para>Create a new Font.</para>
<param name="name">The name of the created Font object.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Font.GetCharacterInfo(System.Char,UnityEngine.CharacterInfo&)">
<para>Get rendering info for a specific character.</para>
<param name="ch">The character you need rendering information for.</param>
<param name="info">Returns the CharacterInfo struct with the rendering information for the character (if available).</param>
<param name="size">The size of the character (default value of zero will use font default size).</param>
<param name="style">The style of the character.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Font.GetCharacterInfo(System.Char,UnityEngine.CharacterInfo&,System.Int32)">
<para>Get rendering info for a specific character.</para>
<param name="ch">The character you need rendering information for.</param>
<param name="info">Returns the CharacterInfo struct with the rendering information for the character (if available).</param>
<param name="size">The size of the character (default value of zero will use font default size).</param>
<param name="style">The style of the character.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Font.GetCharacterInfo(System.Char,UnityEngine.CharacterInfo&,System.Int32,UnityEngine.FontStyle)">
<para>Get rendering info for a specific character.</para>
<param name="ch">The character you need rendering information for.</param>
<param name="info">Returns the CharacterInfo struct with the rendering information for the character (if available).</param>
<param name="size">The size of the character (default value of zero will use font default size).</param>
<param name="style">The style of the character.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Font.GetMaxVertsForString(System.String)">
<para>Returns the maximum number of verts that the text generator may return for a given string.</para>
<param name="str">Input string.</param>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Font.GetOSInstalledFontNames">
<para>Get names of fonts installed on the machine.</para>
<para>An array of the names of all fonts installed on the machine.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Font.HasCharacter(System.Char)">
<para>Does this font have a specific character?</para>
<param name="c">The character to check for.</param>
<para>Whether or not the font has the character specified.</para>
<member name="M:UnityEngine.Font.RequestCharactersInTexture(System.String,System.Int32,UnityEngine.FontStyle)">
<para>Request characters to be added to the font texture (dynamic fonts only).</para>
<param name="characters">The characters which are needed to be in the font texture.</param>
<param name="size">The size of the requested characters (the default value of zero will use the font's default size).</param>
<param name="style">The style of the requested characters.</param>