Українська локалізація для Sony PSP

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Модератор відео та координатор поширення

З нами з: 03.11.09
Востаннє: 14.01.25
Повідомлень: 1507

2011-07-01 12:49  
Нещодавно були проведені змагання PSP Genesis Competition 2011, де сторонні розробники (прості люди з досвідом програмуання, ок, назвемо їх хакерами) представляли свої розробки (плагіни, хомки) для PSP (PlayStation Portable).
До чого я ведеду скажтите ви???
Так от, на цих змаганнях один розумний поляк під ніком Draan придумав цікавий плагін, за допомогою якого можливо ПОВНІСТЮ локалізувати PSP на будь яку мову світу Happy
Всі деталі тут
Якщо покороче, то потрібно перекласти текстовий файл який має багато тексту, сам текстовий файл займає 619 кбайт, і, ї, є, та інше підтримується, перевірено Happy
Один недолік: щоб скористатись даним плагіном потрібна лише "піратська прошивка", неважливо кастомна чи віртуальна, від 5.00 до 6.39
Але якщо ви не "ярий" захисник авторських прав, то вам повезло - на даний момент всі PSP "прошиваються" і ви зможите скористатись даним плагіном Happy
То як вирішуєм? Happy
Модератор відео та координатор поширення

З нами з: 03.11.09
Востаннє: 14.01.25
Повідомлень: 1507

2011-07-01 12:53  
ось той великий текстовий файл, потрібно перекласти лише те, що після = і між ' '
багато тексту
# Localizer™: Translate your XMB!
# by Draan, 2011

#This program is dedicated to community
#You are free to redistribute it, as long as you don't remove this information

'custom_site' = ''
'msgshare_auto' = 'Automatic'
'msgshare_error_lan_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WLAN switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_wireless_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WIRELESS switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_connect' = 'A connection error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_connect_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the network.'
'msgshare_channel' = 'Channel'
'msgphoto_error_send_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. The image transfer timed out.'
'msgphoto_error_receive_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. The image transfer timed out.'
'msgphoto_error_send_notconnected' = 'The PSP™ you selected is not connected to the network.'
'msgshare_error_internal' = 'An internal error has occurred.'
'msgauth_pswd_enter' = 'Enter your 4-digit password.'
'msgauth_wrong_pswd' = 'The password is incorrect.'
'msgshare_ms' = 'Memory Stick™'
'msg_em' = 'System Storage'
'msgshare_opt_del' = 'Delete'
'msgshare_off' = 'Off'
'msgshare_auto' = 'Automatic'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_play' = 'Play'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_stop' = 'Stop'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_display' = 'Display'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_prev' = 'Previous'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_next' = 'Next'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_sizezoom' = 'Zoom'
'msgshare_deleted' = 'Delete completed.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_ms' = 'The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_em' = 'The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_no_ms' = 'There is no Memory Stick™ inserted.'
'msgshare_error_ms_full' = 'There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msgshare_error_em_full' = 'There is not enough free space in the system storage.'
'msgshare_error_ms_locked' = 'The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_internal' = 'An internal error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_ms_read' = 'The Memory Stick™ cannot be read.'
'msgshare_error_em_read' = 'The system storage cannot be read.'
'msgshare_settings' = 'Settings'
'msgshare_error_no_photo' = 'There are no images.'
'msgshare_ms_access' = 'Accessing the Memory Stick™... Please wait.'
'msgshare_em_access' = 'Accessing the system storage... Please wait.'
'msg_ctrlpnl_with_icon' = ' Control Panel'
'msgphoto_error_no_prev' = 'There is no image available.'
'msgphoto_error_no_next' = 'There is no image available.'
'msgphoto_error_display' = 'This image cannot be displayed.'
'msgcamera_ctrlpnl_record' = 'Record'
'msgcamera_ctrlpnl_review' = 'Review'
'msgcamera_ctrlpnl_size_image' = 'Image Size'
'msgcamera_ctrlpnl_size_video' = 'Movie Size'
'msgcamera_ctrlpnl_imagequality' = 'Image Quality'
'msgcamera_ctrlpnl_zoomin' = 'Zoom +'
'msgcamera_ctrlpnl_zoomout' = 'Zoom -'
'msgcamera_ctrlpnl_whitebalance' = 'White Balance'
'msgcamera_standby' = 'Standby'
'msgcamera_size_1280' = '1280 x 960'
'msgcamera_size_640' = '640 x 480'
'msgcamera_size_480' = '480 x 272'
'msgcamera_size_320' = '320 x 240'
'msgcamera_quality_fine' = 'Fine'
'msgcamera_quality_std' = 'Standard'
'msgcamera_whitebalance_daylight' = 'Daylight'
'msgcamera_whitebalance_flourescent' = 'Fluorescent'
'msgcamera_whitebalance_incandescent' = 'Incandescent'
'msgcamera_ctrlpnl_exposure' = 'Exposure Adjustment'
'msgcamera_folder' = 'Folder Options'
'msgcamera_reset_filenumber' = 'Reset File Number'
'msgcamera_ctrlpnl_shuttersound' = 'Shutter Sound'
'msgcamera_select_folder' = 'Select a folder to save images and movies in.'
'msgcamera_new_folder' = '[New Folder]'
'msgcamera_new_folder_conf' = 'Do you want to create a new folder?'
'msgcamera_reset_filenumber_conf' = 'Do you want to reset the file number?'
'msgcamera_reset_filenumber_cmpltd' = 'Reset completed.'
'msgcamera_del_image_conf' = 'The image will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msgcamera_del_video_conf' = 'The movie will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msg_connect_camera' = 'Connect a camera that is compatible with the PSP™ system.'
'msgcamera_new_folder_over' = 'A new folder has been created. The maximum number of images that can be saved in a folder was exceeded.'
'msgcamera_change_folder_prompt' = 'The maximum number of images that can be saved in a folder has been reached. Go to [Settings] and select a different folder to save in.'
'msgcamera_new_folder_completed' = 'A new folder has been created.'
'msgcamera_error_folder_999' = 'No additional folders can be created.'
'msgcamera_ctrlpnl_video_record_limit' = 'The recording was stopped. The maximum size for a movie was exceeded.'
'msgcamera_ctrlpnl_photomode' = 'To Photo Mode'
'msgcamera_ctrlpnl_moviemode' = 'To Movie Mode'
'msgcamera_photomode_title' = 'Photo Mode'
'msgcamera_moviemode_title' = 'Movie Mode'
'msgcamera_size_480_30fps' = '480 x 272 (30fps)'
'msgcamera_ctrlpnl_shuttersound_sound' = 'Sound'
'msgcamera_size_320_15fps' = '320 x 240 (15fps)'
'msgcamera_size_320_30fps' = '320 x 240 (30fps)'
'msgcamera_size_480_15fps' = '480 x 272 (15fps)'
'msgcamera_exposure_plus15' = '+1.5'
'msgcamera_exposure_plus13' = '+1.3'
'msgcamera_exposure_plus10' = '+1.0'
'msgcamera_exposure_plus07' = '+0.7'
'msgcamera_exposure_plus05' = '+0.5'
'msgcamera_exposure_plus03' = '+0.3'
'msgcamera_exposure_0' = '0.0'
'msgcamera_exposure_minus03' = '-0.3'
'msgcamera_exposure_minus05' = '-0.5'
'msgcamera_exposure_minus07' = '-0.7'
'msgcamera_exposure_minus10' = '-1.0'
'msgcamera_exposure_minus13' = '-1.3'
'msgcamera_exposure_minus15' = '-1.5'
'msgcamera_help_prev_next' = 'Previous/Next'
'msg_record_delay' = 'The recording was stopped. A recording delay has occurred.'
'msg_ctrlpnl_effect' = 'Effect'
'msg_effect_sketch' = 'Sketch'
'msg_effect_toycamera' = 'Toy Camera'
'msg_effect_transform' = 'Distortion'
'msg_effect_text' = 'Text'
'msg_error_settings_mspro' = 'You must have Memory Stick PRO Duo™ to use this setting.'
'msg_recording' = 'Recording... Please wait.'
'msg_error_noexecute_ms_access' = 'This operation is not available here. Accessing the Memory Stick™.'
'msg_error_noexecute_em_access' = 'This operation is not available here. Accessing the system storage.'
'msg_save_folder' = 'Destination'
'msg_deleting' = 'Deleting... Please wait.'
'msgshare_ms' = 'Memory Stick™'
'msg_em' = 'System Storage'
'msgshare_info_playtime' = 'Length'
'msgshare_info_size' = 'Size'
'msgshare_saved' = 'Save completed.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_ms' = 'The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_em' = 'The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_no_ms' = 'There is no Memory Stick™ inserted.'
'msgshare_error_ms_full' = 'There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msgshare_error_em_full' = 'There is not enough free space in the system storage.'
'msgshare_error_ms_locked' = 'The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_lan_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WLAN switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_wireless_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WIRELESS switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_internal' = 'An internal error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_connect' = 'A connection error has occurred.'
'msgshare_wait' = 'Please wait...'
'msgshare_error_ap_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the access point.'
'msgshare_error_connection_timeout' = 'The connection to the server timed out.'
'msgshare_error_dns' = 'Communication with the server failed. A DNS error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_comm_server' = 'Communication with the server failed.'
'msgshare_error_server' = 'A server error has occurred.'
'msgshare_address' = 'Address'
'msgshare_datetime_set_completed' = 'Date and time set completed.'
'msgshare_error_datetime_set' = 'The current date and time could not be obtained.'
'msgshare_save' = 'Save'
'msgshare_saving' = 'Saving... Please wait.'
'msgshare_error_save_misc' = 'Save failed.'
'msgshare_error_unsupported_data' = 'The data type is not supported.'
'msgshare_folder' = 'Folder'
'msgnetconf_userid' = 'User Name'
'msgnetconf_password' = 'Password'
'msg_error_user_authentication' = 'User authentication could not be completed. %1'
'msgupdate_error_download' = 'The download failed.'
'msgddhelper_error_download' = 'This content cannot be downloaded.'
'msgddhelper_error_download_mspro' = 'This content cannot be downloaded. To download this content you must have Memory Stick PRO Duo™.'
'msgddhelper_error_download_license_invalid' = 'Download failed. The license is invalid.'
'msgddhelper_download_conf' = 'Do you want to download this data?'
'msgddhelper_downloading' = 'Obtaining license... Please wait.'
'msgddhelper_download_completed' = 'Download completed.'
'msgddhelper_ssl_err_handsk' = 'SSL communication cannot be performed. A handshake error has occurred in SSL.'
'msgddhelper_ssl_err_io' = 'SSL communication cannot be performed. A transmission error has occurred in SSL.'
'msgddhelper_ssl_err_other' = 'SSL communication cannot be performed.'
'msgddhelper_secu_warn2' = 'The security of the page cannot be confirmed. The certificate used by the server is invalid. Do you want to continue?'
'msgddhelper_secu_warn3' = 'The security of the page cannot be confirmed. The name on the server certificate does not match the host name. Do you want to continue?'
'msgddhelper_secu_warn5' = 'The security of the page cannot be confirmed. The certificate used by the server has expired or is not yet valid. Do you want to continue?'
'msgddhelper_secu_warn6' = 'The security of the page cannot be confirmed. The root CA certificate used by the server is not available. Do you want to continue?'
'msgddhelper_secu_warn7' = 'The security of the page cannot be confirmed. An error occurred in server authentication. Do you want to continue?'
'msg_download' = 'Download'
'msg_progressive_download' = 'Progressive Download'
'msg_progressive_download_info' = 'Closes the Internet browser, and starts progressive download.'
'msg_same_name_file' = 'A file with the same name already exists.'
'msg_different_name_save' = 'Rename and Save'
'msg_overwrite_save' = 'Overwrite and Save'
'msg_save_no' = 'Do Not Save'
'msg_id_pswd_enter' = 'Enter your user name and password.'
'msg_save_file_ask' = 'Do you want to save this file?'
'msg_filename' = 'File Name'
'msg_save_folder' = 'Destination'
'msg_select_save_folder' = 'Select a location to save to.'
'msg_error_useless_char_in_filename' = 'Characters such as “*/\Sad (2)>?¥| cannot be used in file names.'
'msg_error_no_filename' = 'No file name has been entered.'
'msg_same_name_file_overwrite_ask' = 'A file with the same name already exists. Do you want to overwrite the existing file?'
'msg_save_thisfolder' = '[Save in This Folder]'
'msg_software_downloadunnecessary' = 'The version of the application software in use is %1. There is no need to download.'
'msg_version' = 'Version'
'msg_no_download_required' = 'The latest data is already saved. There is no need to download.'
'msgshare_error_lan_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WLAN switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_wireless_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WIRELESS switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_internal' = 'An internal error has occurred.'
'msgshare_pppoe_disconnect' = 'You have been disconnected from the PPPoE server.'
'msgshare_pppoe_com_1' = 'A PPPoE error has occurred.'
'msgshare_dhcp_com_1' = 'A DHCP error has occurred.'
'msgshare_dhcp_not_found' = 'A DHCP server was not detected.'
'msgshare_ap_disconnect_1' = 'You have been disconnected from the access point.'
'msgshare_nw_disconnect' = 'You have been disconnected from the network.'
'msgshare_wait' = 'Please wait...'
'msgshare_error_notconnected' = 'You are not connected to the network.'
'msgshare_error_connect_dns' = 'Connection to the server failed. A DNS error has occurred.'
'msgdnas_authenticating_dnas' = 'Performing DNAS authentication.'
'msgdnas_error_dnas_service_close' = 'A DNAS error has occurred. DNAS service is no longer available.'
'msgdnas_error_dnas_service_stop' = 'A DNAS error has occurred. DNAS service is not currently available. Please try to connect again later.'
'msgdnas_error_dnas_psp_revoked' = 'A DNAS error has occurred. The PSP™ system in use cannot be used to connect to the Internet.'
'msgdnas_error_dnas_content_revoked' = 'A DNAS error has occurred. Connection to the Internet from this game is not allowed.'
'msgdnas_error_dnas_content_close' = 'A DNAS error has occurred. Connection to the Internet from this game is currently not available.'
'msgdnas_error_dnas_invalid_service' = 'A DNAS error has occurred. An attempt was made to use an invalid service.'
'msgdnas_error_dnas_proxy' = 'A connection to the proxy server could not be established.'
'msgdnas_error_dnas_client_timeout' = 'A DNAS error has occurred. The operation timed out.'
'msgdnas_error_dnas' = 'A DNAS error has occurred.'
'msgdnas_dnasauthentication' = 'DNAS Authentication'
'msgdnas_get_datetime' = 'Obtaining date and time... Please wait.'
'msgshare_error_no_data' = 'There is no data.'
'msgshare_error_no_ms' = 'There is no Memory Stick™ inserted.'
'msgshare_wait' = 'Please wait...'
'msgshare_error_unsupported_data' = 'The data type is not supported.'
'msggame_install_install_conf' = 'Installation of %1 will start. After starting, you cannot cancel until installation has completed. Do you want to continue?'
'msg_media_install_install_conf' = 'Installation of %1 will start. Do you want to continue?'
'msg_install_cancel_conf' = 'Do you want to cancel the install operation?'
'msggame_install_install_completed' = 'Install completed.'
'msggame_install_installing' = 'Installing... Please wait.'
'msggame_install_error_corrupted' = 'The install failed. The data is corrupted.'
'msggame_install_error_ms_no_access' = 'The install failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msggame_install_error_em_no_access' = 'The install failed. The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msggame_install_error_ms_locked' = 'The install failed. The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msggame_install_error_ms_full' = 'The install failed. There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™. At least %1 more space is needed.'
'msggame_install_error_em_full' = 'The install failed. There is not enough free space in the system storage. At least %1 more space is needed.'
'msggame_install_error_ms_removed' = 'The install failed. The Memory Stick™ has been removed.'
'msggame_install_error_install' = 'The install failed.'
'msg_error_install_no_umd' = 'The install failed. The disc has been removed.'
'msggame_install_title' = 'Game Data Installation'
'msggame_install_same_installed' = '%1 has already been installed.'
'msg_update_install_system_update' = 'The system software of your PSP™ system is version %1. To install %2, you must update to version %3 or later. Go to [Settings] > [System Update] to update the system.'
'msggame_install_error_lowbattery' = 'The battery level is low. Charge the battery and then try again.'
'msggame_install_error_wrongdata' = 'This game data cannot be installed.'
'msg_remaining_minute_variable' = '%1 Minutes Left'
'msg_remaining_second_variable' = '%1 Seconds Left'
'msg_error_no_umd' = 'There is no disc inserted.'
'msgshare_opt_load' = 'Start'
'msgshare_opt_del' = 'Delete'
'msgshare_opt_info' = 'Information'
'msgshare_info_date' = 'Updated'
'msgshare_info_size' = 'Size'
'msgshare_info_title' = 'Title'
'msgshare_info_none' = '-'
'msgshare_info_parent' = 'Parental Control'
'msgshare_info_level' = 'Level %1'
'msgshare_del_data_ask' = 'The data will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msgshare_deleted' = 'Delete completed.'
'msgshare_error_del' = 'Delete failed.'
'msgshare_error_del_ms_locked' = 'Delete failed. The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_ms' = 'The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_em' = 'The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_no_ms' = 'There is no Memory Stick™ inserted.'
'msgshare_error_ms_full' = 'There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msgshare_error_em_full' = 'There is not enough free space in the system storage.'
'msgshare_error_ms_locked' = 'The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_geting_filesize' = 'Counting...'
'msgshare_corrupted_data' = 'Corrupted Data'
'msgshare_error_parental_lock' = 'Restricted Content'
'msgshare_error_content_corrupted_game' = 'This game cannot be started. The data is corrupted.'
'msg_error_cannot_start_game_gamedata' = 'You cannot start the game by selecting the game data.'
'msgshare_error_memory_low_update' = 'This game cannot be started. System memory is low.'
'msgshare_error_wrong_region_game' = 'This game cannot be started. The region code is not correct.'
'msgshare_error_internal' = 'An internal error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_game_start' = 'The game could not be started.'
'msgshare_updateprompt_updateunnecessary' = 'The system software of your PSP™ system is version %1. There is no need to update.'
'msgshare_wait' = 'Please wait...'
'msgshare_error_content_corrupted' = 'The data is corrupted.'
'msgshare_error' = 'An error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_no_game' = 'There are no games.'
'msgshare_error_no_game_download_content' = 'There are no games. Content can be downloaded or purchased from PlayStation®Store.'
'msgshare_error_start_game' = 'This game cannot be started.'
'msgshare_checking' = 'Checking... Please wait.'
'msgshare_error_unsupported_data' = 'The data type is not supported.'
'msgshare_folder' = 'Folder'
'msg_magicgate' = 'MagicGate™'
'msg_error_display_output' = 'You cannot use this feature when displaying video output on a connected device. Switch to display video output on the PSP™ system.'
'msgshare_opt_load_with_icon' = 'Start '
'msgtop_updateprompt_game' = 'The system software of your PSP™ system is version %1. To start, you must update to version %2 or later. Do you want to update now?'
'msgtop_updateprompt' = 'You will need to update before your next use.'
'msg_settings_software_version_number' = 'The version of the application software is %1. You can check the latest version at the website listed below. %2 Do you want to start the Internet browser and open this website?'
'msg_bt_disable_to_start' = 'The Bluetooth® connection must be temporarily disabled. Do you want to disable it now?'
'msg_bt_disable_to_start_usb' = 'To use accessories that require a USB connection, [Bluetooth® Connection] under [Settings] > [Bluetooth® Device Settings] must be set to [Off]. Do you want to set [Bluetooth® Connection] to [Off] now?'
'msg_update_conf_game_resume_data' = 'If you perform the update, the data for [Resume Game] will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msg_hibernation_overwrite_notice' = 'Note that the current data for [Resume Game] will be overwritten if you select [Pause Game] during this game.'
'msgupdate_error_download_dns' = 'The download failed. A DNS error has occurred.'
'msgupdate_error_download_proxyserver' = 'The download failed. A connection to the HTTP proxy server could not be established.'
'msgupdate_error_download_cannot_connect' = 'The download failed. A connection to the server could not be established.'
'msgupdate_error_download' = 'The download failed.'
'msgupdater_error_notmatch' = 'The update cannot be started. The update data is not applicable for this system.'
'msg_error_update_updater_unmatched' = 'The update cannot be started. You must use update data that is compatible with the model in use. For details, visit the Sony Computer Entertainment Web site for your region.'
'msg_all' = 'All'
'msg_folder_class_with_icon' = 'Group Content '
'msg_copying_em' = 'Copying to the system storage... Please wait.'
'msg_copying_ms' = 'Copying to the Memory Stick™... Please wait.'
'msgvideoms_info_startdate' = 'Starts'
'msgvideoms_info_expirationdate' = 'Expires'
'msgvideoms_info_remaining' = 'Hours Left'
'msgvideoms_info_nolimit' = 'No Time Limit'
'msgvideoms_info_expired' = 'Expired'
'msgvideoms_error_startdate' = 'The content is not available before the start date.'
'msgvideoms_error_expired' = 'The content has expired and is no longer available.'
'msgvideoms_error_timelimited_settime' = 'This content has a time limit. Go to [Settings] > [Date & Time Settings] > [Date and Time], and select [Set via Internet] to set the date and time.'
'msgvideoms_error_licenseinfo' = 'The copyright protection information is invalid.'
'msg_expires_variable' = 'Expires %1'
'msg_day_plural' = '%1 Days'
'msgsavedata_bu_cancel_ask' = 'Do you want to cancel Copy?'
'msgsavedata_opt_backup' = 'Copy'
'msgsavedata_error_corrupted_data_notcopied' = 'This data cannot be copied. The data is corrupted.'
'msg_game_copy_ms_info' = 'Games, game data and saved data must be saved in the same location. If you copy a game, the game data and the saved data for the game must also be copied to the Memory Stick™.'
'msg_game_copy_em_info' = 'Games, game data and saved data must be saved in the same location. If you copy a game, the game data and the saved data for the game must also be copied to the system storage.'
'msg_copied_delete_ms_conf' = 'Copy completed. Do you want to delete the game from the Memory Stick™?'
'msg_copied_delete_em_conf' = 'Copy completed. Do you want to delete the game from the system storage?'
'msg_error_copy_failed' = 'Copy failed.'
'msg_error_copy_failed_same_name' = 'Copy failed. A game with the same name already exists.'
'msggame_del_game_ask' = 'Are you sure you want to delete this game?'
'msggame_install_install_completed' = 'Install completed.'
'msggame_install_installing' = 'Installing... Please wait.'
'msg_error_activated_psp' = 'To use this content, you must activate the system.'
'msg_error_game_display_output' = 'To display this screen on a connected device, you must be connected using a component AV cable or a D-terminal AV cable and you must output the video content in progressive format.'
'msg_error_download_software' = 'There is no software available for this application. To use this feature, you must download application software from the website below. %1 Do you want to start the Internet browser and open this website?'
'msg_error_invalid_account' = 'This content cannot be accessed on your account.'
'msg_del_game_protected_conf' = 'This game is protected. Are you sure you want to delete the game?'
'msg_update' = 'Update'
'msg_error_ms_full_need_freespace' = 'There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™. At least %1 more free space is needed to update.'
'msg_error_em_full_need_freespace' = 'There is not enough free space in the system storage. At least %1 more free space is needed to update.'
'msg_error_update_reboot_system' = 'An error occurred during the update operation. Restart the system and perform the update again.'
'msg_folder_info_title' = '%1 Title'
'msg_folder_info_titles' = '%1 Titles'
'msg_title_count' = 'Titles'
'msg_by_expiration' = 'By Expire Date'
'msg_before_expiration_date' = 'With Expire Date'
'msg_without_expiration_date' = 'Without Expire Date'
'msg_expiration_game_information' = 'This game has an expire date.'
'msg_expiration_notice_game_psbutton' = 'After the expire date, you will no longer be able to play the game. It is recommended that you save your game progress often. You can also check the expire date during gameplay by pressing the PS button.'
'msg_expiration_notice_game_homebutton' = 'After the expire date, you will no longer be able to play the game. It is recommended that you save your game progress often. You can also check the expire date during gameplay by pressing the HOME button.'
'msg_subscription_license_expired_conf' = 'The expire date for this game has been reached. Do you want to extend the expire date?'
'msg_subscription_license_expiring_conf' = 'This game will expire soon. Do you want to extend the expire date?'
'msg_error_by_expiration_date_settime' = 'To sort by expire date, you must go to [Settings] > [Date & Time Settings] > [Date and Time], and select [Set via Internet] to set the date and time.'
'msgerror_error_del_ms_no_access' = 'Delete failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_error_del_em_no_access' = 'Delete failed. The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msg_version' = 'Version'
'msg_not_show_message' = 'Do Not Display Again'
'msg_internet_search' = 'Internet Search'
'msg_manual' = 'Software Manual'
'msg_no_manual' = 'There is no software manual available.'
'msg_10page_skip' = '±10 Pages'
'msg_view' = 'View'
'msg_deleting' = 'Deleting... Please wait.'
'msg_del_software_notice' = 'If you delete this application software, the content for the software will not be deleted. To delete the content, you must use the application software.'
'msg_del_software_conf' = 'The application software will be deleted from the Memory Stick™. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msg_del_software_em_conf' = 'The application software will be deleted from the system storage. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msg_software_timer_limitation' = 'When this application software is running, timer settings for other features will not activate even if the system is put into sleep mode.'
'msg_loading' = 'Loading...'
'msg_download_pls_wait' = 'Downloading... Please wait.'
'msgshare_opt_del' = 'Delete'
'msgshare_opt_edit' = 'Edit'
'msgshare_saved' = 'Save completed.'
'msgshare_deleted' = 'Delete completed.'
'msgshare_error_lan_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WLAN switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_wireless_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WIRELESS switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_connect' = 'A connection error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_ap_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the access point.'
'msgshare_error_save_misc' = 'Save failed.'
'msg_psspot_info' = 'Use this feature when visiting a PlayStation®Spot. PlayStation®Spot is a place where you can access the Internet for free using a PSP™ system and download game demos, play games that are compatible with infrastructure mode or use the Internet browser. Services available vary by locale. Check the services available in your area.'
'msg_save_settings_ask' = 'The settings will be saved on the system. Do you want to continue?'
'msg_incorporated_plugin_exe_ask' = 'Do you want to run the plugin embedded in this page?'
'msg_error_less_memory' = 'There is not enough memory. The page will be displayed at reduced image quality.'
'msg_browser_fin' = 'The Internet browser will close. Do you want to continue?'
'msg_search' = 'Search'
'msg_del_all_searchhistory_conf' = 'All search history will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msg_del_searchhistory_conf' = 'The search history will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msg_new_search' = 'New Search'
'msg_del_all' = 'Delete All'
'msg_search_word' = 'Keyword'
'msg_deleting' = 'Deleting... Please wait.'
'msgshare_opt_del' = 'Delete'
'msgshare_connect' = 'Connect'
'msgshare_on' = 'On'
'msgshare_off' = 'Off'
'msgshare_auto' = 'Automatic'
'msgshare_not_use' = 'Do Not Use'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_display' = 'Display'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_help' = 'Help'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_size_normal' = 'Normal'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_sizezoom' = 'Zoom'
'msgshare_canceling' = 'Cancelling... Please wait.'
'msgshare_saved' = 'Save completed.'
'msgshare_deleted' = 'Delete completed.'
'msgshare_error_del' = 'Delete failed.'
'msgshare_error_del_ms_locked' = 'Delete failed. The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_ms' = 'The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_em' = 'The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_ms_full' = 'There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msgshare_error_em_full' = 'There is not enough free space in the system storage.'
'msgshare_error_ms_locked' = 'The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_lan_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WLAN switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_wireless_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WIRELESS switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_direction_lr' = 'Press the ◀ button to go back, or the ▶ button to continue.'
'msgshare_direction_r' = 'Press the ▶ button to continue.'
'msgshare_direction_l' = 'Press the ◀ button to go back.'
'msgshare_error_internal' = 'An internal error has occurred.'
'msgshare_symbol_colon' = ':'
'msgshare_wait' = 'Please wait...'
'msgshare_error_ms_removed' = 'The Memory Stick™ has been removed.'
'msgshare_error_ap_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the access point.'
'msgshare_error_pppoe_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the PPPoE server.'
'msgshare_error_pppoe_com' = 'A connection error has occurred. There was a PPPoE communication error.'
'msgshare_start' = 'Start'
'msgshare_error_ms_read' = 'The Memory Stick™ cannot be read.'
'msgshare_error_em_read' = 'The system storage cannot be read.'
'msgshare_address' = 'Address'
'msgshare_settings' = 'Settings'
'msgtop_network_browser' = 'Internet Browser'
'msgsysconf_video_volume_nrml' = 'Normal'
'msg_16_9' = '16:9'
'msgnetconf_connectname' = 'Connection Name'
'msgnetconf_ssid' = 'SSID'
'msgnetconf_none' = 'None'
'msgnetconf_wep' = 'WEP'
'msgnetconf_wepkey' = 'WEP Key'
'msgnetconf_ipaddress' = 'IP Address'
'msgnetconf_netmask' = 'Subnet Mask'
'msgnetconf_defaultrooter' = 'Default Router'
'msgnetconf_primedns' = 'Primary DNS'
'msgnetconf_seconddns' = 'Secondary DNS'
'msgnetconf_proxyserver' = 'Proxy Server'
'msgnetconf_proxyserver_number' = 'Port Number'
'msgnetconf_autoconnection' = 'Automatic'
'msgnetconf_set' = 'Press the %e button to save settings.'
'msgnetconf_cancel_setup_ask' = 'Do you want to cancel? The settings you have made so far will not be saved if you cancel.'
'msgnetconf_error_dhcp_com' = 'A connection error has occurred. There was a DHCP communication error.'
'msgnetconf_error_pppep_not_found' = 'A connection error has occurred. A PPPoE server was not detected.'
'msgnetconf_error_dhcp_not_found' = 'A connection error has occurred. A DHCP server was not detected.'
'msgnetconf_error_port_number' = 'The port number is invalid. Enter a number from 1 to 65535.'
'msgnetconf_ch' = 'Ch %1'
'msgnetconf_wpapsk_tkip' = 'WPA-PSK (TKIP)'
'msgnetconf_wpakey' = 'WPA Key'
'msgnetconf_not_launch_browser' = 'Do Not Start'
'msgnetconf_starting_browser' = 'Starting Internet browser... Please wait. After you have logged in, close the Internet browser.'
'msgnetconf_security' = 'Security'
'msgnetconf_error_wlan_assoc_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. The signal may be weak.'
'msgnetconf_error_wlan_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. Please try again.'
'msgupdater_dot' = '・'
'msg_ctrlpnl_with_icon' = ' Control Panel'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_viewmode' = 'Screen Mode'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_sizefull' = 'Full Screen'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_sizeorgnl' = 'Original'
'msglftv_connect_base' = 'Connecting to the base station... Please wait.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_start_info' = 'This will guide you through the settings for using the LocationFree™ Player. A LocationFree™ Base Station (sold separately) is required to use the LocationFree™ Player. The base station may not be available for purchase or use in some areas. Contact Sony Corporation for more information on the base station.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_start' = 'Basic settings will perform the following tasks to prepare for using LocationFree™ Player:'
'msglftv_settings_easy_start1' = 'Adjust network settings to allow for connection to the base station.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_start2' = 'Register the PSP™ system with the base station'
'msglftv_settings_easy_press_setupbutton' = 'Press and hold the [SETUP MODE] button of the base station until the [SETUP MODE] LED on the front starts blinking. If you don't press the button within 5 minutes, the operation will be cancelled.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_updateprompt_base' = 'You must update the base station to use the LocationFree™ Player. Press the %e button to start the Internet browser and open the update page.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_setcomplete' = 'Set completed. Press the %e button.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_error_wirelesschannel' = 'The wireless channel of the base station is set to the 5 GHz range. You must set to a channel in the 2.4 GHz range to connect the system and the base station directly over a wireless LAN.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_error_base_setupmode' = 'There are two or more base stations in [SETUP MODE]. Wait for a moment, and then try again.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_error_base_found' = 'The base station was not found.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_error_base_register_device' = 'Registration with the base station could not be completed. The maximum number of devices that can be registered has been reached. For details, refer to the operating instructions for the base station.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_error_base_notsupported' = 'The PSP™ system is not compatible with this base station. Contact Sony Corporation for more information on the base station.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_error_timedout' = 'A timeout error occurred during setup.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_connection_delete' = 'You can save up to 10 network connections. Go to [Settings] > [Network Settings] to delete a saved connection.'
'msglftv_ctrlpnl_remote' = 'Remote Control'
'msglftv_ctrlpnl_opt_audio' = 'Audio Options'
'msglftv_ctrlpnl_select_input' = 'Input Options'
'msglftv_ctrlpnl_rate' = 'Rate'
'msglftv_ctrlpnl_connection_status' = 'Connection Status'
'msglftv_error_disconnected' = 'This operation cannot be performed while disconnected.'
'msglftv_opt_audio_main' = 'Main'
'msglftv_opt_audio_sub' = 'Sub'
'msglftv_opt_audio_mainsub' = 'Main + Sub'
'msglftv_opt_audio_sap' = 'SAP'
'msglftv_opt_audio_stereo' = 'Stereo'
'msglftv_help_title' = 'LocationFree™ Player Help'
'msglftv_help_lr' = 'Switch Remote Control Tabs'
'msglftv_help_square' = 'Display Remote Control'
'msglftv_help_select' = 'Switch Input'
'msglftv_help_up' = 'Change Channel(+)'
'msglftv_help_down' = 'Change Channel(-)'
'msglftv_rate_select' = 'Select a rate for video quality. The higher the rate, the better the picture.'
'msglftv_connectionstatus_domain' = 'Base Station Domain Name'
'msglftv_connectionstatus_port' = 'Base Station Port Number'
'msglftv_settings_channel' = 'Channel Settings'
'msglftv_settings_remote' = 'Remote Control Settings'
'msglftv_settings_easy' = 'Basic Settings'
'msglftv_settings_base' = 'Base Station Settings'
'msglftv_settings_advanced' = 'Advanced Settings'
'msglftv_settings_channel_info' = 'Adjusts TV channel settings.'
'msglftv_settings_remote_info' = 'Settings for controlling a device connected to a video input of the base station using the on-screen remote control of the PSP™ system.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_info' = 'Basic settings for LocationFree™ Player.'
'msglftv_settings_base_info' = 'Starts the Internet browser and opens the Base Station Settings page.'
'msglftv_settings_advanced_info' = 'Settings for accessing the base station through a network device such as a router from outside the home. Usually, these settings do not need to be adjusted.'
'msglftv_settings_channel_display' = 'Display Channel'
'msglftv_settings_channel_receive' = 'Receive Channel'
'msglftv_settings_channel_skip' = 'Skip'
'msglftv_settings_channel_skip_no' = 'No'
'msglftv_settings_channel_skip_yes' = 'Yes'
'msglftv_settings_channel_tvtuner' = 'TV Tuner Setting'
'msglftv_settings_channel_internal' = 'Internal Tuner'
'msglftv_settings_channel_external' = 'External Tuner'
'msglftv_settings_channel_internal_info' = 'Select this option when using the internal TV tuner of the base station.'
'msglftv_settings_channel_external_info' = 'Select this option when using an external TV tuner such as a set-top box.'
'msglftv_settings_channel_set_info' = 'If the settings are correct, you can turn on and off the connected device. Connect the IR blaster to the base station, and then press the %e button. For details on the IR blaster, refer to the operating instructions for the base station.'
'msglftv_settings_channel_catv' = 'Cable TV'
'msglftv_settings_channel_catv_notuse_info' = 'Select this option if you are not using cable TV. Channels %1 to %2 will be available.'
'msglftv_settings_channel_catv_use_info' = 'Select this option if you are using cable TV. Channels %1 to %2 will be available.'
'msglftv_settings_channel_channel' = 'Channel'
'msglftv_settings_remote_input1' = 'Video 1'
'msglftv_settings_remote_input2' = 'Video 2'
'msglftv_settings_remote_input1_info' = 'Settings for controlling a device connected to Video 1 of the base station using the on-screen remote control of the PSP™ system.'
'msglftv_settings_remote_input2_info' = 'Settings for controlling a device connected to Video 2 of the base station using the on-screen remote control of the PSP™ system.'
'msglftv_settings_remote_select_set_info' = 'If the settings are correct, you can turn on and off the device connected to the video input of the base station. Connect the IR blaster to the base station, and then press the %e button. For details on the IR blaster, refer to the operating instructions for the base station.'
'msglftv_settings_advanced_domain' = 'Domain Name'
'msglftv_error_remote_nodata' = 'To use a remote control, you must insert a Memory Stick™ containing remote control data. You can download remote control data from the site below. Do you want to start the Internet browser and open this site?'
'msglftv_error_remote_notselected' = 'There is no remote control selected. Select [Settings] > [Remote Control Settings] from the control panel, and then select the remote control for the connected device.'
'msglftv_error_remotedata_corrupted' = 'The remote control data is corrupted.'
'msg_update_lftvremote_system_update' = 'The system software of your PSP™ system is version %1. To use this remote control data you must update to version %2 or later. Go to [Settings] > [System Update] to update the system.'
'msglftv_error_connect_base_busy' = 'A connection to the base station could not be established. Another device is currently connected to the base station.'
'msglftv_error_notregistered' = 'This PSP™ system is not registered with the base station. Select [Settings] from the control panel, and then start [Basic Settings] to register with the base station.'
'msglftv_settings_base_disconnect_prompt' = 'Press the %e button to disconnect and display the list of connections. Select the connection for accessing the base station.'
'msglftv_settings_base_prompt' = 'Press the %e button to display the list of connections. Select the connection for accessing the base station.'
'msglftv_lf_fin' = 'The LocationFree™ Player will close. Do you want to continue?'
'msglftv_settings_easy_disconnect_prompt' = 'You will be disconnected from the network to start Basic Settings. Press the %e button.'
'msglftv_asterisk' = '********'
'msglftv_rate_1' = '1 (Low)'
'msglftv_rate_2' = '2'
'msglftv_rate_3' = '3'
'msglftv_rate_4' = '4'
'msglftv_rate_5' = '5 (High)'
'msglftv_title_tv' = 'TV %1'
'msglftv_error_base_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the base station.'
'msglftv_error_connect_base' = 'A connection to the base station could not be established.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_error_base_register' = 'Registration with the base station could not be completed.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_error_base_register_tryagain' = 'Registration with the base station could not be completed. Please try again.'
'msglftv_settings_advanced_overwrite' = 'Overwrite During [Basic Settings]'
'msglftv_settings_advanced_domain_info' = 'Change when you will not use the registered dynamic DNS, such as when using a different dynamic DNS or a static address.'
'msglftv_settings_advanced_port_info' = 'Change when using the port forwarding feature of the router.'
'msglftv_settings_advanced_overwrite_info' = 'If checked, the domain name and port number will be automatically overwritten with the information saved in the base station during Basic Settings.'
'msglftv_error_bssecurity_notsupported' = 'The PSP™ system does not support the security method of this base station.'
'msglftv_title_externaltvtuner' = 'External TV Tuner'
'msglftv_settings_remote_version_info' = 'Displays version information for remote control data saved on the Memory Stick™.'
'msglftv_settings_remote_version_em_info' = 'Displays version information for remote control data saved in the system storage.'
'msglftv_settings_remote_version_number' = 'The remote control data is version %1. You can check the latest version at the site listed below. Do you want to start the Internet browser and open this site?'
'msglftv_settings_remote_version' = 'Version Information'
'msglftv_error_remote_data_corrupted' = 'The remote control data is corrupted. To use, you must download remote control data from the site listed below. Do you want to start the Internet browser and open this site?'
'msglftv_error_remote_data_em' = 'You must download remote control data from the site listed below. Do you want to start the Internet browser and open this site?'
'msglftv_settings_manufacturer' = 'Select the manufacturer.'
'msglftv_settings_type' = 'Select the type.'
'msglftv_settings_power' = 'Power'
'msglftv_settings_channel_channel_select' = 'Select the channel.'
'msglftv_settings_channel_channel_info' = 'Select the channel for antenna output from the external tuner.'
'msglftv_settings_error_remotedata' = 'To perform this setting, you must insert a Memory Stick™ containing remote control data. You can download remote control data from the site below. Do you want to start the Internet browser and open this site?'
'msglftv_ctrlpnl_volume' = 'Volume Adjustment'
'msglftv_ctrlpnl_volume_1' = '+1'
'msglftv_ctrlpnl_volume_2' = '+2'
'msglftv_settings_advanced_dynamicdns' = 'Dynamic DNS Settings'
'msglftv_settings_advanced_videosignal' = 'Video Signal Settings'
'msglftv_settings_advanced_videosignal_info' = 'Sets the broadcast standard for the video inputs of the base station.'
'msglftv_settings_advanced_videosignal_select' = 'Select the broadcast standard for video 1 and 2.'
'msglftv_settings_disconnect' = 'When changing this setting, you will be temporarily disconnected and then reconnected. This operation may take some time to complete. Do you want to continue?'
'msglftv_videosignal_ntsc' = 'NTSC'
'msglftv_videosignal_ntsc443' = 'NTSC4.43'
'msglftv_videosignal_pal' = 'PAL'
'msglftv_videosignal_pal60' = 'PAL60'
'msglftv_videosignal_paln' = 'PAL-N'
'msglftv_videosignal_palm' = 'PAL-M'
'msglftv_videosignal_secam' = 'SECAM'
'msg_settings_easy_start_ms' = 'Automatically performs settings for LocationFree™ Player using the basic settings file of the Memory Stick™.'
'msg_settings_easy_start_em' = 'Automatically performs settings for LocationFree™ Player using the basic settings file in the system storage.'
'msg_del_remotedata_ask' = 'The remote control data will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msg_settings_remote_no_version' = 'There is no version information for additional remote control data. You can check the latest remote control data at the following site: Do you want to start the Internet browser and open this site?'
'msg_settings_remote_over' = 'You can display up to %1 additional remote control data items.'
'msg_settings_easy_error_base_found_setupmode' = 'A base station in [SETUP MODE] was not found. Refer to the instructions for the base station for details.'
'msglftv_ctrlpnl_remote_with_icon' = 'Remote Control '
'msglftv_ctrlpnl_select_input_with_icon' = 'Input Options '
'msg_deleting' = 'Deleting... Please wait.'
'msgshare_opt_del' = 'Delete'
'msgshare_connect' = 'Connect'
'msgshare_on' = 'On'
'msgshare_off' = 'Off'
'msgshare_auto' = 'Automatic'
'msgshare_not_use' = 'Do Not Use'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_display' = 'Display'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_help' = 'Help'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_size_normal' = 'Normal'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_sizezoom' = 'Zoom'
'msgshare_canceling' = 'Cancelling... Please wait.'
'msgshare_saved' = 'Save completed.'
'msgshare_deleted' = 'Delete completed.'
'msgshare_error_del' = 'Delete failed.'
'msgshare_error_del_ms_locked' = 'Delete failed. The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_ms' = 'The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_em' = 'The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_ms_full' = 'There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msgshare_error_em_full' = 'There is not enough free space in the system storage.'
'msgshare_error_ms_locked' = 'The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_lan_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WLAN switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_wireless_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WIRELESS switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_direction_lr' = 'Press the ◀ button to go back, or the ▶ button to continue.'
'msgshare_direction_r' = 'Press the ▶ button to continue.'
'msgshare_direction_l' = 'Press the ◀ button to go back.'
'msgshare_error_internal' = 'An internal error has occurred.'
'msgshare_symbol_colon' = ':'
'msgshare_wait' = 'Please wait...'
'msgshare_error_ms_removed' = 'The Memory Stick™ has been removed.'
'msgshare_error_ap_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the access point.'
'msgshare_error_pppoe_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the PPPoE server.'
'msgshare_error_pppoe_com' = 'A connection error has occurred. There was a PPPoE communication error.'
'msgshare_start' = 'Start'
'msgshare_error_ms_read' = 'The Memory Stick™ cannot be read.'
'msgshare_error_em_read' = 'The system storage cannot be read.'
'msgshare_address' = 'Address'
'msgshare_settings' = 'Settings'
'msgtop_network_browser' = 'Internet Browser'
'msgsysconf_video_volume_nrml' = 'Normal'
'msg_16_9' = '16:9'
'msgnetconf_connectname' = 'Connection Name'
'msgnetconf_ssid' = 'SSID'
'msgnetconf_none' = 'None'
'msgnetconf_wep' = 'WEP'
'msgnetconf_wepkey' = 'WEP Key'
'msgnetconf_ipaddress' = 'IP Address'
'msgnetconf_netmask' = 'Subnet Mask'
'msgnetconf_defaultrooter' = 'Default Router'
'msgnetconf_primedns' = 'Primary DNS'
'msgnetconf_seconddns' = 'Secondary DNS'
'msgnetconf_proxyserver' = 'Proxy Server'
'msgnetconf_proxyserver_number' = 'Port Number'
'msgnetconf_autoconnection' = 'Automatic'
'msgnetconf_set' = 'Press the %e button to save settings.'
'msgnetconf_cancel_setup_ask' = 'Do you want to cancel? The settings you have made so far will not be saved if you cancel.'
'msgnetconf_error_dhcp_com' = 'A connection error has occurred. There was a DHCP communication error.'
'msgnetconf_error_pppep_not_found' = 'A connection error has occurred. A PPPoE server was not detected.'
'msgnetconf_error_dhcp_not_found' = 'A connection error has occurred. A DHCP server was not detected.'
'msgnetconf_error_port_number' = 'The port number is invalid. Enter a number from 1 to 65535.'
'msgnetconf_ch' = 'Ch %1'
'msgnetconf_wpapsk_tkip' = 'WPA-PSK (TKIP)'
'msgnetconf_wpakey' = 'WPA Key'
'msgnetconf_not_launch_browser' = 'Do Not Start'
'msgnetconf_starting_browser' = 'Starting Internet browser... Please wait. After you have logged in, close the Internet browser.'
'msgnetconf_security' = 'Security'
'msgnetconf_error_wlan_assoc_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. The signal may be weak.'
'msgnetconf_error_wlan_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. Please try again.'
'msgupdater_dot' = '・'
'msg_ctrlpnl_with_icon' = ' Control Panel'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_viewmode' = 'Screen Mode'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_sizefull' = 'Full Screen'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_sizeorgnl' = 'Original'
'msglftv_connect_base' = 'Connecting to the base station... Please wait.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_start_info' = 'This will guide you through the settings for using the LocationFree™ Player. A LocationFree™ Base Station (sold separately) is required to use the LocationFree™ Player. The base station may not be available for purchase or use in some areas. Contact Sony Corporation for more information on the base station.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_start' = 'Basic settings will perform the following tasks to prepare for using LocationFree™ Player:'
'msglftv_settings_easy_start1' = 'Adjust network settings to allow for connection to the base station.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_start2' = 'Register the PSP™ system with the base station'
'msglftv_settings_easy_press_setupbutton' = 'Press and hold the [SETUP MODE] button of the base station until the [SETUP MODE] LED on the front starts blinking. If you don't press the button within 5 minutes, the operation will be cancelled.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_updateprompt_base' = 'You must update the base station to use the LocationFree™ Player. Press the %e button to start the Internet browser and open the update page.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_setcomplete' = 'Set completed. Press the %e button.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_error_wirelesschannel' = 'The wireless channel of the base station is set to the 5 GHz range. You must set to a channel in the 2.4 GHz range to connect the system and the base station directly over a wireless LAN.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_error_base_setupmode' = 'There are two or more base stations in [SETUP MODE]. Wait for a moment, and then try again.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_error_base_found' = 'The base station was not found.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_error_base_register_device' = 'Registration with the base station could not be completed. The maximum number of devices that can be registered has been reached. For details, refer to the operating instructions for the base station.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_error_base_notsupported' = 'The PSP™ system is not compatible with this base station. Contact Sony Corporation for more information on the base station.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_error_timedout' = 'A timeout error occurred during setup.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_connection_delete' = 'You can save up to 10 network connections. Go to [Settings] > [Network Settings] to delete a saved connection.'
'msglftv_ctrlpnl_remote' = 'Remote Control'
'msglftv_ctrlpnl_opt_audio' = 'Audio Options'
'msglftv_ctrlpnl_select_input' = 'Input Options'
'msglftv_ctrlpnl_rate' = 'Rate'
'msglftv_ctrlpnl_connection_status' = 'Connection Status'
'msglftv_error_disconnected' = 'This operation cannot be performed while disconnected.'
'msglftv_opt_audio_main' = 'Main'
'msglftv_opt_audio_sub' = 'Sub'
'msglftv_opt_audio_mainsub' = 'Main + Sub'
'msglftv_opt_audio_sap' = 'SAP'
'msglftv_opt_audio_stereo' = 'Stereo'
'msglftv_help_title' = 'LocationFree™ Player Help'
'msglftv_help_lr' = 'Switch Remote Control Tabs'
'msglftv_help_square' = 'Display Remote Control'
'msglftv_help_select' = 'Switch Input'
'msglftv_help_up' = 'Change Channel(+)'
'msglftv_help_down' = 'Change Channel(-)'
'msglftv_rate_select' = 'Select a rate for video quality. The higher the rate, the better the picture.'
'msglftv_connectionstatus_domain' = 'Base Station Domain Name'
'msglftv_connectionstatus_port' = 'Base Station Port Number'
'msglftv_settings_channel' = 'Channel Settings'
'msglftv_settings_remote' = 'Remote Control Settings'
'msglftv_settings_easy' = 'Basic Settings'
'msglftv_settings_base' = 'Base Station Settings'
'msglftv_settings_advanced' = 'Advanced Settings'
'msglftv_settings_channel_info' = 'Adjusts TV channel settings.'
'msglftv_settings_remote_info' = 'Settings for controlling a device connected to a video input of the base station using the on-screen remote control of the PSP™ system.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_info' = 'Basic settings for LocationFree™ Player.'
'msglftv_settings_base_info' = 'Starts the Internet browser and opens the Base Station Settings page.'
'msglftv_settings_advanced_info' = 'Settings for accessing the base station through a network device such as a router from outside the home. Usually, these settings do not need to be adjusted.'
'msglftv_settings_channel_display' = 'Display Channel'
'msglftv_settings_channel_receive' = 'Receive Channel'
'msglftv_settings_channel_skip' = 'Skip'
'msglftv_settings_channel_skip_no' = 'No'
'msglftv_settings_channel_skip_yes' = 'Yes'
'msglftv_settings_channel_tvtuner' = 'TV Tuner Setting'
'msglftv_settings_channel_internal' = 'Internal Tuner'
'msglftv_settings_channel_external' = 'External Tuner'
'msglftv_settings_channel_internal_info' = 'Select this option when using the internal TV tuner of the base station.'
'msglftv_settings_channel_external_info' = 'Select this option when using an external TV tuner such as a set-top box.'
'msglftv_settings_channel_set_info' = 'If the settings are correct, you can turn on and off the connected device. Connect the IR blaster to the base station, and then press the %e button. For details on the IR blaster, refer to the operating instructions for the base station.'
'msglftv_settings_channel_catv' = 'Cable TV'
'msglftv_settings_channel_catv_notuse_info' = 'Select this option if you are not using cable TV. Channels %1 to %2 will be available.'
'msglftv_settings_channel_catv_use_info' = 'Select this option if you are using cable TV. Channels %1 to %2 will be available.'
'msglftv_settings_channel_channel' = 'Channel'
'msglftv_settings_remote_input1' = 'Video 1'
'msglftv_settings_remote_input2' = 'Video 2'
'msglftv_settings_remote_input1_info' = 'Settings for controlling a device connected to Video 1 of the base station using the on-screen remote control of the PSP™ system.'
'msglftv_settings_remote_input2_info' = 'Settings for controlling a device connected to Video 2 of the base station using the on-screen remote control of the PSP™ system.'
'msglftv_settings_remote_select_set_info' = 'If the settings are correct, you can turn on and off the device connected to the video input of the base station. Connect the IR blaster to the base station, and then press the %e button. For details on the IR blaster, refer to the operating instructions for the base station.'
'msglftv_settings_advanced_domain' = 'Domain Name'
'msglftv_error_remote_nodata' = 'To use a remote control, you must insert a Memory Stick™ containing remote control data. You can download remote control data from the site below. Do you want to start the Internet browser and open this site?'
'msglftv_error_remote_notselected' = 'There is no remote control selected. Select [Settings] > [Remote Control Settings] from the control panel, and then select the remote control for the connected device.'
'msglftv_error_remotedata_corrupted' = 'The remote control data is corrupted.'
'msg_update_lftvremote_system_update' = 'The system software of your PSP™ system is version %1. To use this remote control data you must update to version %2 or later. Go to [Settings] > [System Update] to update the system.'
'msglftv_error_connect_base_busy' = 'A connection to the base station could not be established. Another device is currently connected to the base station.'
'msglftv_error_notregistered' = 'This PSP™ system is not registered with the base station. Select [Settings] from the control panel, and then start [Basic Settings] to register with the base station.'
'msglftv_settings_base_disconnect_prompt' = 'Press the %e button to disconnect and display the list of connections. Select the connection for accessing the base station.'
'msglftv_settings_base_prompt' = 'Press the %e button to display the list of connections. Select the connection for accessing the base station.'
'msglftv_lf_fin' = 'The LocationFree™ Player will close. Do you want to continue?'
'msglftv_settings_easy_disconnect_prompt' = 'You will be disconnected from the network to start Basic Settings. Press the %e button.'
'msglftv_asterisk' = '********'
'msglftv_rate_1' = '1 (Low)'
'msglftv_rate_2' = '2'
'msglftv_rate_3' = '3'
'msglftv_rate_4' = '4'
'msglftv_rate_5' = '5 (High)'
'msglftv_title_tv' = 'TV %1'
'msglftv_error_base_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the base station.'
'msglftv_error_connect_base' = 'A connection to the base station could not be established.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_error_base_register' = 'Registration with the base station could not be completed.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_error_base_register_tryagain' = 'Registration with the base station could not be completed. Please try again.'
'msglftv_settings_advanced_overwrite' = 'Overwrite During [Basic Settings]'
'msglftv_settings_advanced_domain_info' = 'Change when you will not use the registered dynamic DNS, such as when using a different dynamic DNS or a static address.'
'msglftv_settings_advanced_port_info' = 'Change when using the port forwarding feature of the router.'
'msglftv_settings_advanced_overwrite_info' = 'If checked, the domain name and port number will be automatically overwritten with the information saved in the base station during Basic Settings.'
'msglftv_error_bssecurity_notsupported' = 'The PSP™ system does not support the security method of this base station.'
'msglftv_title_externaltvtuner' = 'External TV Tuner'
'msglftv_settings_remote_version_info' = 'Displays version information for remote control data saved on the Memory Stick™.'
'msglftv_settings_remote_version_em_info' = 'Displays version information for remote control data saved in the system storage.'
'msglftv_settings_remote_version_number' = 'The remote control data is version %1. You can check the latest version at the site listed below. Do you want to start the Internet browser and open this site?'
'msglftv_settings_remote_version' = 'Version Information'
'msglftv_error_remote_data_corrupted' = 'The remote control data is corrupted. To use, you must download remote control data from the site listed below. Do you want to start the Internet browser and open this site?'
'msglftv_error_remote_data_em' = 'You must download remote control data from the site listed below. Do you want to start the Internet browser and open this site?'
'msglftv_settings_manufacturer' = 'Select the manufacturer.'
'msglftv_settings_type' = 'Select the type.'
'msglftv_settings_power' = 'Power'
'msglftv_settings_channel_channel_select' = 'Select the channel.'
'msglftv_settings_channel_channel_info' = 'Select the channel for antenna output from the external tuner.'
'msglftv_settings_error_remotedata' = 'To perform this setting, you must insert a Memory Stick™ containing remote control data. You can download remote control data from the site below. Do you want to start the Internet browser and open this site?'
'msglftv_ctrlpnl_volume' = 'Volume Adjustment'
'msglftv_ctrlpnl_volume_1' = '+1'
'msglftv_ctrlpnl_volume_2' = '+2'
'msglftv_settings_advanced_dynamicdns' = 'Dynamic DNS Settings'
'msglftv_settings_advanced_videosignal' = 'Video Signal Settings'
'msglftv_settings_advanced_videosignal_info' = 'Sets the broadcast standard for the video inputs of the base station.'
'msglftv_settings_advanced_videosignal_select' = 'Select the broadcast standard for video 1 and 2.'
'msglftv_settings_disconnect' = 'When changing this setting, you will be temporarily disconnected and then reconnected. This operation may take some time to complete. Do you want to continue?'
'msglftv_videosignal_ntsc' = 'NTSC'
'msglftv_videosignal_ntsc443' = 'NTSC4.43'
'msglftv_videosignal_pal' = 'PAL'
'msglftv_videosignal_pal60' = 'PAL60'
'msglftv_videosignal_paln' = 'PAL-N'
'msglftv_videosignal_palm' = 'PAL-M'
'msglftv_videosignal_secam' = 'SECAM'
'msg_settings_easy_start_ms' = 'Automatically performs settings for LocationFree™ Player using the basic settings file of the Memory Stick™.'
'msg_settings_easy_start_em' = 'Automatically performs settings for LocationFree™ Player using the basic settings file in the system storage.'
'msg_del_remotedata_ask' = 'The remote control data will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msg_settings_remote_no_version' = 'There is no version information for additional remote control data. You can check the latest remote control data at the following site: Do you want to start the Internet browser and open this site?'
'msg_settings_remote_over' = 'You can display up to %1 additional remote control data items.'
'msg_settings_easy_error_base_found_setupmode' = 'A base station in [SETUP MODE] was not found. Refer to the instructions for the base station for details.'
'msglftv_ctrlpnl_remote_with_icon' = 'Remote Control '
'msglftv_ctrlpnl_select_input_with_icon' = 'Input Options '
'msg_deleting' = 'Deleting... Please wait.'
'ten_0_label' = '0'
'ten_1_label' = '1'
'ten_2_label' = '2'
'ten_3_label' = '3'
'ten_4_label' = '4'
'ten_5_label' = '5'
'ten_6_label' = '6'
'ten_7_label' = '7'
'ten_8_label' = '8'
'ten_9_label' = '9'
'msgshare_error_del' = 'Delete failed.'
'msgshare_error_del_ms_locked' = 'Delete failed. The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_ms' = 'The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_em' = 'The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_no_data' = 'There is no data.'
'msgshare_error_no_ms' = 'There is no Memory Stick™ inserted.'
'msgshare_error_ms_full' = 'There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msgshare_error_em_full' = 'There is not enough free space in the system storage.'
'msgshare_error_ms_locked' = 'The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_lan_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WLAN switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_wireless_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WIRELESS switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_content_corrupted_game' = 'This game cannot be started. The data is corrupted.'
'msgshare_sd_error_load_data_corrupted' = 'Load failed. The data is corrupted.'
'msgshare_sd_error_load_no_data' = 'Load failed. There is no data available.'
'msgshare_sd_error_save_ms_locked' = 'Save failed. The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_internal' = 'An internal error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_load' = 'Load failed.'
'msgshare_error_save' = 'Save failed.'
'msgshare_error_connect' = 'A connection error has occurred.'
'msgshare_pppoe_disconnect' = 'You have been disconnected from the PPPoE server.'
'msgshare_pppoe_com_1' = 'A PPPoE error has occurred.'
'msgshare_dhcp_com_1' = 'A DHCP error has occurred.'
'msgshare_dhcp_not_found' = 'A DHCP server was not detected.'
'msgshare_ap_disconnect_1' = 'You have been disconnected from the access point.'
'msgshare_nw_disconnect' = 'You have been disconnected from the network.'
'msgshare_error_del_nodata' = 'Delete failed. There is no data.'
'msgshare_error_ms_removed' = 'The Memory Stick™ has been removed.'
'msgshare_error_content_corrupted' = 'The data is corrupted.'
'msgshare_error' = 'An error has occurred.'
'msgshare_sd_error_save_data_corrupted' = 'Save failed. The data is corrupted.'
'msgshare_error_save_ms_no_access' = 'Save failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_save_em_no_access' = 'Save failed. The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_save_ms_locked' = 'Save failed. The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_save_misc' = 'Save failed.'
'msgshare_error_no_photo' = 'There are no images.'
'msgshare_error_save_msfull' = 'Save failed. There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msgshare_error_save_em_full' = 'Save failed. There is not enough free space in the system storage.'
'msgshare_error_save_ms_removed' = 'Save failed. The Memory Stick™ has been removed.'
'msggame_install_error_corrupted' = 'The install failed. The data is corrupted.'
'msggame_install_error_ms_no_access' = 'The install failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msggame_install_error_em_no_access' = 'The install failed. The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msggame_install_error_ms_locked' = 'The install failed. The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msggame_install_error_ms_full_dialog' = 'The install failed. There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msggame_install_error_em_full_dialog' = 'The install failed. There is not enough free space in the system storage.'
'msggame_install_error_ms_removed' = 'The install failed. The Memory Stick™ has been removed.'
'msggame_install_error_install' = 'The install failed.'
'msg_error_install_no_umd' = 'The install failed. The disc has been removed.'
'msggame_install_same_installed_dialog' = 'This game data has already been installed.'
'msggame_install_error_no_data_dialog' = 'The install failed. There is no data.'
'msggame_install_error_unsupported_data_dialog' = 'The install failed. The data type is not supported.'
'msggame_install_error_lowbattery_dialog' = 'The install failed. The battery level is low.'
'msggame_install_error_systemversion_dialog' = 'The install failed. This game data is not compatible with the version of the system software of the PSP™ system in use.'
'msggame_install_error_wrongdata' = 'This game data cannot be installed.'
'msgerror_load_ms_no_access' = 'Load failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_load_em_no_access' = 'Load failed. The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_sd_error_load_ms_removed' = 'Load failed. The Memory Stick™ has been removed.'
'msgerror_mu_error_save_ms_full' = 'Save failed. There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msgerror_mu_error_save_em_full' = 'Save failed. There is not enough free space in the system storage.'
'msgerror_sd_error_save_ms_no_access' = 'Save failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_sd_error_save_em_no_access' = 'Save failed. The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_sd_error_save_ms_removed' = 'Save failed. The Memory Stick™ has been removed.'
'msgerror_sleep_processcancelled' = 'Processing was cancelled because the system was shifted to sleep mode.'
'msgerror_error_del_no_ms' = 'Delete failed. There is no Memory Stick™ inserted.'
'msgerror_error_del_ms_no_access' = 'Delete failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_error_del_em_no_access' = 'Delete failed. The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_error_del_ms_removed' = 'Delete failed. The Memory Stick™ has been removed.'
'msg_error_matching_stop' = 'The matching service has ended.'
'msg_error_matching_maintenance' = 'The matching service is currently undergoing maintenance.'
'msg_error_congestion_matching' = 'The matching service is busy. Try again later.'
'msg_error_account_matching' = 'Use of the matching service has been suspended for this account.'
'msg_error_comm_server_timeout' = 'Communication with the server timed out.'
'msg_error_use_account' = 'You cannot use PlayStation®Network with this account.'
'msg_error_ms_not_found' = 'Insert a Memory Stick™.'
'msg_error_save_screenshot_over' = 'Save failed. The maximum number of images that can be saved in a folder is %1.'
'msg_error_cannot_purchase_parental_control' = 'This content cannot be purchased because of parental control restrictions.'
'msg_error_service_maintenance' = 'This service is currently undergoing maintenance.'
'msg_error_no_umd' = 'There is no disc inserted.'
'msgshare_ms' = 'Memory Stick™'
'msg_em' = 'System Storage'
'msgshare_opt_del' = 'Delete'
'msgshare_opt_info' = 'Information'
'msgshare_info_date' = 'Updated'
'msgshare_info_playtime' = 'Length'
'msgshare_info_size' = 'Size'
'msgshare_info_title' = 'Title'
'msgshare_info_none' = '-'
'msgshare_info_parent' = 'Parental Control'
'msgshare_info_level' = 'Level %1'
'msgshare_info_codec' = 'Codec'
'msgshare_on' = 'On'
'msgshare_off' = 'Off'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_play' = 'Play'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_stop' = 'Stop'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_pause' = 'Pause'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_display' = 'Display'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_repeat_ab' = 'A-B Repeat'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_repeat' = 'Repeat'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_help' = 'Help'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_fastforward' = 'Fast Forward'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_fastreverse' = 'Fast Reverse'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_prev' = 'Previous'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_next' = 'Next'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_clear' = 'Clear'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_size_normal' = 'Normal'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_sizezoom' = 'Zoom'
'msgshare_deleted' = 'Delete completed.'
'msgshare_error_del' = 'Delete failed.'
'msgshare_error_del_ms_locked' = 'Delete failed. The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_ms' = 'The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_em' = 'The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_no_ms' = 'There is no Memory Stick™ inserted.'
'msgshare_error_ms_full' = 'There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msgshare_error_em_full' = 'There is not enough free space in the system storage.'
'msgshare_error_ms_locked' = 'The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_lan_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WLAN switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_wireless_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WIRELESS switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_date_num' = '%1/%2/%3'
'msgshare_date_bar' = '----/--/--'
'msgshare_time_num1' = '%1:%2:%3'
'msgshare_time_num2' = '%1:%2'%3'''
'msgshare_time_bar' = '--:--:--'
'msgshare_datetime_num' = '%1/%2/%3 %4:%5:%6'
'msgshare_datetime_bar' = '----/--/-- --:--:--'
'msgshare_datetime_num_ap' = '%1/%2/%3 %4:%5:%6 %7'
'msgshare_datetime_bar_ap' = '----/--/-- --:--:-- --'
'msgshare_am' = 'AM'
'msgshare_pm' = 'PM'
'msgshare_lang_japanese' = 'Japanese'
'msgshare_lang_english' = 'English'
'msgshare_lang_french' = 'French'
'msgshare_lang_spanish' = 'Spanish'
'msgshare_lang_german' = 'German'
'msgshare_lang_italian' = 'Italian'
'msgshare_lang_dutch' = 'Dutch'
'msgshare_lang_portuguese' = 'Portuguese'
'msgshare_lang_danish' = 'Danish'
'msgshare_lang_swedish' = 'Swedish'
'msgshare_lang_finnish' = 'Finnish'
'msgshare_lang_norwegian' = 'Norwegian'
'msgshare_lang_russian' = 'Russian'
'msgshare_lang_korean' = 'Korean'
'msgshare_lang_chinese' = 'Chinese'
'msgshare_corrupted_data' = 'Corrupted Data'
'msgshare_unsupported_data' = 'Unsupported Data'
'msgshare_error_parental_lock' = 'Restricted Content'
'msgshare_error_wrong_region_video' = 'This video cannot be played. The region code is not correct.'
'msgshare_error_internal' = 'An internal error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_content_corrupted' = 'The data is corrupted.'
'msgshare_error_ap_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the access point.'
'msgshare_error_pppoe_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the PPPoE server.'
'msgshare_error_pppoe_com' = 'A connection error has occurred. There was a PPPoE communication error.'
'msgshare_error_ms_read' = 'The Memory Stick™ cannot be read.'
'msgshare_error_em_read' = 'The system storage cannot be read.'
'msgshare_resolution' = 'Resolution'
'msgshare_error_connection_timeout' = 'The connection to the server timed out.'
'msgshare_error_dns' = 'Communication with the server failed. A DNS error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_comm_server' = 'Communication with the server failed.'
'msgshare_copyright' = 'Copyright Information'
'msgshare_error_server_http' = 'A server error has occurred. (HTTP Status Code: %1)'
'msgshare_error_server_unsupported' = 'The server does not support this feature.'
'msgshare_error_sslcomm' = 'This feature does not support SSL communication.'
'msgshare_error_unsupported_data' = 'The data type is not supported.'
'msgshare_folder' = 'Folder'
'msgshare_info_file_number' = 'File Number'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_play_with_icon' = 'Play '
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_pause_with_icon' = 'Pause '
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_fastforward_with_icon' = 'Fast Forward '
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_fastreverse_with_icon' = 'Fast Reverse '
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_prev_with_icon' = 'Previous '
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_next_with_icon' = 'Next '
'msg_16_9' = '16:9'
'msg_4_3' = '4:3'
'msgnetconf_error_dhcp_com' = 'A connection error has occurred. There was a DHCP communication error.'
'msgnetconf_error_pppep_not_found' = 'A connection error has occurred. A PPPoE server was not detected.'
'msgnetconf_error_dhcp_not_found' = 'A connection error has occurred. A DHCP server was not detected.'
'msgmusic_info_playlist' = 'Playlist'
'msg_playlists' = 'Playlists'
'msgmusic_info_genre' = 'Genre'
'msgmusic_info_samplingfrequency' = 'Sampling Frequency'
'msgmusic_info_khz' = '%1 kHz'
'msgmusic_ctrlpnl_help_play' = ': Play'
'msgmusic_ctrlpnl_help_stop' = ': Stop'
'msgmusic_ctrlpnl_help_pause' = ': Play/Pause'
'msgmusic_ctrlpnl_help_fastreverse' = ': Fast Reverse'
'msgmusic_ctrlpnl_help_fastforward' = ': Fast Forward'
'msg_ctrlpnl_with_icon' = ' Control Panel'
'msg_copying_em' = 'Copying to the system storage... Please wait.'
'msg_copying_ms' = 'Copying to the Memory Stick™... Please wait.'
'msg_moving_em' = 'Moving to the system storage... Please wait.'
'msg_moving_ms' = 'Moving to the Memory Stick™... Please wait.'
'msg_ms_copy_stopped' = 'The copy operation has been cancelled. There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msg_em_copy_stopped' = 'The copy operation has been cancelled. There is not enough free space in the system storage.'
'msg_apply_all' = 'Apply to All'
'msg_completed' = 'Completed'
'msg_delete_playlist_conf' = 'The playlist will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msg_no_playlist_video' = 'There are no playlists. You can import playlists from the Media Go™ application. For details, refer to the instructions for the PSP™ system.'
'msgvideo_error_notexecute' = 'This operation is not available here.'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_repeat_off' = 'Repeat Off'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_goto' = 'Go To'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_fastforward_1' = 'Forward 1'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_fastforward_2' = 'Forward 2'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_fastforward_3' = 'Forward 3'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_fastreverse_1' = 'Reverse 1'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_fastreverse_2' = 'Reverse 2'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_fastreverse_3' = 'Reverse 3'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_slow' = 'Slow Motion'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_oneframe' = 'Frame Advance'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_viewmode' = 'Screen Mode'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_sizefull' = 'Full Screen'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_sizeorgnl' = 'Original'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_opt_audio' = 'Audio Options'
'msgvideoumd_ctrlpnl_help_prev' = ': Previous Chapter'
'msgvideoumd_ctrlpnl_help_next' = ': Next Chapter'
'msgvideoumd_error_no_audio' = 'There are no audio options available.'
'msgvideoumd_error_no_subtitle' = 'There are no subtitle options available.'
'msgvideoumd_error_no_nextchapter' = 'There is no chapter available.'
'msgvideoumd_error_no_prevchapter' = 'There is no chapter available.'
'msgvideoumd_ctrlpnl_repeat_chapter' = 'Chapter Repeat'
'msgvideoumd_ctrlpnl_chapter' = 'Chapter'
'msgvideoumd_ctrlpnl_opt_subtitle' = 'Subtitle Options'
'msgvideoms_error_no_video' = 'There are no videos.'
'msg_error_no_video_instruction' = 'There are no videos. You can import content from a PS3™ system or a PC. For details, refer to the instructions for the PSP™ system.'
'msg_error_no_video_play' = 'There are no videos that can be played.'
'msgvideoms_del_video_ask' = 'The video will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msgvideoms_ctrlpnl_repeat_on' = 'Repeat On'
'msgvideoms_ctrlpnl_start' = 'Return to Beginning'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_help_title' = 'Video Help'
'msgvideo_error_playback' = 'This video cannot be played.'
'msgvideoms_info_audiocodec' = 'Audio Codec'
'msgvideoms_info_videocodec' = 'Video Codec'
'msgvideoms_info_videocodec_mpeg4' = 'MPEG-4 %1 kbps'
'msgvideoms_info_videocodec_avc' = 'AVC %1 kbps'
'msgvideoms_info_audiocodec_aac' = ' %1 kbps'
'msgvideoms_ctrlpnl_audioopt_left' = 'Left'
'msgvideoms_ctrlpnl_audioopt_right' = 'Right'
'msgvideoms_ctrlpnl_audioopt_leftright' = 'Left + Right'
'msgvideoms_info_startdate' = 'Starts'
'msgvideoms_info_expirationdate' = 'Expires'
'msgvideoms_info_remaining' = 'Hours Left'
'msgvideoms_info_nolimit' = 'No Time Limit'
'msgvideoms_info_expired' = 'Expired'
'msgvideoms_error_startdate' = 'The content is not available before the start date.'
'msgvideoms_error_expired' = 'The content has expired and is no longer available.'
'msgvideoms_error_timelimited_settime' = 'This content has a time limit. Go to [Settings] > [Date & Time Settings] > [Date and Time], and select [Set via Internet] to set the date and time.'
'msgvideoms_error_licenseinfo' = 'The copyright protection information is invalid.'
'msgvideoms_video' = '%1 Video'
'msgvideoms_videos' = '%1 Videos'
'msgvideoms_videos_plus' = '%1+ Videos'
'msg_folder' = '%1 Folder'
'msg_folders' = '%1 Folders'
'msg_folders_plus' = '%1+ Folders'
'msg_foldernumber' = 'Folders'
'msgvideoms_ditigalcamera' = 'Digital Camera Recordings'
'msgvideoms_info_videocodec_motionjpeg' = 'Motion JPEG %1 fps'
'msgvideoms_info_audiocodec_linearpcm' = 'Linear PCM %1 kbps'
'msgvideoms_info_audiocodec_nonlinearpcm' = 'Non-linear PCM %1 kbps'
'msgvideoms_digitalcamera_del_all_ask' = 'All videos in the Digital Camera Recordings folder, including protected videos, will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msgvideoms_folder_info_video' = 'Video'
'msgvideoms_folder_info_videos' = 'Videos'
'msg_production_date' = 'Produced'
'msg_del_mg_ask' = 'This video includes copyright protection. Are you sure you want to delete it?'
'msg_error_progressive' = 'You cannot do progressive download with the current connection.'
'msg_error_del_videofolder' = 'An error occurred during folder deletion. There are data items of types other than video data in the folder.'
'msg_repeat_title' = 'Title Repeat'
'msg_file' = 'File'
'msg_scene_search' = 'Scene Search'
'msg_scene_search_colon' = ': Scene Search'
'msg_interval_sec' = '%1 Second Intervals'
'msg_interval_min' = '%1 Minute Intervals'
'msg_interval_1min' = '1 Minute Intervals'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_prev_colon' = ': Previous'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_next_colon' = ': Next'
'msg_shuffle' = 'Shuffle'
'msg_shuffle_on' = 'Shuffle On'
'msg_shuffle_off' = 'Shuffle Off'
'msg_no_video_prev' = 'There is no video available.'
'msg_no_video_next' = 'There is no video available.'
'msg_folder_repeat' = 'Folder Repeat'
'msg_del_video_protected_conf' = 'This video is protected. Are you sure you want to delete the video?'
'msg_del_videofolder_conf' = 'The folder and all videos in the folder, including protected videos, will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msg_del_videoplaylist_conf' = 'The playlist and all videos in the playlist, including protected videos, will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msg_scene_search_with_icon' = 'Scene Search '
'msg_scene_search_with_icon2' = ' Scene Search '
'msg_other' = 'Other'
'msg_foldermode' = 'Folder Mode'
'msg_folder_play' = 'Folder Play'
'msg_all_play' = 'All Play'
'msg_all_repeat' = 'All Repeat'
'msg_error_notexecute_video' = 'This operation cannot be performed for this video.'
'msg_error_short_playtime' = 'The playback time is too short.'
'msg_expires_variable' = 'Expires %1'
'msg_error_playstop_expired' = 'Playback has stopped. The content has expired and is no longer available.'
'msg_day_plural' = '%1 Days'
'msg_period_elapsing_from_start' = '(Or %1 Hours After First Playback)'
'msg_playback_speed_plus_with_icon' = 'Playback Speed (+) '
'msg_playback_speed_minus_with_icon' = 'Playback Speed (-) '
'msg_playback_speed_plus_colon' = ': Playback Speed (+)'
'msg_playback_speed_minus_colon' = ': Playback Speed (-)'
'msg_chapter' = 'Chapter'
'msg_error_videoout_copyright' = 'This video content is copyright protected. The video output cannot be displayed.'
'msgsavedata_bu_cancel_ask' = 'Do you want to cancel Copy?'
'msgsavedata_opt_backup' = 'Copy'
'msg_error_move_data' = 'This data cannot be moved.'
'msg_copied' = 'Copy completed.'
'msg_error_copy_failed' = 'Copy failed.'
'msg_move' = 'Move'
'msg_move_cancel_conf' = 'Do you want to cancel the move operation?'
'msg_moved' = 'Move completed.'
'msg_error_move_failed' = 'An error occurred during the move operation.'
'msg_error_activated_psp' = 'To use this content, you must activate the system.'
'msg_error_licenseinfo_activated_psp' = 'The activation information is invalid. To use this content, you must activate the system.'
'msg_error_invalid_account' = 'This content cannot be accessed on your account.'
'msgerror_error_del_no_ms' = 'Delete failed. There is no Memory Stick™ inserted.'
'msgerror_error_del_ms_no_access' = 'Delete failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_error_del_em_no_access' = 'Delete failed. The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_error_del_ms_removed' = 'Delete failed. The Memory Stick™ has been removed.'
'msg_same_name_file' = 'A file with the same name already exists.'
'msg_different_name_save' = 'Rename and Save'
'msg_overwrite_save' = 'Overwrite and Save'
'msg_save_no' = 'Do Not Save'
'msg_deleting' = 'Deleting... Please wait.'
'msg_program_guide' = 'Description'
'msg_del_content_cannot_dl_again_conf_psn' = 'The content will be deleted and cannot be downloaded again. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msgshare_opt_del' = 'Delete'
'msgshare_opt_info' = 'Information'
'msgshare_info_date' = 'Updated'
'msgshare_info_playtime' = 'Length'
'msgshare_info_size' = 'Size'
'msgshare_info_none' = '-'
'msgshare_info_codec' = 'Codec'
'msgshare_deleted' = 'Delete completed.'
'msgshare_error_del' = 'Delete failed.'
'msgshare_error_del_ms_locked' = 'Delete failed. The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_ms' = 'The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_em' = 'The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_no_ms' = 'There is no Memory Stick™ inserted.'
'msgshare_error_ms_full' = 'There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msgshare_error_em_full' = 'There is not enough free space in the system storage.'
'msgshare_error_ms_locked' = 'The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_geting_filesize' = 'Counting...'
'msgshare_corrupted_data' = 'Corrupted Data'
'msgshare_unsupported_data' = 'Unsupported Data'
'msgshare_symbol_colon' = ':'
'msgshare_symbol_period' = '.'
'msgshare_symbol_quote' = '''
'msgshare_symbol_doublequote' = '"'
'msgshare_error_content_corrupted' = 'The data is corrupted.'
'msgshare_error_connection_timeout' = 'The connection to the server timed out.'
'msgshare_error_dns' = 'Communication with the server failed. A DNS error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_server_http' = 'A server error has occurred. (HTTP Status Code: %1)'
'msgshare_error_server_unsupported' = 'The server does not support this feature.'
'msgshare_error_sslcomm' = 'This feature does not support SSL communication.'
'msgshare_error_unsupported_data' = 'The data type is not supported.'
'msgshare_folder' = 'Folder'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_play_with_icon' = 'Play '
'msg_backto_music_with_icon' = '%P Back to [Music]'
'msgmusic_folder_info_track' = '%1 Track'
'msgmusic_folder_info_tracks' = '%1 Tracks'
'msgmusic_folder_info_tracks_plus' = '%1+ Tracks'
'msgmusic_info_groupname' = 'Group'
'msgmusic_info_albumname' = 'Album'
'msgmusic_info_playlist' = 'Playlist'
'msg_playlists' = 'Playlists'
'msgmusic_info_artistname' = 'Artist'
'msgmusic_info_trackname' = 'Title'
'msgmusic_info_tracknumber' = 'Tracks'
'msgmusic_info_genre' = 'Genre'
'msgmusic_del_track_ask' = 'The track will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msgmusic_error_no_track' = 'There are no tracks.'
'msg_error_no_track_instruction' = 'There are no tracks. You can import content from a PS3™ system or a PC. For details, refer to the instructions for the PSP™ system.'
'msgmusic_error_playback_expired' = 'The effective period is limited.'
'msgmusic_error_playback_remaining' = 'The number of plays is restricted.'
'msgmusic_info_codec_5.1ch' = 'ATRAC3plus™ 5.1 ch'
'msgmusic_info_codec_1.4m' = 'Linear PCM 1.4 Mbps'
'msgmusic_info_codec_3m' = 'Linear PCM 3 Mbps'
'msgmusic_info_codec_4.6m' = 'Linear PCM 4.6 Mbps'
'msgmusic_info_codec_unknown' = 'Unknown'
'msgmusic_info_codec_mp3' = 'MP3 %1 kbps'
'msgmusic_info_samplingfrequency' = 'Sampling Frequency'
'msgmusic_info_khz' = '%1 kHz'
'msgmusic_error_del_folder' = 'This folder cannot be deleted. The folder contains data of types other than music data.'
'msgmusic_error_playback_cannot_open' = 'The file cannot be opened.'
'msgmusic_error_playback' = 'This track cannot be played.'
'msgmusic_error_gp_pb_inconsistent' = 'The group information is invalid. If this track is deleted, the group information will be repaired. Do you want to continue?'
'msgmusic_error_playback_limited' = 'Playback is restricted.'
'msgmusic_error_del_mg' = 'Delete failed. The copyright protection information is invalid.'
'msgmusic_error_playback_folder' = 'There are no tracks that can be played.'
'msgmusic_info_codec_aac' = ' %1 kbps'
'msgmusic_info_codec_wma' = 'WMA %1 kbps'
'msgmusic_info_codec_wav_linearpcm' = 'Linear PCM %1 bit %2 ch'
'msgmusic_info_codec_wav_adpcm' = 'ADPCM %1 bit %2 ch'
'msgmusic_info_codec_atrac3' = 'ATRAC3™ %1 kbps'
'msgmusic_info_codec_atrac3plus' = 'ATRAC3plus™ %1 kbps'
'msgmusic_error_playback_invalidregistration' = 'The service registration is invalid.'
'msgmusic_error_playback_protected_wma' = 'WMA tracks with copyright protection cannot be played.'
'msgmusic_error_playback_wma_activate' = 'WMA playback is not enabled. Go to [Settings] > [System Settings], and select [Enable WMA Playback] to enable this feature.'
'msg_del_track_protected_conf' = 'This track is protected. Are you sure you want to delete the track?'
'msg_del_musicfolder_conf' = 'The folder and all tracks in the folder, including protected tracks, will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msg_del_musicplaylist_conf' = 'The playlist and all tracks in the playlist, including protected tracks, will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msg_del_musicgroup_conf' = 'The group and all tracks in the group, including protected tracks, will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msg_copying_em' = 'Copying to the system storage... Please wait.'
'msg_copying_ms' = 'Copying to the Memory Stick™... Please wait.'
'msg_apply_all' = 'Apply to All'
'msg_delete_playlist_conf' = 'The playlist will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msg_no_playlist' = 'There are no playlists. You can import playlists from a PS3™ system or from the Media Go™ application. For details, refer to the instructions for the PSP™ system.'
'msg_error_play_low_memory' = 'System memory is low.'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_sizeorgnl' = 'Original'
'msgvideoms_error_licenseinfo' = 'The copyright protection information is invalid.'
'msg_folder' = '%1 Folder'
'msg_folders' = '%1 Folders'
'msg_folders_plus' = '%1+ Folders'
'msg_foldernumber' = 'Folders'
'msgsavedata_bu_cancel_ask' = 'Do you want to cancel Copy?'
'msgsavedata_opt_backup' = 'Copy'
'msg_copied' = 'Copy completed.'
'msg_error_copy_failed' = 'Copy failed.'
'msgerror_error_del_ms_no_access' = 'Delete failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_error_del_em_no_access' = 'Delete failed. The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msg_same_name_file' = 'A file with the same name already exists.'
'msg_different_name_save' = 'Rename and Save'
'msg_overwrite_save' = 'Overwrite and Save'
'msg_save_no' = 'Do Not Save'
'msg_deleting' = 'Deleting... Please wait.'
'msgshare_off' = 'Off'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_stop' = 'Stop'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_display' = 'Display'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_repeat_ab' = 'A-B Repeat'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_repeat' = 'Repeat'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_help' = 'Help'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_groupmode' = 'Group Mode'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_prevgroup' = 'Previous Group'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_nextgroup' = 'Next Group'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_clear' = 'Clear'
'msgshare_symbol_colon' = ':'
'msgshare_symbol_slash' = '/'
'msgshare_symbol_1' = '1'
'msgshare_count' = '(%1/%2)'
'msgshare_buffering' = 'Buffering...'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_play_with_icon' = 'Play '
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_pause_with_icon' = 'Pause '
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_fastforward_with_icon' = 'Fast Forward '
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_fastreverse_with_icon' = 'Fast Reverse '
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_prevtrack_with_icon' = 'Previous Track '
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_nexttrack_with_icon' = 'Next Track '
'msgmusic_error_no_nexttrack' = 'There is no track available.'
'msgmusic_error_no_prevtrack' = 'There is no track available.'
'msgmusic_error_no_nextgroup' = 'There is no group available.'
'msgmusic_error_no_prevgroup' = 'There is no group available.'
'msgmusic_ctrlpnl_help_prev' = ': Previous Track'
'msgmusic_ctrlpnl_help_next' = ': Next Track'
'msgmusic_ctrlpnl_help_play' = ': Play'
'msgmusic_ctrlpnl_help_stop' = ': Stop'
'msgmusic_ctrlpnl_help_pause' = ': Play/Pause'
'msgmusic_ctrlpnl_help_fastreverse' = ': Fast Reverse'
'msgmusic_ctrlpnl_help_fastforward' = ': Fast Forward'
'msgmusic_ctrlpnl_help' = 'Music Help'
'msg_visualizer' = 'Visual Player'
'msg_visualizer_with_icon' = 'Visual Player '
'msg_homemenu_with_icon' = '%P XMB™'
'msg_ctrlpnl_with_icon' = ' Control Panel'
'msg_sleeptimer' = 'Sleep Timer'
'msg_sleeptimer_cancelled' = 'The sleep timer has been disabled.'
'msg_sleepmode_notification' = 'The system is going to switch to sleep mode soon.'
'msgvideo_error_notexecute' = 'This operation is not available here.'
'msg_shuffle' = 'Shuffle'
'msgshare_opt_del' = 'Delete'
'msgshare_opt_info' = 'Information'
'msgshare_connect' = 'Connect'
'msgshare_opt_edit' = 'Edit'
'msgshare_opt_connect_test' = 'Test Connection'
'msgshare_percent' = '%1%%'
'msgshare_on' = 'On'
'msgshare_off' = 'Off'
'msgshare_auto' = 'Automatic'
'msgshare_manual' = 'Manual'
'msgshare_use' = 'Use'
'msgshare_not_use' = 'Do Not Use'
'msgshare_canceling' = 'Cancelling... Please wait.'
'msgshare_saved' = 'Save completed.'
'msgshare_deleting_notturnoff' = 'Deleting... Do not turn off the power.'
'msgshare_deleted' = 'Delete completed.'
'msgshare_error_lan_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WLAN switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_wireless_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WIRELESS switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_direction_lr' = 'Press the ◀ button to go back, or the ▶ button to continue.'
'msgshare_direction_r' = 'Press the ▶ button to continue.'
'msgshare_direction_l' = 'Press the ◀ button to go back.'
'msgshare_error_internal' = 'An internal error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_connect' = 'A connection error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_connect_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the network.'
'msgshare_connecting' = 'Connecting... Please wait.'
'msgshare_wait' = 'Please wait...'
'msgshare_error_notconnected' = 'You are not connected to the network.'
'msgshare_error' = 'An error has occurred.'
'msgshare_failed' = 'Failed'
'msgshare_error_ap_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the access point.'
'msgshare_error_pppoe_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the PPPoE server.'
'msgshare_error_pppoe_com' = 'A connection error has occurred. There was a PPPoE communication error.'
'msgshare_channel' = 'Channel'
'msgshare_error_connection_timeout' = 'The connection to the server timed out.'
'msgshare_error_dns' = 'Communication with the server failed. A DNS error has occurred.'
'msgshare_address' = 'Address'
'msgtop_sysconf_network' = 'Network Settings'
'msgtop_network_browser' = 'Internet Browser'
'msg_psspot' = 'PlayStation®Spot'
'msg_psspot_instruction' = 'A network connection for use in connecting to the Internet at a PlayStation®Spot will be automatically created.'
'msg_error_bt_device_over' = 'No additional Bluetooth® devices can be connected. To connect this device, you must disconnect other Bluetooth® devices.'
'msg_device_name' = 'Device Name'
'msgnetconf_newconnect' = '[New Connection]'
'msgnetconf_connectname' = 'Connection Name'
'msgnetconf_connectname_default' = 'Connection %1'
'msgnetconf_ssid' = 'SSID'
'msgnetconf_none' = 'None'
'msgnetconf_wep' = 'WEP'
'msgnetconf_wepkey' = 'WEP Key'
'msgnetconf_searching' = 'Scanning... Please wait.'
'msgnetconf_signalstrength' = 'Signal Strength'
'msgnetconf_error_notfound_tryagain' = 'No access points were detected. Do you want to try again?'
'msgnetconf_choose_ipaddress' = 'IP Address Setting'
'msgnetconf_pppoe' = 'PPPoE'
'msgnetconf_choose_dns' = 'DNS Setting'
'msgnetconf_ipaddress' = 'IP Address'
'msgnetconf_netmask' = 'Subnet Mask'
'msgnetconf_defaultrooter' = 'Default Router'
'msgnetconf_primedns' = 'Primary DNS'
'msgnetconf_seconddns' = 'Secondary DNS'
'msgnetconf_userid' = 'User Name'
'msgnetconf_password' = 'Password'
'msgnetconf_proxyserver' = 'Proxy Server'
'msgnetconf_proxyserver_number' = 'Port Number'
'msgnetconf_autoconnection' = 'Automatic'
'msgnetconf_bssid' = 'BSSID'
'msgnetconf_macaddress' = 'MAC Address'
'msgnetconf_set' = 'Press the %e button to save settings.'
'msgnetconf_cancel_setup_ask' = 'Do you want to cancel? The settings you have made so far will not be saved if you cancel.'
'msgnetconf_del_connect_ask' = 'Do you want to delete this connection?'
'msgnetconf_cmn_title_netconnect' = 'Network Connection'
'msgnetconf_cmn_title_status' = 'Connection Status'
'msgnetconf_cmn_go_netconf' = 'You must create a network connection to continue.'
'msgnetconf_cmn_choose_connect' = 'Select connection.'
'msgnetconf_cmn_connecting' = 'Connecting to the access point... Please wait.'
'msgnetconf_start_new' = 'Create a connection.'
'msgnetconf_start_edit' = 'Select a connection to edit.'
'msgnetconf_enter_connectname' = 'Enter the connection name.'
'msgnetconf_enter_wlan' = 'WLAN Settings'
'msgnetconf_choose_address' = 'Address Settings'
'msgnetconf_choose_address_auto' = 'Easy'
'msgnetconf_choose_address_manual' = 'Custom'
'msgnetconf_error_wep_length' = 'The characters you entered are not valid. For hexadecimal: Use 10 or 26 characters from the ranges 0-9, a-f, and A-F For ASCII: Use 5 or 13 characters'
'msgnetconf_error_connectname_same' = 'The name for an existing connection cannot be used.'
'msgnetconf_adhocmode' = 'Ad Hoc Mode'
'msg_adhocmode_info' = 'Adjust settings for direct communication between PSP™ systems without using the Internet.'
'msgnetconf_inframode' = 'Infrastructure Mode'
'msg_inframode_info' = 'Adjust settings for connecting to the Internet.'
'msgnetconf_channel_com' = 'Set to the channel in use for the PSP™ systems you want to connect to.'
'msgnetconf_error_no_name' = 'No connection name was entered. Enter a name of at least 1 character.'
'msgnetconf_test' = 'Test Connection'
'msgnetconf_error_set_connecting' = 'This operation cannot be performed when connected to the network.'
'msgnetconf_error_dhcp_com' = 'A connection error has occurred. There was a DHCP communication error.'
'msgnetconf_error_pppep_not_found' = 'A connection error has occurred. A PPPoE server was not detected.'
'msgnetconf_error_dhcp_not_found' = 'A connection error has occurred. A DHCP server was not detected.'
'msgnetconf_error_pppoe_error' = 'A connection error has occurred. The PPPoE server returned an error.'
'msgnetconf_error_pppoe_wrong_id_pw' = 'A connection error has occurred. The PPPoE user name or password is not correct.'
'msgnetconf_error_port_number' = 'The port number is invalid. Enter a number from 1 to 65535.'
'msgnetconf_internet_connection' = 'Internet Connection'
'msgnetconf_succeeded' = 'Succeeded'
'msgnetconf_list' = 'Setting List'
'msgnetconf_ch' = 'Ch %1'
'msgnetconf_scan_ssid' = 'Scan'
'msgnetconf_enter_ssid' = 'Enter Manually'
'msgnetconf_scan_ssid_instruction' = 'The PSP™ system will scan for the SSID of the access point. Select this option if you don't know the SSID.'
'msgnetconf_enter_ssid_instruction' = 'Manually enter the SSID of the access point.'
'msgnetconf_select_ap' = 'Select the access point to be used.'
'msgnetconf_wlansecurity_setting' = 'WLAN Security Setting'
'msgnetconf_wpapsk_tkip' = 'WPA-PSK (TKIP)'
'msgnetconf_wpakey' = 'WPA Key'
'msgnetconf_error_wpa_length' = 'The characters you entered are not valid. Use one of the following patterns. For hexadecimal: Use 64 characters from the ranges 0-9, a-f, and A-F For ASCII: Use from 8 to 63 characters'
'msgnetconf_authentication_setting' = 'Authentication Setting'
'msgnetconf_eapmd5_kr' = 'EAP-MD5'
'msgnetconf_eapmd5_id_kr' = 'EAP Authentication User Name'
'msgnetconf_eapmd5_password_kr' = 'EAP Authentication Password'
'msgnetconf_launch_browser' = 'Start'
'msgnetconf_not_launch_browser' = 'Do Not Start'
'msgnetconf_select_not_launch' = 'Usually, select this option.'
'msgnetconf_select_launch' = 'An Internet browser will be started after connection to the access point. Select this option when using an Internet browser for hotspot service login.'
'msgnetconf_error_ap_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. The connection to the access point timed out.'
'msgnetconf_getting_ipaddress' = 'Obtaining IP address... Please wait.'
'msgnetconf_error_ipaddress_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. The attempt to obtain the IP address timed out.'
'msg_error_ipaddress_timeout_wrong_pw' = 'The attempt to obtain the IP address timed out. The WEP key you entered may not be correct.'
'msgnetconf_error_authenticate_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. The authentication timed out.'
'msgnetconf_md5_authenticating' = 'Performing EAP authentication... Please wait.'
'msgnetconf_md5_keyexchanging' = 'Exchanging key information... Please wait.'
'msg_error_keyexchange_timeout_wrong_pw' = 'The key information exchange timed out. The WPA key you entered may not be correct.'
'msgnetconf_testing_internet' = 'Testing Internet connection... Please wait.'
'msgnetconf_starting_browser' = 'Starting Internet browser... Please wait. After you have logged in, close the Internet browser.'
'msgnetconf_error_apsecurity_notsupported' = 'The PSP™ system does not support the security method of this access point.'
'msgnetconf_pppoeid' = 'PPPoE User Name'
'msgnetconf_pppoepw' = 'PPPoE Password'
'msgnetconf_security' = 'Security'
'msgnetconf_info_authentication' = 'Authentication'
'msgnetconf_notsupported' = 'Not Supported'
'msgnetconf_apautosetting' = 'Automatic'
'msgnetconf_apautosetting_caption' = 'Automatic setup by access point type. Select when using an access point that supports wireless LAN automatic setup.'
'msg_bt_modem' = 'Bluetooth® Modem'
'msg_bt_modem_info' = 'Set to connect to the Internet using a modem (mobile phone) that supports Bluetooth®.'
'msg_error_bt_modem_not_registered' = 'There are no Bluetooth® modems registered. Register a Bluetooth® modem (mobile phone) under [Settings] > [Bluetooth® Device Settings] > [Manage Bluetooth® Devices].'
'msg_phone_number2' = 'Dial-up Number'
'msg_initialize_command' = 'Initialization Command'
'msg_get_from_bt_modem' = 'Obtain from Bluetooth® Modem'
'msg_error_no_connect_information' = 'Information required for the connection could not be found. You must enter the information manually.'
'msg_select_bt_modem' = 'Select the Bluetooth® modem to be used.'
'msg_bt_modem_connecting' = 'Connecting to the Bluetooth® modem... Please wait.'
'msg_getting_connect_information' = 'Obtaining information required for the connection... Please wait.'
'msg_error_bt_device_connection_off2' = '[Settings] > [Bluetooth® Device Settings] > [Bluetooth® Connection] is set to [Off]. Do you want to set it to [On]?'
'msg_error_input_characters' = 'The characters you entered are not valid.'
'msg_bt_modem_connection_legal_notice' = 'Internet connection availability, download speeds and data transfer costs from use of a device (including a mobile phone) connected to your PSP™ system by Bluetooth® vary depending on the service provider for your connected device. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL FEES CHARGED BY SERVICE PROVIDERS OR OTHER THIRD PARTIES. Please confirm your service provider's rate plan charges in advance. Service providers' flat rate plans may not cover an Internet connection using Bluetooth® and additional charges may apply depending on download size and connection time. Read the online manual before using your connected device to download data via the Internet to your PSP™ system.'
'msgnetconf_rakurakuwlanstart' = 'Rakuraku WLAN Start'
'msgnetconf_aoss' = 'AOSS™'
'msgnetconf_raku_caption' = '"Rakuraku WLAN Start" is a technology developed by NEC Access Technica, Inc. It is possible to make wireless LAN settings by using the "Rakuraku Start Button" of the Aterm® series. *Except for Aterm® series, a different operating might be necessary.'
'msgnetconf_aoss_caption' = 'AOSS™ (AirStation One-Touch Secure System) is a technology developed by Buffalo, Inc. It is possible to make wireless LAN settings with simple, one-touch operation.'
'msgnetconf_searchingforap' = 'Preparing... Please wait.'
'msgnetconf_raku_pushbutton1' = 'Press and hold the "Rakuraku Start Button" of the access point until the "POWER" LED blinks in [Green]. If you don't press the button within 1 minute, the operation will be cancelled. *Please see the manual of the product appending, about the connection method of the product without "Rakuraku Start Button".'
'msgnetconf_raku_pushbutton2' = 'Press the "Rakuraku Start Button" again. Press and hold until the "POWER" LED turns [Orange]. If you don't press the button within 30 seconds, the operation will be cancelled. *Please see the manual of the product appending, about the connection method of the product without "Rakuraku Start Button".'
'msgnetconf_aoss_pushbutton' = 'Press and hold the "AOSS Button" of the access point until the AOSS indicator starts blinking. If you don't press the button within 2 minutes, the operation will be cancelled.'
'msgnetconf_error_toomanyap' = 'There are too many access points. Perform setup in a place where there are only a few access points.'
'msgnetconf_error_apnotfound' = 'The access point was not detected.'
'msg_error_ap_notfound_wrong_ssid' = 'The access point was not detected. The signal of the access point may be weak or the SSID you entered may not be correct.'
'msgnetconf_error_setting_timeout' = 'A timeout error occurred during setup.'
'msgnetconf_error_ap_security' = 'A connection error has occurred. A connection to the access point could not be established. Check the security settings for the network and try again.'
'msgnetconf_eap_authentication_kr' = 'EAP Authentication'
'msgnetconf_rakuaoss_canceling' = 'Cancelling... Please wait.'
'msgnetconf_rakuaoss_wait' = 'Please wait...'
'msgnetconf_rakuaoss_error_lan_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WLAN switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgnetconf_rakuaoss_error_wireless_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WIRELESS switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgnetconf_rakuaoss_error_ap_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the access point.'
'msgnetconf_rakuaoss_error_apsecurity_notsupported' = 'The PSP™ system does not support the security method of this access point.'
'msgnetconf_aoss_wait' = 'It will take about 10 seconds for the access point to be ready. Please wait...'
'msgnetconf_error_connection_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. The connection attempt has timed out.'
'msgnetconf_error_wlan_assoc_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. The signal may be weak.'
'msgnetconf_error_wlan_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. Please try again.'
'msgnetconf_wpapsk_aes' = 'WPA-PSK (AES)'
'msg_wifi_sp' = 'Wireless Hotspot'
'msg_set_wifi_sp_instruction' = 'Set for access to a wireless hotspot.'
'msg_error_user_authentication' = 'User authentication could not be completed. %1'
'msg_user_authenticating' = 'Authenticating... Please wait.'
'msg_wifi_sp_userid' = 'Wireless Hotspot User ID'
'msg_wifi_sp_userid_info' = 'Wireless Hotspot User ID'
'msg_wifi_sp_pswd' = 'Wireless Hotspot Password'
'msg_wifi_sp_pswd_info' = 'Wireless Hotspot Password'
'msg_error_connection_same_change' = 'A connection with the name below already exists. %1 Rename the connection.'
'msg_error_connection_same' = 'The connection below has already been created. You cannot have more than one. %1'
'msg_error_input_wrong_ascii_pls' = 'The characters you entered are not valid. Only ASCII characters can be used here.'
'msg_error_invalid_number' = 'The value you entered is not valid.'
'msg_tmobile' = 'T-Mobile® USA'
'msg_promotional_access' = 'Use Promotional Access'
'msg_user_credentials' = 'Enter User Credentials'
'msg_promotional_access_instruction' = 'Use limited time promotional access from T-Mobile® HotSpot at thousands of convenient locations throughout the USA.'
'msg_user_credentials_instruction' = 'Use your existing T-Mobile® HotSpot service credentials at thousands of convenient locations throughout the USA.'
'msg_tmobile_instruction' = 'Go mobile and stay connected! Experience the blazing fast speed of T-Mobile® HotSpot Wi-Fi service at thousands of convenient locations throughout the USA.'
'msg_upnp' = 'UPnP'
'msg_nattype' = 'NAT Type'
'msg_type1' = 'Type 1'
'msg_type2' = 'Type 2'
'msg_type3' = 'Type 3'
'msg_enabled' = 'Enabled'
'msg_disabled' = 'Disabled'
'msg_nattype3_info' = 'When the NAT type is type 3, the communication features of games may be restricted. For more information, refer to the online manual.'
'msg_router_no_ipfragments_info' = 'The router in use may not support IP fragments, and the communication features of some games may be restricted. For details, contact the router manufacturer.'
'msglftv_settings_easy_connection_delete' = 'You can save up to 10 network connections. Go to [Settings] > [Network Settings] to delete a saved connection.'
'msg_not_show_message' = 'Do Not Display Again'
'msgshare_info_none' = '-'
'msgshare_auto' = 'Automatic'
'msgshare_error_lan_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WLAN switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_wireless_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WIRELESS switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_parental_lock' = 'Restricted Content'
'msgshare_error_connect' = 'A connection error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_connect_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the network.'
'msgshare_sending' = 'Sending... Please wait.'
'msgshare_receiving' = 'Receiving... Please wait.'
'msgshare_failed' = 'Failed'
'msgshare_game' = 'Game'
'msgshare_channel' = 'Channel'
'msgshare_error_start_game' = 'This game cannot be started.'
'msgtop_game_gamedl' = 'Game Sharing'
'msgtop_updateprompt' = 'You will need to update before your next use.'
'msg_bt_disable_to_start_usb' = 'To use accessories that require a USB connection, [Bluetooth® Connection] under [Settings] > [Bluetooth® Device Settings] must be set to [Off]. Do you want to set [Bluetooth® Connection] to [Off] now?'
'msg_hibernation_overwrite_notice' = 'Note that the current data for [Resume Game] will be overwritten if you select [Pause Game] during this game.'
'msgnetplay_cmn_waiting' = 'Waiting for a request from another player... Please wait.'
'msgnetplay_cmn_send_req_ask' = 'You have received a response from %1. Do you want to send the game?'
'msgnetplay_cmn_checking_network' = 'Searching for players... Please wait.'
'msgnetplay_cmn_error_rejected' = 'Game Sharing could not be completed. The offer has been withdrawn.'
'msgnetplay_cmn_name' = 'Player'
'msgnetplay_cmn_error_rejected_send' = 'Game Sharing could not be completed. The request has been withdrawn.'
'msgnetplay_cmn_request_send' = 'The request has been sent. Please wait...'
'msgnetplay_cmn_error_regioncode' = 'Game sharing could not be completed. The region code is not correct.'
'msgnetplay_cmn_error_offline' = 'The player you have selected is currently not connected to the network.'
'msg_updateprompt_version_receive' = 'The system software of your PSP™ system is version %1. To receive, you must update to version %2 or later. Do you want to update now?'
'msgnetplay_cmn_status' = 'Transfer Status'
'msgnetplay_cmn_status_complete' = 'Completed'
'msg_not_show_message' = 'Do Not Display Again'
'msgshare_info_title' = 'Title'
'msgshare_info_none' = '-'
'msgshare_on' = 'On'
'msgshare_off' = 'Off'
'msgshare_error_lan_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WLAN switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_wireless_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WIRELESS switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_lang_japanese' = 'Japanese'
'msgshare_lang_english' = 'English'
'msgshare_lang_french' = 'French'
'msgshare_lang_spanish' = 'Spanish'
'msgshare_lang_german' = 'German'
'msgshare_lang_italian' = 'Italian'
'msgshare_lang_dutch' = 'Dutch'
'msgshare_lang_portuguese' = 'Portuguese'
'msgshare_lang_danish' = 'Danish'
'msgshare_lang_swedish' = 'Swedish'
'msgshare_lang_finnish' = 'Finnish'
'msgshare_lang_norwegian' = 'Norwegian'
'msgshare_lang_russian' = 'Russian'
'msgshare_lang_korean' = 'Korean'
'msgshare_lang_polish' = 'Polish'
'msgshare_error_connect' = 'A connection error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error' = 'An error has occurred.'
'msgshare_game' = 'Game'
'msgshare_error_ap_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the access point.'
'msgshare_error_connection_timeout' = 'The connection to the server timed out.'
'msgshare_error_server_http' = 'A server error has occurred. (HTTP Status Code: %1)'
'msgnetconf_password' = 'Password'
'msgnetconf_error_wlan_assoc_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. The signal may be weak.'
'msgnetconf_error_wlan_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. Please try again.'
'msgupdater_dot' = '・'
'msgvideoms_info_startdate' = 'Starts'
'msgvideoms_info_expirationdate' = 'Expires'
'msgsystem_enter' = 'Enter'
'msgsystem_back' = 'Back'
'msg_id_email' = 'Sign-In ID (E-mail Address)'
'msg_error_wrong_idpw' = 'The sign-in ID (e-mail address) or password is incorrect.'
'msg_error_use_account' = 'You cannot use PlayStation®Network with this account.'
'msg_error_dns' = 'An error occurred during communication with the server. This is a DNS error.'
'msg_start_time' = 'Start'
'msg_end_time' = 'End'
'msg_country_us_psn' = 'United States'
'msg_country_ca_psn' = 'Canada'
'msg_country_gb_psn' = 'United Kingdom'
'msg_country_ie_psn' = 'Ireland'
'msg_country_be_psn' = 'Belgium'
'msg_country_lu_psn' = 'Luxembourg'
'msg_country_nl_psn' = 'Netherlands'
'msg_country_fr_psn' = 'France'
'msg_country_de_psn' = 'Germany'
'msg_country_at_psn' = 'Austria'
'msg_country_ch_psn' = 'Switzerland'
'msg_country_it_psn' = 'Italy'
'msg_country_pt_psn' = 'Portugal'
'msg_country_dk_psn' = 'Denmark'
'msg_country_fi_psn' = 'Finland'
'msg_country_no_psn' = 'Norway'
'msg_country_se_psn' = 'Sweden'
'msg_country_au_psn' = 'Australia'
'msg_country_nz_psn' = 'New Zealand'
'msg_country_es_psn' = 'Spain'
'msg_country_ru_psn' = 'Russia'
'msg_country_ae_psn' = 'United Arab Emirates'
'msg_country_za_psn' = 'South Africa'
'msg_country_hk_psn' = 'Hong Kong'
'msg_country_tw_psn' = 'Taiwan'
'msg_country_sg_psn' = 'Singapore'
'msg_country_kr_psn' = 'Korea'
'msg_country_jp_psn' = 'Japan'
'msg_country_bg_psn' = 'Bulgaria'
'msg_country_hr_psn' = 'Croatia'
'msg_country_ro_psn' = 'Romania'
'msg_country_si_psn' = 'Slovenia'
'msg_country_cz_psn' = 'Czech Republic'
'msg_country_hu_psn' = 'Hungary'
'msg_country_pl_psn' = 'Poland'
'msg_country_sk_psn' = 'Slovakia'
'msg_country_tr_psn' = 'Turkey'
'msg_country_sa_psn' = 'Saudi Arabia'
'msg_country_bh_psn' = 'Bahrain'
'msg_country_kw_psn' = 'Kuwait'
'msg_country_lb_psn' = 'Lebanon'
'msg_country_om_psn' = 'Oman'
'msg_country_qa_psn' = 'Qatar'
'msg_country_il_psn' = 'Israel'
'msg_country_mt_psn' = 'Malta'
'msg_country_is_psn' = 'Iceland'
'msg_country_gr_psn' = 'Greece'
'msg_country_cy_psn' = 'Cyprus'
'msg_country_in_psn' = 'India'
'msg_country_mx_psn' = 'Mexico'
'msg_country_cl_psn' = 'Chile'
'msg_country_pe_psn' = 'Peru'
'msg_country_co_psn' = 'Colombia'
'msg_country_ar_psn' = 'Argentina'
'msg_country_br_psn' = 'Brazil'
'msg_country_my_psn' = 'Malaysia'
'msg_country_id_psn' = 'Indonesia'
'msg_country_th_psn' = 'Thailand'
'msg_lang_chinese_t' = 'Traditional Chinese'
'msg_lang_chinese_s' = 'Simplified Chinese'
'msg_season_variable_psn' = 'Season %1'
'msg_episode_variable_psn' = 'Episode %1'
'msg_error_service_maintenance' = 'This service is currently undergoing maintenance.'
'msg_cancel_psn' = 'Cancel'
'msg_add_funds_psn' = 'Add Funds'
'msg_tax_psn' = 'Tax'
'msg_aboutus_pp_tosua_psn' = 'About Us | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service'
'msg_download_list_psn' = 'Download List'
'msg_no_content_found_psn' = 'No content was found.'
'msg_continue_psn' = 'Continue'
'msg_postal_code_no_need_hyphen_psn' = '* No hyphens required'
'msg_address1_psn' = 'Street Address 1'
'msg_address2_psn' = 'Street Address 2'
'msg_address3_psn' = 'Street Address 3'
'msg_city_psn' = 'City'
'msg_state_psn' = 'State/Province'
'msg_state_psn_hk' = 'District'
'msg_state_psn_tw' = 'Prefecture'
'msg_postal_code_psn' = 'Postal Code'
'msg_country_psn' = 'Country/Region'
'msg_lookup_postal_code_psn' = 'Look Up Code'
'msg_enter_password_pls_psn' = 'Enter your password.'
'msg_error_billing_address_invalid_check_pls_psn' = 'You must enter a valid address. Please check your entries carefully.'
'msg_error_invalid_password_check_pls_psn' = 'The password is not valid. Please try again.'
'msg_ok_psn' = 'OK'
'msg_profile' = 'Profile'
'msg_online_id' = 'Online ID'
'msg_online_name' = 'Online Name'
'msg_about_me' = 'About Me'
'msg_my_lang' = 'My Languages'
'msg_allow_psn' = 'Allow'
'msg_block_psn' = 'Block'
'msg_auth' = 'Activation completed.'
'msg_clear_auth' = 'Deactivation completed.'
'msg_registration_information_psn' = 'Account Information'
'msg_registration_information_info_psn' = 'Edit your account information, including billing information, sign-in ID and your profile.'
'msg_sub_account_management_psn' = 'Sub Account Management'
'msg_sub_account_management_info_psn' = 'Adjust parental control settings for an associated sub account.'
'msg_code_input_psn' = 'Redeem Codes'
'msg_code_input_info_psn' = 'Redeem a PlayStation®Network Card number or promotion code.'
'msg_transaction_management_psn' = 'Transaction Management'
'msg_transaction_management_info_psn' = 'Review your transaction history and setting changes for the PlayStation®Store.'
'msg_system_activation_psn' = 'System Activation'
'msg_system_activation_deactivation_info_psn' = 'Activate or deactivate this system.'
'msg_billing_information_psn' = 'Billing Information'
'msg_name_psn' = 'Name'
'msg_address_psn' = 'Address'
'msg_avatar_psn' = 'Avatar'
'msg_avatar_select_psn' = 'Select an avatar.'
'msg_profile_info_psn' = 'Enter or edit your personal profile that will be publicly displayed in the PlayStation®Network.'
'msg_notification_preferences_psn' = 'Notification Preferences'
'msg_notification_preferences_info_psn' = 'Choose whether to receive information about PlayStation® or third-party companies.'
'msg_parental_control_psn' = 'Parental Control'
'msg_parental_control_info_psn' = 'Adjust settings for use of the PlayStation®Network by associated sub accounts.'
'msg_change_password_psn' = 'Sub Account Password'
'msg_password_on_checkout_psn' = 'Require Password at Checkout'
'msg_auto_add_funds_psn' = 'Automatic Funding'
'msg_auto_add_funds_info_psn' = 'Set to add funds automatically when using the automatic renewal service for subscription content.'
'msg_transaction_history_psn' = 'Transaction History'
'msg_transaction_history_info_psn' = 'Review the history of transactions made in the PlayStation®Store.'
'msg_download_list_info_psn' = 'View a list of downloaded or downloadable content from the PlayStation®Store.'
'msg_service_list_psn' = 'Services List'
'msg_service_list_info_psn' = 'Check your current services.'
'msg_name_info_psn_kr' = 'If you want to edit name, please contact customer services. 02-6677-7771 or 080-723-7235'
'msg_kakutei_confirm_psn' = 'Confirm'
'msg_enter_new_signin_id_psn' = 'Enter the new sign-in ID (e-mail address).'
'msg_updated_psn' = 'Update completed.'
'msg_enter_new_password_psn' = 'Enter the new password.'
'msg_password_re_psn' = 'Password (Re-enter)'
'msg_pw_guide1_short_psn' = '* Use at least six characters consisting of both numbers and letters.'
'msg_enter_field_psn' = 'Enter the following information.'
'msg_last_name_psn' = 'Last Name'
'msg_first_name_psn' = 'First Name'
'msg_gender_optional_psn' = 'Gender (Optional)'
'msg_male_psn' = 'Male'
'msg_female_psn' = 'Female'
'msg_enter_profile_psn' = 'Enter the following information. The information you enter on this page will be publicly displayed in the PlayStation®Network.'
'msg_online_name_hint_psn' = 'What Is an Online Name?'
'msg_online_name_info2_psn' = 'If you enter an online name, it will be displayed as your name instead of your online ID. (Some software titles do not have this option.)'
'msg_account_select_psn' = 'Select an account to edit.'
'msg_sub_account_instruction_psn' = 'Adjust parental control settings for this sub account.'
'msg_chat_restriction_psn' = 'Chat'
'msg_chat_restriction_info_psn' = 'Messages and chat invitations can be received by the sub account even if [Block] is selected.'
'msg_age_restriction_psn' = 'Content Restriction'
'msg_spending_limit_month_psn' = 'Spending Limit (Monthly)'
'msg_spending_limit_month_info_psn' = 'Set the amount of funds that can be spent using this sub account.'
'msg_without_limitation_psn' = 'No Limit'
'msg_password_setting_on_checkout_instruction_psn' = 'If you set this option to [On], the system will require the password at the time of purchase.'
'msg_password_setting_on_checkout_info_psn' = 'This setting is valid for your account (master account) only.'
'msg_auto_add_funds_info2_psn' = 'If you set this option to [On], funds will be automatically added to the wallet using the credit card for the account when the wallet does not have enough funds to renew the subscription.'
'msg_settlement_date_psn' = 'Date'
'msg_settlement_description_psn' = 'Description'
'msg_amount_psn' = 'Amount'
'msg_transaction_type_psn' = 'Transaction Type'
'msg_transaction_number_psn' = 'Transaction Number'
'msg_account_psn' = 'Account'
'msg_renewal_date_psn' = 'Next Renewal Date'
'msg_service_status_psn' = 'Status'
'msg_service_status_active_psn' = 'In Use'
'msg_service_status_closing_psn' = 'In Use (No Automatic Renewal)'
'msg_cancel_renewal_psn' = 'Cancel Automatic Renewal'
'msg_system_activation_info_psn' = 'Some types of content that are available in the PlayStation®Store can only be used on a limited number of systems per account. The number of systems that can be used depends on the type of content. You can manage the systems on which you use the content by activating and deactivating systems.'
'msg_select_content_type_psn' = 'Select the type of content you want to use.'
'msg_activate_system_psn' = 'Activate System'
'msg_deactivate_system_psn' = 'Deactivate System'
'msg_error_signin_id_psn' = 'The sign-in ID (e-mail address) is not valid.'
'msg_pw_guide_instruction_psn' = 'When creating a password, note the following:'
'msg_pw_guide1_psn' = 'The password must contain at least six characters.'
'msg_pw_guide2_psn' = 'The password must contain at least one letter and at least one number.'
'msg_pw_guide3_psn' = 'The password must not contain a letter or a number used three or more times in a row.'
'msg_pw_guide5_psn' = 'You must enter the password correctly in two fields.'
'msg_pw_guide6_psn' = 'Letters are case-sensitive.'
'msg_error_invalid_character_psn' = 'You have entered an invalid character.'
'msg_error_online_name_psn' = 'The online name you entered cannot be used. Please enter another online name.'
'msg_online_name_guide_instruction_psn' = 'When entering an online name, note the following:'
'msg_online_name_guide1_psn' = 'The online name must contain 3 to 16 characters.'
'msg_error_about_me_psn' = 'The information you entered for [About Me] cannot be used. Please enter different information.'
'msg_error_invalid_text_psn' = 'The information you entered is not valid.'
'msg_error_email_psn' = 'The e-mail address you entered cannot be used. Please enter another e-mail address.'
'msg_optin_psn' = 'Do you want to receive notifications about new products, special offers and other promotions?'
'msg_optin_yes_psn_psn' = 'Yes, I am interested in receiving marketing materials from Sony Computer Entertainment.'
'msg_optin_yes_psnpartner_psn' = 'Yes, I agree to allow Sony Computer Entertainment ("SCE") to share my personal information with SCE's partners for marketing purposes.'
'msg_optin_psn_scee' = 'Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Limited, our affiliates and companies that work for us, would like to keep you informed about a wide range of PlayStation® products and services, as well as offers, products and services from selected third-party companies. If you are happy to receive this information by post and email, please tick the appropriate boxes below.'
'msg_optin_yes_psn_psn_scee' = 'Yes, I would like to receive information on PlayStation® products and services.'
'msg_optin_yes_psnpartner_psn_scee' = 'Yes, I would like to receive information from selected third-party companies.'
'msg_destination_address_psn' = 'Information will be sent to the following e-mail address:'
'msg_id_email2_psn' = 'Sign-In ID (E-mail Address)'
'msg_activate_renewal_psn' = 'Restart Automatic Renewal'
'msg_subscription' = 'Subscription'
'msg_pw_guide4_psn' = 'The password must not be the same as your sign-in ID or online ID.'
'msg_ryokin_charge_psn' = 'Charge'
'msg_closed_psn' = 'Ended'
'msg_ledgertype_order_psn' = 'Purchase Order'
'msg_ledgertype_chargepayment_psn' = 'Charge'
'msg_ledgertype_chargeback_psn' = 'Chargeback'
'msg_ledgertype_balancetransfer_psn' = 'Transfer to Wallet'
'msg_ledgertype_balanceadjustment_psn' = 'Balance Adjustment'
'msg_ledgertype_providercredit_psn' = 'Provider Credit'
'msg_ledgertype_cancel_psn' = 'Cancel'
'msg_ledgertype_chargerefund_psn' = 'Charge Refund'
'msg_ledgertype_walletrefund_psn' = 'Wallet Refund'
'msg_ledgertype_walletpayment_psn' = 'Payment from Wallet'
'msg_ledgertype_voucherpayment_psn' = 'PlayStation®Network Card'
'msg_ledgertype_product_voucher_psn' = 'Promotion Code'
'msg_display_period_psn' = 'Specify the time period to be displayed.'
'msg_error_service_not_available_region_psn' = 'This service is not available in your country/region.'
'msg_no_history_psn' = 'There is no transaction history.'
'msg_remains_psn' = 'Remaining'
'msg_select_content_psn' = 'Select Content'
'msg_automatic_renewal_stopped_psn' = 'Automatic renewal has been cancelled. (The service will remain available for use until it expires.)'
'msg_automatic_renewal_restarted_psn' = 'Automatic renewal has been restarted.'
'msg_video_book_psn' = 'Video / Comics'
'msgshare_ms' = 'Memory Stick™'
'msg_em' = 'System Storage'
'msgshare_error_notplay_ms' = 'The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_em' = 'The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_no_ms' = 'There is no Memory Stick™ inserted.'
'msgshare_error_ms_full' = 'There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msgshare_error_em_full' = 'There is not enough free space in the system storage.'
'msgshare_wait' = 'Please wait...'
'msgshare_error' = 'An error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_connection_timeout' = 'The connection to the server timed out.'
'msgupdate_error_download_ms_removed' = 'The download failed. The Memory Stick™ has been removed.'
'msgupdate_error_download' = 'The download failed.'
'msggame_install_install_completed' = 'Install completed.'
'msggame_install_installing' = 'Installing... Please wait.'
'msggame_install_error_install' = 'The install failed.'
'msg_error_ms_full_need_freespace' = 'There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™. At least %1 more free space is needed to update.'
'msg_error_em_full_need_freespace' = 'There is not enough free space in the system storage. At least %1 more free space is needed to update.'
'msgddhelper_download_completed' = 'Download completed.'
'msg_select_save_folder' = 'Select a location to save to.'
'msg_same_name_file_overwrite_ask' = 'A file with the same name already exists. Do you want to overwrite the existing file?'
'msg_cannot_download_again_psn' = 'This content cannot be downloaded again.'
'msg_deactivation_conf_psn' = 'This system will be deactivated. When the system is deactivated, you will not be able to use content that requires activation on this system. Do you want to continue?'
'msg_activation_different_account_conf_psn' = 'This system is activated with a different account. If you perform this operation, you will not be able to use content that requires activation of the other account on this system. Do you want to continue?'
'msg_error_cannot_authorize' = 'This PSP™ system could not be activated. %1 PSP™ systems are already activated for your account. To activate this system, you must deactivate another PSP™ system.'
'msg_auth' = 'Activation completed.'
'msg_clear_auth' = 'Deactivation completed.'
'msg_authorization_pls_wait' = 'Activating... Please wait.'
'msg_download_cancel_ask' = 'Do you want to cancel the download operation?'
'msg_download_pls_wait' = 'Downloading... Please wait.'
'msg_error_download_ms_locked' = 'The download failed. The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msg_remaining_minute_variable' = '%1 Minutes Left'
'msg_remaining_second_variable' = '%1 Seconds Left'
'msg_error_cannot_download_psp' = 'This game can only be downloaded to a PSP™go system.'
'msg_license_renewed' = 'Extension completed.'
'msg_error_license_renewal_no_content' = 'There is no content that requires a date extension. You must download the content.'
'msg_error_renew_pack_other_psp_activated' = 'The expire date could not be extended. You can use [%1] on only one PSP™ system.'
'msg_error_dl_pack_other_psp_activated' = 'The download failed. You can use [%1] on only one PSP™ system.'
'msgshare_error_lan_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WLAN switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_wireless_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WIRELESS switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_connect' = 'A connection error has occurred.'
'msgshare_wait' = 'Please wait...'
'msgshare_error_ap_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the access point.'
'msgnetconf_password' = 'Password'
'msgnetconf_error_wlan_assoc_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. The signal may be weak.'
'msgnetconf_error_wlan_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. Please try again.'
'msgupdate_error_connect_proxyserver' = 'Connection to the server failed. A connection to the HTTP proxy server could not be established.'
'msgupdate_error_server_maintenance' = 'Currently, the server may be down for maintenance or updating. Please try again later.'
'msg_updateprompt' = 'A system software update for the PSP™ system is required. Go to [Settings] > [System Update] to update the system.'
'msg_signin_network' = 'Sign in to PlayStation®Network.'
'msg_id_email' = 'Sign-In ID (E-mail Address)'
'msg_save_pw2' = 'Save Password'
'msg_signin2' = 'Sign In'
'msg_automatic_signin_from_next_time' = 'Sign In Automatically (Auto Sign-In)'
'msg_signing_in' = 'Signing in... Please wait.'
'msg_error_wrong_idpw' = 'The sign-in ID (e-mail address) or password is incorrect.'
'msg_error_netservice_timeout' = 'The connection with PlayStation®Network timed out.'
'msg_error_close_netservice' = 'PlayStation®Network is closed.'
'msg_error_psn_maintenance' = 'PlayStation®Network is currently undergoing maintenance.'
'msg_error_congestion_netservice' = 'PlayStation®Network is busy. Try to sign in again later.'
'msg_error_use_account' = 'You cannot use PlayStation®Network with this account.'
'msg_error_dns' = 'An error occurred during communication with the server. This is a DNS error.'
'msg_error_session_signout' = 'An error has occurred. You have been signed out of PlayStation®Network.'
'msg_error_other_id_email' = 'You cannot sign in using another user's sign-in ID (e-mail address).'
'msg_reset_pw_psn' = 'Forgot your password?'
'msg_need_reaccept_tosua_pp_psn' = 'To sign in, you must accept the Terms of Service / User Agreement and Privacy Policy again.'
'msg_error_no_signup' = 'You must sign up for PlayStation®Network.'
'msg_need_reaccept_tosua_pp_sub_psn' = 'You must ask the holder of the associated master account to help you sign in. <Note to parent or guardian> For the sub account holder to sign in, you must accept the Terms of Service / User Agreement and Privacy Policy again using your master account.'
'msgshare_info_none' = '-'
'msgshare_agree' = 'Accept'
'msgshare_not_agree' = 'Do Not Accept'
'msgshare_error_lan_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WLAN switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_wireless_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WIRELESS switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_lang_japanese' = 'Japanese'
'msgshare_lang_english' = 'English'
'msgshare_lang_french' = 'French'
'msgshare_lang_spanish' = 'Spanish'
'msgshare_lang_german' = 'German'
'msgshare_lang_italian' = 'Italian'
'msgshare_lang_dutch' = 'Dutch'
'msgshare_lang_portuguese' = 'Portuguese'
'msgshare_lang_russian' = 'Russian'
'msgshare_lang_korean' = 'Korean'
'msgshare_error_connect' = 'A connection error has occurred.'
'msgshare_wait' = 'Please wait...'
'msgshare_error' = 'An error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_ap_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the access point.'
'msgshare_checking' = 'Checking... Please wait.'
'msgshare_error_connection_timeout' = 'The connection to the server timed out.'
'msgshare_error_server_http' = 'A server error has occurred. (HTTP Status Code: %1)'
'msgnetconf_password' = 'Password'
'msgnetconf_error_wlan_assoc_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. The signal may be weak.'
'msgnetconf_error_wlan_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. Please try again.'
'msgupdate_error_connect_proxyserver' = 'Connection to the server failed. A connection to the HTTP proxy server could not be established.'
'msgupdate_error_server_maintenance' = 'Currently, the server may be down for maintenance or updating. Please try again later.'
'msgupdater_dot' = '・'
'msgsystem_yes' = 'Yes'
'msgsystem_no' = 'No'
'msgsystem_enter' = 'Enter'
'msgsystem_back' = 'Back'
'msg_updateprompt' = 'A system software update for the PSP™ system is required. Go to [Settings] > [System Update] to update the system.'
'msg_id_email3_psn' = 'Sign-In ID (E-mail Address)'
'msg_save_pw2' = 'Save Password'
'msg_error_wrong_idpw' = 'The sign-in ID (e-mail address) or password is incorrect.'
'msg_error_use_account' = 'You cannot use PlayStation®Network with this account.'
'msg_error_dns' = 'An error occurred during communication with the server. This is a DNS error.'
'msg_country_us_psn' = 'United States'
'msg_country_ca_psn' = 'Canada'
'msg_country_gb_psn' = 'United Kingdom'
'msg_country_ie_psn' = 'Ireland'
'msg_country_be_psn' = 'Belgium'
'msg_country_lu_psn' = 'Luxembourg'
'msg_country_nl_psn' = 'Netherlands'
'msg_country_fr_psn' = 'France'
'msg_country_de_psn' = 'Germany'
'msg_country_at_psn' = 'Austria'
'msg_country_ch_psn' = 'Switzerland'
'msg_country_it_psn' = 'Italy'
'msg_country_pt_psn' = 'Portugal'
'msg_country_dk_psn' = 'Denmark'
'msg_country_fi_psn' = 'Finland'
'msg_country_no_psn' = 'Norway'
'msg_country_se_psn' = 'Sweden'
'msg_country_au_psn' = 'Australia'
'msg_country_nz_psn' = 'New Zealand'
'msg_country_es_psn' = 'Spain'
'msg_country_ru_psn' = 'Russia'
'msg_country_ae_psn' = 'United Arab Emirates'
'msg_country_za_psn' = 'South Africa'
'msg_country_hk_psn' = 'Hong Kong'
'msg_country_tw_psn' = 'Taiwan'
'msg_country_sg_psn' = 'Singapore'
'msg_country_kr_psn' = 'Korea'
'msg_country_jp_psn' = 'Japan'
'msg_country_bg_psn' = 'Bulgaria'
'msg_country_hr_psn' = 'Croatia'
'msg_country_ro_psn' = 'Romania'
'msg_country_si_psn' = 'Slovenia'
'msg_country_cz_psn' = 'Czech Republic'
'msg_country_hu_psn' = 'Hungary'
'msg_country_pl_psn' = 'Poland'
'msg_country_sk_psn' = 'Slovakia'
'msg_country_tr_psn' = 'Turkey'
'msg_country_sa_psn' = 'Saudi Arabia'
'msg_country_bh_psn' = 'Bahrain'
'msg_country_kw_psn' = 'Kuwait'
'msg_country_lb_psn' = 'Lebanon'
'msg_country_om_psn' = 'Oman'
'msg_country_qa_psn' = 'Qatar'
'msg_country_il_psn' = 'Israel'
'msg_country_mt_psn' = 'Malta'
'msg_country_is_psn' = 'Iceland'
'msg_country_gr_psn' = 'Greece'
'msg_country_cy_psn' = 'Cyprus'
'msg_country_in_psn' = 'India'
'msg_country_mx_psn' = 'Mexico'
'msg_country_cl_psn' = 'Chile'
'msg_country_pe_psn' = 'Peru'
'msg_country_co_psn' = 'Colombia'
'msg_country_ar_psn' = 'Argentina'
'msg_country_br_psn' = 'Brazil'
'msg_country_my_psn' = 'Malaysia'
'msg_country_id_psn' = 'Indonesia'
'msg_country_th_psn' = 'Thailand'
'msg_lang_chinese_t' = 'Traditional Chinese'
'msg_lang_chinese_s' = 'Simplified Chinese'
'msg_error_service_maintenance' = 'This service is currently undergoing maintenance.'
'msg_cancel_psn' = 'Cancel'
'msg_about_us_psn' = 'About Us'
'msg_privacy_policy_psn' = 'Privacy Policy'
'msg_tosua_psn' = 'Terms of Service and User Agreement'
'msg_health_warning_psn' = 'Health Warnings'
'msg_about_ratings_psn' = 'About Ratings and Parental Controls'
'msg_copyright_trademark_notice_psn' = 'Copyright and Trademark Notices'
'msg_continue_psn' = 'Continue'
'msg_enter_creditcard_info_pls_psn' = 'Enter your credit card information.'
'msg_creditcard_type_psn' = 'Card Type'
'msg_creditcard_holder_name_psn' = 'Cardholder's Name'
'msg_creditcard_number_psn' = 'Card Number'
'msg_no_need_hyphen_psn' = '* No hyphens required'
'msg_postal_code_no_need_hyphen_psn' = '* No hyphens required'
'msg_creditcard_expires_on_psn' = 'Expires On'
'msg_creditcard_started_on_psn' = 'Started On'
'msg_creditcard_security_code_psn' = 'Card Security Code'
'msg_creditcard_security_code_explanation_psn' = '* This is the 3 or 4 digit code on your card.'
'msg_creditcard_issue_number_psn' = 'Issue Number'
'msg_enter_creditcard_address_pls_psn' = 'Enter the billing address that is on file with your credit card company.'
'msg_address1_psn' = 'Street Address 1'
'msg_address2_psn' = 'Street Address 2'
'msg_address3_psn' = 'Street Address 3'
'msg_city_psn' = 'City'
'msg_state_psn' = 'State/Province'
'msg_state_psn_hk' = 'District'
'msg_state_psn_tw' = 'Prefecture'
'msg_postal_code_psn' = 'Postal Code'
'msg_country_psn' = 'Country/Region'
'msg_lookup_postal_code_psn' = 'Look Up Code'
'msg_error_creditcard_invalid_check_pls_psn' = 'The credit card information is not valid. Please check your entries carefully.'
'msg_error_billing_address_invalid_check_pls_psn' = 'You must enter a valid address. Please check your entries carefully.'
'msg_error_credit_card_expired_use_other_psn' = 'The credit card is no longer valid. Please use a different credit card.'
'msg_error_cannot_update_pls_contact_ic_psn' = 'The credit card information cannot be updated. Check your PlayStation®Network account information, and then contact technical support for assistance.'
'msg_cancel_ask' = 'Do you want to cancel?'
'msg_ok_psn' = 'OK'
'msg_online_id' = 'Online ID'
'msg_account_create_site_psn' = ''
'msg_reset_pw_psn' = 'Forgot your password?'
'msg_language_psn' = 'Language'
'msg_email_address_psn' = 'E-mail Address'
'msg_tosua_pp_psn' = 'Terms of Service and User Agreement / Privacy Policy'
'msg_signin_id_psn' = 'Sign-In ID'
'msg_cancel2_ask' = 'Do you want to cancel?'
'msg_cannot_use_mobilemail_psn' = 'お送りするメールを受信または表示できない場合があるため、携帯電話のEメールアドレスはご利用になれません。'
'msg_name_psn' = 'Name'
'msg_address_psn' = 'Address'
'msg_avatar_select_psn' = 'Select an avatar.'
'msg_kakutei_confirm_psn' = 'Confirm'
'msg_updated_psn' = 'Update completed.'
'msg_enter_new_password_psn' = 'Enter the new password.'
'msg_password_re_psn' = 'Password (Re-enter)'
'msg_pw_guide1_short_psn' = '* Use at least six characters consisting of both numbers and letters.'
'msg_enter_field_psn' = 'Enter the following information.'
'msg_last_name_psn' = 'Last Name'
'msg_first_name_psn' = 'First Name'
'msg_gender_optional_psn' = 'Gender (Optional)'
'msg_male_psn' = 'Male'
'msg_female_psn' = 'Female'
'msg_error_account_over_psn' = 'The maximum number of PlayStation®Network accounts that can be associated with this system has been reached. Contact technical support for assistance.'
'msg_error_signin_id_psn' = 'The sign-in ID (e-mail address) is not valid.'
'msg_pw_guide_instruction_psn' = 'When creating a password, note the following:'
'msg_pw_guide1_psn' = 'The password must contain at least six characters.'
'msg_pw_guide2_psn' = 'The password must contain at least one letter and at least one number.'
'msg_pw_guide3_psn' = 'The password must not contain a letter or a number used three or more times in a row.'
'msg_pw_guide5_psn' = 'You must enter the password correctly in two fields.'
'msg_pw_guide6_psn' = 'Letters are case-sensitive.'
'msg_error_online_id_exists_psn' = 'The online ID you entered cannot be used. Please enter another online ID.'
'msg_online_id_guide_instruction_psn' = 'When entering an online ID, note the following:'
'msg_online_id_guide1_psn' = 'You cannot use an online ID that is already taken.'
'msg_online_id_guide2_psn' = 'The online ID must be 3 to 16 characters and can consist of letters, numbers, hyphens (-) and underscores (_).'
'msg_online_id_guide3_psn' = 'The first character must be a letter.'
'msg_online_id_guide4_psn' = 'The online ID must not be the same as your password.'
'msg_online_id_guide5_psn' = 'Letters are not case-sensitive.'
'msg_error_invalid_character_psn' = 'You have entered an invalid character.'
'msg_error_invalid_rrn_psn' = '住民登録番号が正しくありません。'
'msg_error_sub_account_psn' = 'The account information that you entered is not for a master account.'
'msg_error_region_psn' = 'The country or region information for the master account and the sub account must be the same.'
'msg_error_sub_account_over_psn' = 'The maximum number of sub accounts that can be associated with a master account has been reached. The maximum number you can associate with one master account is six.'
'msg_error_invalid_text_psn' = 'The information you entered is not valid.'
'msg_error_email_psn' = 'The e-mail address you entered cannot be used. Please enter another e-mail address.'
'msg_welcome_psn_explanation_psn' = 'Welcome to the PlayStation®Network! Sign up for a PlayStation®Network account to play online games, download game demos and more. You can sign up for the PlayStation®Network for free.'
'msg_create_new_account_new_user_psn' = 'Create a New Account (New Users)'
'msg_use_existing_account_psn' = 'Use an Existing Account'
'msg_create_account_signup_title_psn' = 'Creating an Account (Signing Up)'
'msg_create_new_account_title_psn' = 'Creating a New Account'
'msg_create_new_account_new_user_select_psn' = 'Sign up for a new PlayStation®Network account. Select this option if this is your first time using the PlayStation®Network.'
'msg_use_existing_account_title_psn' = 'Using an Existing Account'
'msg_existing_account_user_select_psn' = 'Select this option if you want to use a PlayStation®Network account that you created on another PS3™ system, PSP™ system or PC.'
'msg_hint_psn' = '<Hint>'
'msg_can_create_with_pc_see_site_psn' = 'You can also create a PlayStation®Network account on a PC. For details, visit the following website on your PC:'
'msg_create_account_provide_personal_info_use_under_pp_psn' = 'To create a PlayStation®Network account, you must provide the following information. (The online ID is created by the user.)'
'msg_country_residence_psn' = 'Country/Region of Residence'
'msg_date_of_birth_psn' = 'Date of Birth'
'msg_year_psn' = 'YYYY'
'msg_month_psn' = 'MM'
'msg_day_psn' = 'DD'
'msg_cannot_change_after_input_confirm_psn' = 'The information you enter on this page cannot be changed later. Check that you have entered the correct information before proceeding to the next screen.'
'msg_accept_tosua_pp_psn' = 'You must accept the Terms of Service / User Agreement and Privacy Policy in order to use PlayStation®Network services.'
'msg_security_question_psn' = 'Security Question'
'msg_security_question_answer_psn' = 'Answer'
'msg_signin_id_to_use_psn' = 'A sign-in ID (e-mail address) is an ID that is required to use the PlayStation®Network.'
'msg_not_disclose_email_to_others_psn' = 'The e-mail address you use for the sign-in ID will not be disclosed to other users.'
'msg_cannot_use_registered_email_psn' = 'You cannot use an e-mail address that is already in use as a sign-in ID.'
'msg_confirm_email_below_psn' = 'Please confirm that the following e-mail address is correct:'
'msg_if_wrong_email_cannot_deliver_psn' = 'If you enter an incorrect e-mail address, you will not be able to receive important information from the PlayStation®Network. Check that you have entered the correct information.'
'msg_online_id_guide6_psn' = 'The online ID will be publicly displayed in the PlayStation®Network. Do not use any personally identifying information for your online ID.'
'msg_online_id_guide7_psn' = 'You cannot change your online ID after it has been created.'
'msg_what_online_id_title_psn' = 'What Is an Online ID?'
'msg_online_id_name_display_psn' = 'Your online ID is your publicly displayed name in the PlayStation®Network. It is displayed when you play online games and use other online features.'
'msg_diff_online_id_signin_id_title_psn' = 'Differences Between Online ID and Sign-In ID'
'msg_can_change_signin_id_cannot_change_online_id_psn' = 'While the sign-in ID can be changed later, you cannot change an online ID after the account has been created.'
'msg_available_online_id_psn' = 'The online ID is available.'
'msg_almost_done_psn' = 'You have almost finished creating your account.'
'msg_korean_rrn_psn' = 'RRN'
'msg_optin_psn' = 'Do you want to receive notifications about new products, special offers and other promotions?'
'msg_optin_yes_psn_psn' = 'Yes, I am interested in receiving marketing materials from Sony Computer Entertainment.'
'msg_optin_yes_psnpartner_psn' = 'Yes, I agree to allow Sony Computer Entertainment ("SCE") to share my personal information with SCE's partners for marketing purposes.'
'msg_optin_psn_scee' = 'Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Limited, our affiliates and companies that work for us, would like to keep you informed about a wide range of PlayStation® products and services, as well as offers, products and services from selected third-party companies. If you are happy to receive this information by post and email, please tick the appropriate boxes below.'
'msg_optin_yes_psn_psn_scee' = 'Yes, I would like to receive information on PlayStation® products and services.'
'msg_optin_yes_psnpartner_psn_scee' = 'Yes, I would like to receive information from selected third-party companies.'
'msg_destination_address_psn' = 'Information will be sent to the following e-mail address:'
'msg_psn_notification_psn' = 'Marketing Materials (SCE)'
'msg_other_notification_psn' = 'Marketing Materials (Partners)'
'msg_psn_notification_psn_scee' = 'Marketing Materials (PlayStation®)'
'msg_other_notification_psn_scee' = 'Marketing Materials (Partners)'
'msg_not_receive_notification_psn' = 'No'
'msg_receive_notification_psn' = 'Yes'
'msg_press_confirm_create_account_asterisk_psn' = 'Select [Confirm] to create the account with the following information. You cannot change items with an asterisk (*) after the account is created.'
'msg_edit_psn' = 'Edit'
'msg_congratulations_created_account_psn' = 'Congratulations! You have successfully created your account.'
'msg_change_avatar_now_ask_psn' = 'Do you want to change your avatar now?'
'msg_avatar_icon_can_change_cam_psn' = 'An avatar is an icon that is used to represent you and is shown to all users in the PlayStation®Network. You can also change your avatar later in [PlayStation®Network] > [Account Management].'
'msg_yes_change_avatar_psn' = 'Yes, I want to change my avatar now.'
'msg_no_change_avatar_psn' = 'No, I will change it later.'
'msg_thanks_online_id_enjoy_psn' = 'Thank you, %1! Welcome to the vast PlayStation®Network community with access to great games, demos and exclusive content. Enjoy!'
'msg_close_window_cross_button_psn' = '%bボタンで、この画面を終了することができます。'
'msg_goto_psstore_psn' = 'Proceed to PlayStation®Store'
'msg_error_cannot_create_account_eligibility_psn' = 'You do not meet the eligibility requirements for creating an account.'
'msg_create_sub1_account_with_parent_psn' = 'You do not meet the eligibility requirements for creating an account. You will need a parent or legal guardian to create an account for you.'
'msg_note_to_parent_psn' = '<Note to parent or guardian>'
'msg_create_mst_account_first_title_psn' = 'Creating a Master Account First'
'msg_sub_account_guide1_psn' = 'You must have an account for a parent or guardian (master account) to create an account for a child (sub account).'
'msg_sub_account_guide2_psn' = 'With a master account, you can adjust settings for use of the PlayStation®Network by associated sub accounts.'
'msg_sub_account_guide3_psn' = 'If you have not yet created a master account, select [Cancel] and create a master account first. Select [?] to see instructions on how to create a master account. If you already have a master account, proceed to the next screen.'
'msg_need_pc_title_psn' = 'Using a PC To Complete Sub Account Creation (Required)'
'msg_sub_account_guide4_psn' = 'After you have entered information for the master account in the next screen, a message will be sent to the e-mail address for the master account. Follow the instructions in the e-mail to create a sub account on a PC.'
'msg_sub_account_guide5_psn' = 'After creating a sub account on a PC, select [PlayStation®Network] > [Sign Up for PlayStation®Network] on your PS3™ system, and then follow the on-screen instructions.'
'msg_create_sub2_account_with_parent_psn' = 'You do not meet the eligibility requirements for creating an account.'
'msg_enter_mst_account_signin_id_pw_psn' = 'Enter the sign-in ID (e-mail address) and password for the master account.'
'msg_sub1_account_explanation1_psn' = 'To create an account for your child (sub account), you must provide personal information for your child. Some PlayStation®Network services are provided by partners such as game publishers. If your child accesses such services, the personal information for your child will be disclosed to these companies. If you agree to provide the personal information for your child, select [Continue] to proceed.'
'msg_sub1_account_explanation2_psn' = 'We will need your billing information to perform a verification step. Your credit card will not be charged for this verification.'
'msg_sub1_account_explanation3_psn' = 'A message from the PlayStation®Network will be sent to the e-mail address for the master account. Follow the instructions in the e-mail to create a sub account on a PC.'
'msg_keep_creditcard_info_for_future_ask_psn' = 'Do you want to keep your billing information on file for future transactions?'
'msg_yes_keep_creditcard_info_psn' = 'Yes, please keep my billing information on file.'
'msg_sent_email_continue_create_sub_account_psn' = 'An e-mail message has been sent to "%1". Follow the instructions in the e-mail to continue creating the sub account on the PC.'
'msg_sub_account_associate_mst_account_psn' = 'The sub account you are creating will be associated with master account "%1".'
'msg_remember_psn' = '<Notices>'
'msg_sub2_account_explanation1_psn' = 'When a sub account is used to purchase goods, funds from the master account wallet will be used to pay for the purchase.'
'msg_sub2_account_explanation2_psn' = 'The master account holder can set a maximum spending limit for a sub account under [PlayStation®Network] > [Account Management].'
'msg_sub2_account_explanation3_psn' = 'The Terms of Service / User Agreement and Privacy Policy apply to the sub account.'
'msg_diff_mst_sub_account_psn' = 'Differences Between Master Account and Sub Account'
'msg_mst_account_title_psn' = 'Master Account (for Adults)'
'msg_mst_account_guide1_psn' = 'All features available in the PlayStation®Network can be used by a master account holder. Users %1 years old or older are eligible for a master account.'
'msg_sub_account_title_psn' = 'Sub Account (for Children)'
'msg_sub_account_guide6_psn' = 'A sub account is an account for a user who is underage and does not meet eligibility requirements. A sub account is associated with the parent's or guardian's account (master account).'
'msg_sub_account_guide7_psn' = 'When a sub account is used to purchase goods, funds from the master account wallet* are used to pay for the purchase. * The wallet is an online wallet that is used to purchase goods and services from the PlayStation®Store. Funds must be added to the wallet in advance using a credit card or another funding option. Only the master account holder can add funds to the wallet.'
'msg_sub_account_guide8_psn' = 'Because a sub account is managed by a master account, you must first create a master account and then create a sub account.'
'msg_create_account_pc_goto_site_psn' = 'To create a master account on a PC, visit the following website:'
'msg_need_reaccept_tosua_pp_psn' = 'To sign in, you must accept the Terms of Service / User Agreement and Privacy Policy again.'
'msg_answer_security_question_psn' = 'Please answer the security question that you selected when you created the account.'
'msg_id_email2_psn' = 'Sign-In ID (E-mail Address)'
'msg_tosua_abbreviated_psn' = 'Terms of Service'
'msg_pw_guide4_psn' = 'The password must not be the same as your sign-in ID or online ID.'
'msg_error_reset_pw_consult_parent_psn' = 'This operation cannot be performed using your account (sub account). You must ask the holder of the associated master account to perform this operation. <Note to parent or guardian> If you do not know the password for the sub account, use your master account to sign in to the following site using your PC or sign in using your PS3™ system, and then reset the sub account password.'
'msg_to_use_feature_need_enter_field' = 'To use this feature, you must enter the following information.'
'msg_select_how_to_change_password_psn' = 'Select the method for resetting the password.'
'msg_change_with_security_question_psn' = 'Reset Using Security Question'
'msg_change_with_email_psn' = 'Reset Using E-mail'
'msg_psn_will_send_email_address_psn' = 'An e-mail message will be sent from PlayStation®Network to the following e-mail address:'
'msg_change_password_follow_email_instruction_psn' = 'Follow the instructions in the e-mail message to reset the password using a PC.'
'msg_sent_email_to_variable_psn' = 'An e-mail message has been sent to "%1".'
'msg_quit2_ask' = 'Do you want to quit?'
'msg_account_information_changed_psn' = 'Your account information has been updated.'
'msg_lwaccount_additional_items_psn' = 'To use PlayStation®Network with the account you entered information for, you must provide additional information.'
'msg_error_cannot_apply_account_eligibility_psn' = 'The account you entered information for does not meet the eligibility requirements for using PlayStation®Network.'
'msg_lwaccount_additional_items_confirmation_psn' = 'Select [Confirm] to update the account with the following information. You cannot change items with an asterisk (*) after the information has been confirmed.'
'msg_error_cannot_use_lwaccount_psn' = 'You cannot use PlayStation®Network with this account. For details, visit the following website on your PC:'
'msgshare_ms' = 'Memory Stick™'
'msg_em' = 'System Storage'
'msgshare_opt_load' = 'Start'
'msgshare_opt_del' = 'Delete'
'msgshare_opt_info' = 'Information'
'msgshare_opt_edit' = 'Edit'
'msgshare_on' = 'On'
'msgshare_off' = 'Off'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_display' = 'Display'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_size_normal' = 'Normal'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_sizezoom' = 'Zoom'
'msgshare_canceling' = 'Cancelling... Please wait.'
'msgshare_deleting_notturnoff' = 'Deleting... Do not turn off the power.'
'msgshare_deleted' = 'Delete completed.'
'msgshare_error_del' = 'Delete failed.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_ms' = 'The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_em' = 'The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_ms_full' = 'There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msgshare_error_em_full' = 'There is not enough free space in the system storage.'
'msgshare_error_ms_locked' = 'The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_lan_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WLAN switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_wireless_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WIRELESS switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_connect' = 'A connection error has occurred.'
'msgshare_wait' = 'Please wait...'
'msgshare_error_notconnected' = 'You are not connected to the network.'
'msgshare_error_ms_removed' = 'The Memory Stick™ has been removed.'
'msgshare_error_connect_dns' = 'Connection to the server failed. A DNS error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_ap_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the access point.'
'msgshare_channel' = 'Channel'
'msgshare_error_save_misc' = 'Save failed.'
'msgshare_settings' = 'Settings'
'msgnetconf_userid' = 'User Name'
'msgnetconf_password' = 'Password'
'msgnetconf_cancel_setup_ask' = 'Do you want to cancel? The settings you have made so far will not be saved if you cancel.'
'msgnetconf_error_connection_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. The connection attempt has timed out.'
'msgupdater_dot' = '・'
'msgmusic_info_genre' = 'Genre'
'msg_time' = 'Time'
'msg_ctrlpnl_with_icon' = ' Control Panel'
'msgvideo_error_notexecute' = 'This operation is not available here.'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_viewmode' = 'Screen Mode'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_sizefull' = 'Full Screen'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_sizeorgnl' = 'Original'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_opt_audio' = 'Audio Options'
'msgvideoumd_ctrlpnl_opt_subtitle' = 'Subtitle Options'
'msgvideoms_info_nolimit' = 'No Time Limit'
'msg_error_videoout_copyright' = 'This video content is copyright protected. The video output cannot be displayed.'
'msglftv_help_up' = 'Change Channel(+)'
'msglftv_help_down' = 'Change Channel(-)'
'msgddhelper_ssl_err_other' = 'SSL communication cannot be performed.'
'msg_id_pswd_enter' = 'Enter your user name and password.'
'msg_save_folder' = 'Destination'
'msg_not_show_message' = 'Do Not Display Again'
'msg_del_all' = 'Delete All'
'msg_deleting' = 'Deleting... Please wait.'
'msg_connect_1segtuner2' = 'Connect a 1seg tuner that is compatible with the PSP™ system.'
'msg_getting_info' = ''
'msg_program_list' = ''
'msg_refresh' = 'Refresh'
'msg_refresh_program_info_conf' = ''
'msg_channel_list' = ''
'msg_program_guide' = 'Description'
'msg_program_information' = ''
'msg_change_channel_list_ask' = ''
'msg_channel_list_name' = ''
'msg_current_channel_list' = ''
'msg_del_channel_list_ask' = ''
'msg_enter_channel_list_name' = ''
'msg_new_channel_list' = ''
'msg_no_settings' = ''
'msg_revised_channel_list' = ''
'msg_scan_channel_conf' = ''
'msg_scanning' = ''
'msg_settings_channel_list' = ''
'msg_station' = 'Station'
'msg_channel_number' = ''
'msg_lang_1' = 'Language 1'
'msg_lang_2' = 'Language 2'
'msg_bilingual' = ''
'msg_main' = ''
'msg_mainsub' = ''
'msg_sub' = ''
'msg_voice_1' = ''
'msg_voice_2' = ''
'msg_voice_signal' = ''
'msg_error_no_channel_list' = ''
'msg_error_set_channel_list' = ''
'msg_1seg_closed' = ''
'msg_error_no_channel' = ''
'msg_error_not_in_service' = ''
'msg_settings_channel_list_instruction' = ''
'msg_selecting_channels' = ''
'msg_program' = ''
'msg_area_select' = ''
'msg_new_channel_list_added' = ''
'msg_channel_list_name_enter' = ''
'msg_error_same_channel_list_name' = ''
'msg_channel_list_creation_method_select' = ''
'msg_area_selection' = ''
'msg_channel_scan' = ''
'msg_area_selection_info' = ''
'msg_channel_scan_info' = ''
'msg_clear_personal_data' = ''
'msg_clear_personal_data_info' = ''
'msg_clear_personal_data_em_info' = ''
'msg_clear_personal_data_select' = ''
'msg_storagearea_broadcastinggroup' = ''
'msg_storagearea_broadcaster' = ''
'msg_storagearea_broadcastinggroup_info' = ''
'msg_storagearea_broadcaster_info' = ''
'msg_all_personal_data_info' = ''
'msg_all_personal_data_em_info' = ''
'msg_all_personal_data' = ''
'msg_clear_storagearea_select' = ''
'msg_clear_personal_data_conf' = ''
'msg_nhk_sougou' = ''
'msg_nhk_kyoiku' = ''
'msg_ntv' = ''
'msg_tbs' = ''
'msg_fujitv' = ''
'msg_tvasahi' = ''
'msg_tvtokyo' = ''
'msg_suntv' = ''
'msg_getting_data' = ''
'msg_del_expired_tvlink_conf' = ''
'msg_no_tvlink' = ''
'msg_tvlink' = ''
'msg_error_expired_tvlink' = ''
'msg_shubetsu' = ''
'msg_1seg_expires' = 'Expires'
'msg_del_tvlink_conf' = ''
'msg_tvlink_entered' = ''
'msg_tvlink_overwrite_conf' = ''
'msg_tvlink_overwrite_select' = ''
'msg_error_wrong_tvlink' = ''
'msg_error_tvlink_acquisition' = ''
'msg_program_date' = ''
'msg_rec_date' = ''
'msg_result_auto_extension' = ''
'msg_repetition' = ''
'msg_del_program_conf' = ''
'msg_add_program' = ''
'msg_reserve_storagearea_conf' = ''
'msg_reserve_storagearea_em_conf' = ''
'msg_storagearea_overwrite_conf' = ''
'msg_broadcastinggroup_storagearea_overwrite_conf' = ''
'msg_storagearea_overwrite_select' = ''
'msg_no_history' = ''
'msg_no_program' = ''
'msg_clear_history_conf' = ''
'msg_rec_completed_correctly' = ''
'msg_rec_failed_partly' = ''
'msg_rec_failed' = ''
'msg_rec_failed_partly_duplication' = ''
'msg_rec_failed_duplication' = ''
'msg_rec_failed_partly_bad_reception' = ''
'msg_rec_failed_bad_reception' = ''
'msg_rec_cancelled_partly' = ''
'msg_rec_cancelled' = ''
'msg_rec_failed_partly_ms_full' = ''
'msg_rec_failed_partly_em_full' = ''
'msg_rec_failed_ms_full' = ''
'msg_rec_failed_em_full' = ''
'msg_rec_failed_partly_no_1segtuner' = ''
'msg_rec_failed_no_1segtuner' = ''
'msg_rec_failed_partly_battery' = ''
'msg_rec_failed_partly_no_ms' = ''
'msg_rec_failed_no_ms' = ''
'msg_rec_failed_ms_no_access' = ''
'msg_clear_record_conf' = ''
'msg_getting_data_via_network' = ''
'msg_data_broadcast' = ''
'msg_vertical_view' = ''
'msg_memo_information' = ''
'msg_bml_link' = ''
'msg_bml_no_link' = ''
'msg_html' = ''
'msg_error_startup_ms_full' = 'The application software could not be started. There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™. To start, at least %1 of free space is needed.'
'msg_error_startup_em_full' = 'The application software could not be started. There is not enough free space in the system storage. To start, at least %1 of free space is needed.'
'msg_error_ms_not_found' = 'Insert a Memory Stick™.'
'msg_newer_setting_data' = 'Data that was created by a later version of the application software exists. You must update the application software to the latest version.'
'msg_dataplay_failed' = ''
'msg_error_function_notsupported' = ''
'msg_proxy_not_found' = ''
'msg_numericpad' = 'Numeric Pad'
'msg_asteriskkey' = ''
'msg_sharpkey' = ''
'msg_data_broadcast_original' = ''
'msg_data_broadcast_compact' = ''
'msg_close_data_broadcast_with_icon' = ''
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_display_with_icon' = 'Display '
'msglftv_help_up_with_icon' = 'Change Channel(+) '
'msglftv_help_down_with_icon' = 'Change Channel(-) '
'msg_channel_list_with_icon' = ''
'msg_program_list_with_icon' = ''
'msg_data_broadcast_with_icon' = ''
'msg_recstop' = ''
'msg_no_formatting_required' = ''
'msg_recstop_conf' = ''
'msg_rec_video' = ''
'msg_1seg_closed_recstop_conf' = ''
'msg_error_1segfile_corrupted' = ''
'msg_remain_with_icon' = ''
'msg_remain_em_with_icon' = ''
'msg_hm' = ''
'msg_error_rec_mspro' = ''
'msg_error_protected_program' = ''
'msg_error_video_number_limit' = ''
'msg_rec_stopping' = ''
'msg_error_recstop_ms_full' = ''
'msg_error_recstop_em_full' = ''
'msg_error_recstop_writing_lag' = ''
'msg_error_recstop_rectime_limit' = ''
'msg_error_recstop_video_size_limit' = ''
'msg_error_recstop_protected_program' = ''
'msg_error_recstop_video_number_limit' = ''
'msg_broadcast_date' = ''
'msg_sun' = 'Sun'
'msg_mon' = 'Mon'
'msg_tue' = 'Tue'
'msg_wed' = 'Wed'
'msg_thu' = 'Thu'
'msg_fri' = 'Fri'
'msg_sat' = 'Sat'
'msg_sun_every' = ''
'msg_mon_every' = ''
'msg_tue_every' = ''
'msg_wed_every' = ''
'msg_thu_every' = ''
'msg_fri_every' = ''
'msg_sat_every' = ''
'msg_mon_thu_every' = ''
'msg_mon_fri_every' = ''
'msg_mon_sat_every' = ''
'msg_error_notexecute_rec' = ''
'msg_rec_program' = ''
'msg_program_rec_preparing' = ''
'msg_cancel_rec_program_conf' = ''
'msg_error_program_ended' = ''
'msg_1seg_closed_rec_program_cancel_conf' = ''
'msg_auto_adjustment_conf' = ''
'msg_rec_operation_completed' = ''
'msg_rec_operation_em_completed' = ''
'msg_rec_completed' = ''
'msg_rec_em_completed' = ''
'msg_rec_completed_rec_failed' = ''
'msg_rec_em_completed_rec_failed' = ''
'msg_error_recstop_rectime_limit_conf' = ''
'msg_error_wrong_date' = ''
'msg_error_no_rec_program_info' = ''
'msg_error_recstart_failed_no_ms' = ''
'msg_error_recstart_failed_no_1segtuner' = ''
'msg_rec_program_cancelling' = ''
'msg_rec_program_list' = ''
'msg_rec_program_list_with_icon' = ''
'msg_program_rec_report' = ''
'msg_program_rec_report_with_icon' = ''
'msg_rec_program_settings' = ''
'msg_auto_extension' = ''
'msg_auto_extension_info' = ''
'msg_kakutei_enter' = 'Enter'
'msg_repetition_setting' = ''
'msg_everyday' = 'Daily'
'msg_program_over' = ''
'msg_time_conflict_program_cancel_conf' = ''
'msg_timer_conflict_conf' = ''
'msg_function' = 'Feature'
'msg_date' = 'Date'
'msg_start_time' = 'Start'
'msg_end_time' = 'End'
'msg_undecided' = ''
'msg_rec_program_completed2' = ''
'msg_rec_program_completed2_em' = ''
'msg_rec_program_completed2_op' = ''
'msg_rec_program_completed2_op1' = ''
'msg_rec_program_completed2_op2' = ''
'msg_rec_program_completed2_op2_info' = ''
'msg_silent_rec' = ''
'msg_silent_rec_status' = ''
'msg_silent_rec_info' = ''
'msg_rec_settings' = ''
'msg_rec_settings_info' = ''
'msg_hokkaido' = ''
'msg_tohoku' = ''
'msg_kanto' = ''
'msg_koushinetsu_hokuriku' = ''
'msg_tokai' = ''
'msg_kinki' = ''
'msg_chugoku' = ''
'msg_shikoku' = ''
'msg_kyushu_okinawa' = ''
'msg_rec_notice_ms_full' = ''
'msg_rec_notice_em_full' = ''
'msg_error_rec_program_ms_changed' = ''
'msg_error_noexecute_rec_program_exist' = ''
'msg_program_rec_browser_conf' = ''
'msg_rename2' = ''
'msg_destination_switch_1seg_restart_ms_conf' = ''
'msg_destination_switch_1seg_restart_em_conf' = ''
'msg_ms_no_access_destination_em' = ''
'msg_ms_locked_destination_em' = ''
'msg_no_ms_destination_em' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0101' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0102' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0103' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0110' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0120' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0130' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0140' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0150' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0151' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0160' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0161' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0201' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0202' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0203' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0301' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0302' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0303' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0304' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0401' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0402' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0403' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0501' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0502' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0503' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0504' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0505' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0506' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0507' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0601' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0602' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0603' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0604' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0605' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0606' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0701' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0702' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0801' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0802' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0803' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0901' = ''
'msg1seg_area_0902' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1001' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1002' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1101' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1103' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1201' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1202' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1301' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1401' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1402' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1501' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1502' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1503' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1504' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1505' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1506' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1507' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1508' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1509' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1510' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1511' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1601' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1602' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1701' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1702' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1703' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1704' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1705' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1706' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1707' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1801' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1802' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1901' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1902' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1903' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1904' = ''
'msg1seg_area_1905' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2001' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2002' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2003' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2004' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2101' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2102' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2103' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2104' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2201' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2202' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2203' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2204' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2205' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2206' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2207' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2301' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2302' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2303' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2401' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2402' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2403' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2404' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2501' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2502' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2503' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2601' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2602' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2701' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2702' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2801' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2803' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2804' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2805' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2806' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2901' = ''
'msg1seg_area_2902' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3001' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3002' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3003' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3101' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3102' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3103' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3201' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3202' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3203' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3205' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3301' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3401' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3402' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3403' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3404' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3405' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3406' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3501' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3502' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3503' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3504' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3505' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3506' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3507' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3601' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3701' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3702' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3703' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3801' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3802' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3803' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3804' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3805' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3806' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3901' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3902' = ''
'msg1seg_area_3903' = ''
'msg1seg_area_4001' = ''
'msg1seg_area_4002' = ''
'msg1seg_area_4003' = ''
'msg1seg_area_4004' = ''
'msg1seg_area_4005' = ''
'msg1seg_area_4101' = ''
'msg1seg_area_4102' = ''
'msg1seg_area_4201' = ''
'msg1seg_area_4202' = ''
'msg1seg_area_4203' = ''
'msg1seg_area_4301' = ''
'msg1seg_area_4302' = ''
'msg1seg_area_4303' = ''
'msg1seg_area_4401' = ''
'msg1seg_area_4501' = ''
'msg1seg_area_4502' = ''
'msg1seg_area_4601' = ''
'msg1seg_area_4602' = ''
'msg1seg_area_4603' = ''
'msg1seg_area_4604' = ''
'msg1seg_area_4605' = ''
'msg1seg_area_4701' = ''
'msgosk_ask_cancel' = 'Do you want to cancel text entry?'
'msg_text_field1' = ''
'msg_text_field2' = ''
'msg_text_field3' = ''
'msgosk_help_l' = ': Move Left (in Text)'
'msgosk_help_r' = ': Move Right (in Text)'
'msgosk_help_triangle' = ': Insert Space'
'msgosk_help_circle' = ': Enter'
'msgosk_help_square' = ': Delete'
'msgosk_help_start' = ': Enter/Enter Fields'
'msgosk_help_select' = ': Switch Input Modes'
'msgosk_help_direction' = ': Select Key'
'msgosk_help_direction_lr' = ''
'msgosk_help_title' = 'On-Screen Keyboard Help'
'msgosk_help_x' = ': Cancel'
'msgshare_opt_del' = 'Delete'
'msgshare_opt_info' = 'Information'
'msgshare_info_date' = 'Updated'
'msgshare_info_size' = 'Size'
'msgshare_info_format' = 'Format'
'msgshare_info_none' = '-'
'msgshare_deleted' = 'Delete completed.'
'msgshare_error_del' = 'Delete failed.'
'msgshare_error_del_ms_locked' = 'Delete failed. The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_ms' = 'The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_em' = 'The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_no_ms' = 'There is no Memory Stick™ inserted.'
'msgshare_error_ms_full' = 'There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msgshare_error_em_full' = 'There is not enough free space in the system storage.'
'msgshare_error_ms_locked' = 'The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_geting_filesize' = 'Counting...'
'msgshare_corrupted_data' = 'Corrupted Data'
'msgshare_unsupported_data' = 'Unsupported Data'
'msgshare_error_content_corrupted' = 'The data is corrupted.'
'msgshare_receive' = 'Receive'
'msgshare_resolution' = 'Resolution'
'msgshare_error_unsupported_data' = 'The data type is not supported.'
'msgshare_error_no_photo' = 'There are no images.'
'msg_error_no_photo_instruction' = 'There are no images. You can import content from a PS3™ system or a PC. For details, refer to the instructions for the PSP™ system.'
'msgshare_folder' = 'Folder'
'msgshare_info_file_number' = 'File Number'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_slide_with_icon' = 'Slideshow '
'msg_backto_photo_with_icon' = '%P Back to [Photo]'
'msgmusic_info_playlist' = 'Playlist'
'msg_playlists' = 'Playlists'
'msgmusic_info_codec_5.1ch' = 'ATRAC3plus™ 5.1 ch'
'msgmusic_info_codec_1.4m' = 'Linear PCM 1.4 Mbps'
'msgmusic_info_codec_3m' = 'Linear PCM 3 Mbps'
'msgmusic_info_codec_4.6m' = 'Linear PCM 4.6 Mbps'
'msgmusic_info_codec_unknown' = 'Unknown'
'msgmusic_info_codec_mp3' = 'MP3 %1 kbps'
'msgmusic_info_khz' = '%1 kHz'
'msgmusic_info_codec_aac' = ' %1 kbps'
'msgmusic_info_codec_wma' = 'WMA %1 kbps'
'msgmusic_info_codec_wav_linearpcm' = 'Linear PCM %1 bit %2 ch'
'msgmusic_info_codec_wav_adpcm' = 'ADPCM %1 bit %2 ch'
'msgmusic_info_codec_atrac3' = 'ATRAC3™ %1 kbps'
'msgmusic_info_codec_atrac3plus' = 'ATRAC3plus™ %1 kbps'
'msg_copying_em' = 'Copying to the system storage... Please wait.'
'msg_copying_ms' = 'Copying to the Memory Stick™... Please wait.'
'msg_apply_all' = 'Apply to All'
'msg_delete_playlist_conf' = 'The playlist will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msg_no_playlist' = 'There are no playlists. You can import playlists from a PS3™ system or from the Media Go™ application. For details, refer to the instructions for the PSP™ system.'
'msgphoto_folder_camera' = 'Digital Camera Images'
'msgphoto_info_photoname' = 'Image'
'msgphoto_info_dateshoot' = 'Date'
'msgphoto_info_photonumber' = 'Images'
'msgphoto_info_png' = 'PNG'
'msgphoto_info_jpg' = 'JPEG'
'msgphoto_info_tiff' = 'TIFF'
'msgphoto_info_gif' = 'GIF'
'msgphoto_info_bmp' = 'BMP'
'msgphoto_info_multiply' = '%1 x %2'
'msg_exif_model_name' = 'Model name'
'msg_exif_manufacturer_name' = 'Manufacturer name'
'msg_exif_max_aperture_value' = 'MaxApertureValue'
'msg_exif_lens_focal_length' = 'Lens focal length'
'msg_exif_shutter_speed' = 'Shutter speed'
'msg_exif_f_number' = 'F number'
'msg_exif_exposure_correction_value' = 'Exposure correction value'
'msg_exif_exposure_program' = 'Exposure program'
'msg_exif_metering_mode' = 'MeteringMode'
'msg_exif_iso' = 'ISO'
'msg_exif_white_balance_mode' = 'White balance mode'
'msg_exif_flash' = 'Flash'
'msg_exif_color_space' = 'Color space'
'msg_exif_exif_version' = 'Exif version'
'msg_exif_unknown' = 'Unknown'
'msg_exif_manual_exposure' = 'Manual exposure'
'msg_exif_program_ae' = 'Program AE(Auto Exposure)'
'msg_exif_aperture_priority' = 'Aperture priority'
'msg_exif_shutter_speed_priority' = 'Shutter speed priority'
'msg_exif_creative_program' = 'Creative program'
'msg_exif_active_program' = 'Active program'
'msg_exif_portrait' = 'Portrait'
'msg_exif_landscape' = 'Landscape'
'msg_exif_average' = 'Average'
'msg_exif_center_weighted' = 'Center weighted'
'msg_exif_spot' = 'Spot'
'msg_exif_multi_spot' = 'Multi spot'
'msg_exif_multi_pattern' = 'Multi pattern'
'msg_exif_partial' = 'Partial'
'msg_exif_others' = 'Others'
'msg_exif_auto_mode' = 'Auto mode'
'msg_exif_manual' = 'Manual'
'msg_exif_used' = 'Used'
'msg_exif_not_used' = 'Not used'
'msg_exif_s_rgb' = 'sRGB'
'msg_exif_adobe_rgb' = 'AdobeRGB'
'msgphoto_del_photo_ask' = 'The image will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msgphoto_folder_info_image' = '%1 Image'
'msgphoto_folder_info_images' = '%1 Images'
'msgphoto_folder_info_images_plus' = '%1+ Images'
'msgphoto_error_del_album' = 'Delete failed. The folder contains data of types other than image data.'
'msgphoto_del_protected_ask' = 'This image is protected. Are you sure you want to delete the image?'
'msgphoto_error_display' = 'This image cannot be displayed.'
'msgphoto_error_playback' = 'The slideshow cannot be started.'
'msgphoto_error_playback_folder' = 'There are no images that can be displayed.'
'msgphoto_folder_info_image_limit' = ''
'msgphoto_folder_info_image_limit_over' = '(Only %1 images can be displayed.)'
'msgphoto_send' = 'Send'
'msgphoto_error_send_size_8000kb' = 'Images of sizes %1 and larger cannot be sent.'
'msgphoto_error_send_unsupported' = 'Send failed. The data type is not supported.'
'msgphoto_error_send_corrupted' = 'Send failed. The data is corrupted.'
'msg_error_play_low_memory' = 'System memory is low.'
'msg_del_photofolder_conf' = 'The folder and all images in the folder, including protected images, will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msg_del_photoplaylist_conf' = 'The playlist and all images in the playlist, including protected images, will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_sizeorgnl' = 'Original'
'msg_folder' = '%1 Folder'
'msg_folders' = '%1 Folders'
'msg_folders_plus' = '%1+ Folders'
'msg_foldernumber' = 'Folders'
'msgsavedata_bu_cancel_ask' = 'Do you want to cancel Copy?'
'msgsavedata_opt_backup' = 'Copy'
'msg_copied' = 'Copy completed.'
'msg_error_copy_failed' = 'Copy failed.'
'msgerror_error_del_ms_no_access' = 'Delete failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_error_del_em_no_access' = 'Delete failed. The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msg_same_name_file' = 'A file with the same name already exists.'
'msg_different_name_save' = 'Rename and Save'
'msg_overwrite_save' = 'Overwrite and Save'
'msg_save_no' = 'Do Not Save'
'msg_view' = 'View'
'msg_deleting' = 'Deleting... Please wait.'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_stop' = 'Stop'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_display' = 'Display'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_repeat' = 'Repeat'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_help' = 'Help'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_viewmode' = 'View Mode'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_size_normal' = 'Normal'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_sizezoom' = 'Zoom'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_wallpaper' = 'Set as Wallpaper'
'msgshare_saved' = 'Save completed.'
'msgshare_am' = 'AM'
'msgshare_pm' = 'PM'
'msgshare_unsupported_data' = 'Unsupported Data'
'msgshare_error_internal' = 'An internal error has occurred.'
'msgshare_symbol_colon' = ':'
'msgshare_symbol_period' = '.'
'msgshare_count' = '(%1/%2)'
'msgshare_connecting' = 'Connecting... Please wait.'
'msgshare_sending' = 'Sending... Please wait.'
'msgshare_receiving' = 'Receiving... Please wait.'
'msgshare_saving' = 'Saving... Please wait.'
'msgshare_error_save_ms_no_access' = 'Save failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_save_em_no_access' = 'Save failed. The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_save_ms_locked' = 'Save failed. The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_play_with_icon' = 'Play '
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_pause_with_icon' = 'Pause '
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_prev_with_icon' = 'Previous '
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_next_with_icon' = 'Next '
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_slide_with_icon' = 'Slideshow '
'msgsysconf_video_volume_nrml' = 'Normal'
'msgsysconf_photo_slide' = 'Slideshow Speed'
'msgsysconf_photo_slide_fast' = 'Fast'
'msgsysconf_photo_slide_slow' = 'Slow'
'msg_homemenu_with_icon' = '%P XMB™'
'msg_ctrlpnl_with_icon' = ' Control Panel'
'msgphoto_error_no_prev' = 'There is no image available.'
'msgphoto_error_no_next' = 'There is no image available.'
'msgphoto_ctrlpnl_help_prev' = ': Previous Image'
'msgphoto_ctrlpnl_help_next' = ': Next Image'
'msgphoto_ctrlpnl_help_play' = ': Clear Zoom'
'msgphoto_ctrlpnl_help_stop' = ': Back/Stop'
'msgphoto_ctrlpnl_help_zoom' = ': Zoom In, Zoom Out'
'msgphoto_ctrlpnl_help_pause' = ': Start Slideshow/Pause'
'msgphoto_ctrlpnl_help_scroll' = ': Control Movement'
'msgphoto_ctrlpnl_help_rotateleft' = ': Rotate Left'
'msgphoto_ctrlpnl_help_rotateright' = ': Rotate Right'
'msgphoto_ctrlpnl_help_analogstick' = 'Analog Stick'
'msgphoto_ctrlpnl_help' = 'Photo Help'
'msgphoto_folder_info_image' = '%1 Image'
'msgphoto_folder_info_images' = '%1 Images'
'msgphoto_folder_info_images_plus' = '%1+ Images'
'msgphoto_unsorted' = 'Unsorted'
'msgphoto_ctrlpnl_help_slideshowoption' = ': Slideshow Options'
'msgphoto_set_wallpaper_ask' = 'Do you want to use this image as wallpaper?'
'msgphoto_wallpaper_overwrite_ask' = 'Do you want to overwrite the wallpaper? If you do, the current wallpaper will be lost. Only one wallpaper image can be saved.'
'msgphoto_send' = 'Send'
'msgphoto_send_searchingaperson' = 'Searching for a PSP™ to send to... Please wait.'
'msgphoto_send_selectaperson' = 'Select a PSP™ to send the image to.'
'msgphoto_saveimage_ask' = 'Do you want to save the image to the Memory Stick™?'
'msgphoto_saveimage_em_ask' = 'Do you want to save the image in the system storage?'
'msgphoto_error_send_size_8000kb' = 'Images of sizes %1 and larger cannot be sent.'
'msgphoto_error_receive_msfull' = 'Save failed. There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™. At least %1 more space is needed.'
'msgphoto_error_receive_emfull' = 'Save failed. There is not enough free space in the system storage. At least %1 more space is needed.'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_zoomin_with_icon' = 'Zoom In +'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_zoomout_with_icon' = 'Zoom Out +'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_zoom_reset_with_icon' = 'Clear Zoom %E'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_rotateleft_with_icon' = 'Rotate Left +'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_rotateright_with_icon' = 'Rotate Right +'
'msg_ctrlpnl_scroll_up_with_icon' = 'Scroll '
'msg_ctrlpnl_scroll_down_with_icon' = 'Scroll '
'msg_ctrlpnl_scroll_right_with_icon' = 'Scroll '
'msg_ctrlpnl_scroll_left_with_icon' = 'Scroll '
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_slide_mode_with_icon' = 'Slideshow Options '
'msgshare_percent' = '%1%%'
'msgshare_error_lan_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WLAN switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_wireless_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WIRELESS switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_internal' = 'An internal error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_connect' = 'A connection error has occurred.'
'msgshare_wait' = 'Please wait...'
'msgshare_error_ap_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the access point.'
'msgshare_channel' = 'Channel'
'msgshare_settings' = 'Settings'
'msgsysconf_video_volume_nrml' = 'Normal'
'msg_device_name' = 'Device Name'
'msgnetconf_connectname' = 'Connection Name'
'msgnetconf_ssid' = 'SSID'
'msgnetconf_signalstrength' = 'Signal Strength'
'msgnetconf_choose_address_manual' = 'Custom'
'msgnetconf_error_wlan_assoc_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. The signal may be weak.'
'msgnetconf_error_wlan_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. Please try again.'
'msgphoto_ctrlpnl_help_analogstick' = 'Analog Stick'
'msgsystem_ok' = 'OK'
'msgcamera_ctrlpnl_imagequality' = 'Image Quality'
'msglftv_ctrlpnl_connection_status' = 'Connection Status'
'msg_remoteplay_instruction' = 'This feature allows for remote operation of a PlayStation®3 system on this system. To use this feature you must first select [Network] > [Remote Play] on the PS3™ system.'
'msg_not_show_message' = 'Do Not Display Again'
'msg_quit_remoteplay' = 'Quit Remote Play'
'msg_psbutton' = 'PS Button'
'msg_remoteplay_closed' = 'This will quit remote play.'
'msg_quit_remoteplay_ps3_off' = 'Quit and Turn Off the PS3™ System'
'msg_quit_remoteplay_ps3_keepon' = 'Quit Without Turning Off the PS3™ System'
'msg_response' = 'Response Speed'
'msg_error_ps3_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. The connection to the PS3™ system has timed out.'
'msg_error_ps3_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. The connection to the PS3™ system has been terminated.'
'msg_error_connect_ps3_busy' = 'A connection to the PS3™ system could not be established. Another device is connected to the PS3™ system.'
'msg_updateprompt' = 'A system software update for the PSP™ system is required. Go to [Settings] > [System Update] to update the system.'
'msg_updateprompt_remoteplay_ps3_readmanual' = 'A system software update for the PS3™ system is required. For update methods, refer to the instructions for the PS3™ system.'
'msg_error_psp_not_registered' = 'You must register this system with the PS3™ system. For instructions, refer to the online manual for the PS3™ system.'
'msg_error_ps3_not_found' = 'No PS3™ systems were found.'
'msg_error_registered_ps3_not_found' = 'The PS3™ system that this system is registered with was not found. Check that you have selected [Network] > [Remote Play] on the PS3™ system.'
'msg_psbutton_info' = 'Performs the same operations as the PS button of the PS3™ system.'
'msg_remoteplay_method_select' = 'This feature allows for remote operation of a PlayStation®3 system on this system. Select the method for connecting to the PS3™ system.'
'msg_ps3connection_internet' = 'Connect via Internet'
'msg_ps3connection_home' = 'Connect via Private Network'
'msg_ps3connection_internet_info' = 'You must sign in to PlayStation®Network both on this system and on the PS3™ system using the same sign-in ID (e-mail address). Also, after signing in on the PS3™ system, you must select [Network] > [Remote Play]. If [Settings] > [Remote Play Settings] > [Remote Start] has been set to [On], the PSP™ system can establish a connection even when the PS3™ system is turned off.'
'msg_ps3connection_home_info' = 'Select [Network] > [Remote Play] on the PS3™ system. If [Settings] > [Remote Play Settings] > [Remote Start] has been set to [On], the PSP™ system can establish a connection even when the PS3™ system is turned off.'
'msg_error_registered_ps3_not_found2' = 'The PS3™ system was not found. Check that you are signed in on the PS3™ system using the same sign-in ID (e-mail address) as for this system, and have selected [Network] > [Remote Play] on the PS3™ system.'
'msg_signinid_unmatched' = 'A connection with the PS3™ system could not be established. Check that you are signed in using the same sign-in ID (e-mail address) on this system and on the PS3™ system.'
'msg_button_assignment_default' = 'You can use the PSP™ system buttons as the controller buttons for the PS3™ system.'
'msg_button_assignment_advanced' = 'In addition to using the PSP™ system buttons as the controller buttons for the PS3™ system, you can also perform the operations listed above.'
'msg_transmission setting' = 'Communication Settings'
'msg_transmission_type_select' = 'Select from Types 1 through 5 (preset combinations), or Custom. If you select Custom, you can set the option levels individually.'
'msg_response_setting_info' = 'If you increase the response speed, audio / video skipping may occur in some network environments.'
'msg_imagequality_setting_info' = 'If you increase the image quality, audio / video skipping may occur in some network environments.'
'msg_plus2_variable' = '+2 (%1)'
'msg_plus1_variable' = '+1 (%1)'
'msg_normal_hyoujun_variable' = 'Normal (%1)'
'msg_minus1_variable' = '-1 (%1)'
'msg_minus2_variable' = '-2 (%1)'
'msg_ps3_keyassign_l2_icon' = '+ : '
'msg_ps3_keyassign_r2_icon' = '+ : '
'msg_ps3_keyassign_select_icon' = '+ : '
'msg_ps3_keyassign_ps_icon' = '+%P : '
'msg_ps3_keyassign_rightstick_icon' = '+ : Right Stick'
'msg_ps3_keyassign_r3_icon' = '+ : '
'msg_ps3_keyassign_l3_icon' = '+ : '
'msg_turn_off_ps3' = 'Turn Off the PS3™ System'
'msgvideoumd_ctrlpnl_menu_with_icon' = '%P Menu'
'msg_connecting_time' = 'Please wait... It will take at most %1 seconds to connect.'
'msg_button_assignment' = 'Assign Buttons'
'msg_type_1' = 'Type %1'
'msgshare_error_lan_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WLAN switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_wireless_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WIRELESS switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_connect' = 'A connection error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_ap_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the access point.'
'msgnetconf_searching' = 'Scanning... Please wait.'
'msgnetconf_error_wlan_assoc_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. The signal may be weak.'
'msgnetconf_error_wlan_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. Please try again.'
'msg_ps3_scan' = 'Scan for PS3™ System'
'msg_error_no_active_ps3' = 'No PS3™ systems running the title were found.'
'msgshare_deleted' = 'Delete completed.'
'msg_updateprompt_now' = 'A system software update for the PSP™ system is required. Do you want to update now?'
'msg_error_no_signup_ask' = 'You must sign up for PlayStation®Network. Do you want to sign up now?'
'msg_delete_accout_conf' = 'Do you want to delete the account information that is associated with this system from this PSP™ system? Your PlayStation®Network account will be maintained so you can still use the account on other PS3™ systems, PSP™ systems or PCs.'
'msgshare_opt_load' = 'Start'
'msgshare_opt_del' = 'Delete'
'msgshare_opt_info' = 'Information'
'msgshare_deleted' = 'Delete completed.'
'msgshare_error_del' = 'Delete failed.'
'msgshare_error_del_ms_locked' = 'Delete failed. The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_no_ms' = 'There is no Memory Stick™ inserted.'
'msgshare_corrupted_data' = 'Corrupted Data'
'msgshare_author' = 'Author'
'msgshare_address' = 'Address'
'msgshare_copyright' = 'Copyright Information'
'msgshare_opt_load_with_icon' = 'Start '
'msg_internetradio' = 'Internet Radio'
'msg_site' = 'Website'
'msg_open_site' = 'Open Website'
'msg_file' = 'File'
'msgerror_error_del_ms_no_access' = 'Delete failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_error_del_em_no_access' = 'Delete failed. The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msg_skin' = 'Internet Radio Player'
'msg_delete_skin_conf' = 'Registration with this Internet radio player will be cleared. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msg_deleting' = 'Deleting... Please wait.'
'msg_internetradio_fin' = 'The Internet radio player will close. Do you want to continue?'
'msg_comment' = 'Comment'
'msg_skin_collection' = 'About Internet Radio'
'msgshare_info_none' = '-'
'msgshare_error_notplay_ms' = 'The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_em' = 'The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_no_ms' = 'There is no Memory Stick™ inserted.'
'msgshare_error_ms_full' = 'There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msgshare_error_em_full' = 'There is not enough free space in the system storage.'
'msgshare_error_ms_locked' = 'The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_lan_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WLAN switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_wireless_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WIRELESS switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_connect' = 'A connection error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error' = 'An error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_ap_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the access point.'
'msgshare_error_pppoe_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the PPPoE server.'
'msgshare_error_pppoe_com' = 'A connection error has occurred. There was a PPPoE communication error.'
'msgshare_error_connection_timeout' = 'The connection to the server timed out.'
'msgshare_error_dns' = 'Communication with the server failed. A DNS error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_comm_server' = 'Communication with the server failed.'
'msgshare_error_server_http' = 'A server error has occurred. (HTTP Status Code: %1)'
'msgshare_error_server_unsupported' = 'The server does not support this feature.'
'msgshare_error_sslcomm' = 'This feature does not support SSL communication.'
'msgshare_error_save_misc' = 'Save failed.'
'msgshare_error_unsupported_data' = 'The data type is not supported.'
'msgshare_settings' = 'Settings'
'msg_getting_information' = 'Obtaining information...'
'msg_no_information' = 'There is no information available.'
'msgnetconf_error_dhcp_com' = 'A connection error has occurred. There was a DHCP communication error.'
'msgnetconf_error_dhcp_not_found' = 'A connection error has occurred. A DHCP server was not detected.'
'msg_refresh' = 'Refresh'
'msg_country_select_psn' = 'Select your country/region.'
'msgshare_opt_del' = 'Delete'
'msgshare_opt_info' = 'Information'
'msgshare_info_none' = '-'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_slide' = 'Slideshow'
'msgshare_deleted' = 'Delete completed.'
'msgshare_error_del' = 'Delete failed.'
'msgshare_error_del_ms_locked' = 'Delete failed. The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_ms' = 'The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_em' = 'The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_no_ms' = 'There is no Memory Stick™ inserted.'
'msgshare_error_ms_full' = 'There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msgshare_error_em_full' = 'There is not enough free space in the system storage.'
'msgshare_error_ms_locked' = 'The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_lan_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WLAN switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_wireless_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WIRELESS switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_direction_lr' = 'Press the ◀ button to go back, or the ▶ button to continue.'
'msgshare_direction_r' = 'Press the ▶ button to continue.'
'msgshare_direction_l' = 'Press the ◀ button to go back.'
'msgshare_corrupted_data' = 'Corrupted Data'
'msgshare_unsupported_data' = 'Unsupported Data'
'msgshare_error_connect' = 'A connection error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_content_corrupted' = 'The data is corrupted.'
'msgshare_error_ap_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the access point.'
'msgshare_error_pppoe_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the PPPoE server.'
'msgshare_error_pppoe_com' = 'A connection error has occurred. There was a PPPoE communication error.'
'msgshare_channel' = 'Channel'
'msgshare_error_connection_timeout' = 'The connection to the server timed out.'
'msgshare_error_dns' = 'Communication with the server failed. A DNS error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_comm_server' = 'Communication with the server failed.'
'msgshare_del_channel_conf' = 'The channel will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msgshare_item' = 'Item'
'msgshare_author' = 'Author'
'msgshare_releasedate' = 'Released'
'msgshare_no_item' = 'There is no item.'
'msgshare_address' = 'Address'
'msgshare_copyright' = 'Copyright Information'
'msgshare_error_server_http' = 'A server error has occurred. (HTTP Status Code: %1)'
'msgshare_error_server_unsupported' = 'The server does not support this feature.'
'msgshare_error_sslcomm' = 'This feature does not support SSL communication.'
'msgshare_no_subscription' = 'There are no channels.'
'msgshare_info_content' = 'Content'
'msgshare_save' = 'Save'
'msgshare_save_select' = 'Save Multiple'
'msgshare_opt_select_all' = 'Select All'
'msgshare_opt_uncheck_all' = 'Clear All'
'msgshare_error_unsupported_data' = 'The data type is not supported.'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_play_with_icon' = 'Play '
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_slide_with_icon' = 'Slideshow '
'msg_backto_rssch_with_icon' = '%P Back to [RSS Channel]'
'msgnetconf_error_dhcp_com' = 'A connection error has occurred. There was a DHCP communication error.'
'msgnetconf_error_dhcp_not_found' = 'A connection error has occurred. A DHCP server was not detected.'
'msgmusic_error_playback_expired' = 'The effective period is limited.'
'msgmusic_error_playback_remaining' = 'The number of plays is restricted.'
'msgmusic_info_codec_5.1ch' = 'ATRAC3plus™ 5.1 ch'
'msgmusic_info_codec_1.4m' = 'Linear PCM 1.4 Mbps'
'msgmusic_info_codec_3m' = 'Linear PCM 3 Mbps'
'msgmusic_info_codec_4.6m' = 'Linear PCM 4.6 Mbps'
'msgmusic_info_codec_unknown' = 'Unknown'
'msgmusic_info_codec_mp3' = 'MP3 %1 kbps'
'msgmusic_info_khz' = '%1 kHz'
'msgmusic_error_del_folder' = 'This folder cannot be deleted. The folder contains data of types other than music data.'
'msgmusic_error_playback_cannot_open' = 'The file cannot be opened.'
'msgmusic_error_playback' = 'This track cannot be played.'
'msgmusic_error_gp_pb_inconsistent' = 'The group information is invalid. If this track is deleted, the group information will be repaired. Do you want to continue?'
'msgmusic_error_playback_limited' = 'Playback is restricted.'
'msgmusic_error_del_mg' = 'Delete failed. The copyright protection information is invalid.'
'msgmusic_error_playback_folder' = 'There are no tracks that can be played.'
'msgmusic_info_codec_aac' = ' %1 kbps'
'msgmusic_info_codec_wma' = 'WMA %1 kbps'
'msgmusic_info_codec_wav_linearpcm' = 'Linear PCM %1 bit %2 ch'
'msgmusic_info_codec_wav_adpcm' = 'ADPCM %1 bit %2 ch'
'msgmusic_info_codec_atrac3' = 'ATRAC3™ %1 kbps'
'msgmusic_info_codec_atrac3plus' = 'ATRAC3plus™ %1 kbps'
'msgmusic_error_playback_invalidregistration' = 'The service registration is invalid.'
'msgmusic_error_playback_protected_wma' = 'WMA tracks with copyright protection cannot be played.'
'msgmusic_error_playback_wma_activate' = 'WMA playback is not enabled. Go to [Settings] > [System Settings], and select [Enable WMA Playback] to enable this feature.'
'msgmusic_error_no_subscription' = 'There are no channels. Do you want to start the Internet browser and check the method for adding channels?'
'msg_timer_settings' = 'Set Timer'
'msg_site' = 'Website'
'msg_open_site' = 'Open Website'
'msg_rsschannel_guide' = 'RSS Channel Guide'
'msgphoto_error_display' = 'This image cannot be displayed.'
'msgphoto_error_playback' = 'The slideshow cannot be started.'
'msgphoto_error_playback_folder' = 'There are no images that can be displayed.'
'msg_error_play_low_memory' = 'System memory is low.'
'msgvideoms_error_licenseinfo' = 'The copyright protection information is invalid.'
'msgerror_error_del_ms_no_access' = 'Delete failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_error_del_em_no_access' = 'Delete failed. The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msg_import' = 'Import'
'msg_importing' = 'Importing... Please wait.'
'msg_imported' = 'Import completed.'
'msg_error_no_required_file_import' = 'The files were not found. Save the list of RSS feeds from a PC or other device in OPML format in %1 on a Memory Stick™.'
'msg_error_no_required_file_import_em' = 'The files were not found. Save the list of RSS feeds from a PC or other device in OPML format in %1 in the system storage.'
'msg_file_select' = 'Select a file.'
'msg_channel_select' = 'Select channels to import.'
'msg_channel_select_info' = 'Register up to 100. %1/100'
'msg_import_start_conf' = 'Press the %e button to start importing.'
'msg_error_channel_not_found' = 'No channels were found.'
'msg_error_import' = 'An error occurred during the import operation.'
'msg_save_settings' = 'Item Save Settings'
'msg_view' = 'View'
'msg_deleting' = 'Deleting... Please wait.'
'msgshare_ms' = 'Memory Stick™'
'msg_em' = 'System Storage'
'msgshare_saved' = 'Save completed.'
'msgshare_error_no_ms' = 'There is no Memory Stick™ inserted.'
'msgshare_direction_lr' = 'Press the ◀ button to go back, or the ▶ button to continue.'
'msgshare_direction_r' = 'Press the ▶ button to continue.'
'msgshare_direction_l' = 'Press the ◀ button to go back.'
'msgshare_symbol_colon' = ':'
'msgshare_save_channel_conf' = 'Do you want to save the latest items on the Memory Stick™? Items other than the latest items being saved now will be deleted.'
'msgshare_save_channel_em_conf' = 'Do you want to save the latest items in the system storage? Items other than the latest items being saved now will be deleted.'
'msgshare_opt_select_all' = 'Select All'
'msgshare_opt_uncheck_all' = 'Clear All'
'msgshare_save_select_channel' = 'Select the channels you want to save.'
'msg_save_channel_item_conf' = 'Press the %e button to save the latest items. Items other than the latest items being saved now will be deleted.'
'msgshare_save_item_conf' = 'Do you want to save this item on the Memory Stick™?'
'msgshare_save_item_em_conf' = 'Do you want to save this item in the system storage?'
'msgshare_saving' = 'Saving... Please wait.'
'msgshare_error_save_ms_no_access' = 'Save failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_save_em_no_access' = 'Save failed. The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_save_ms_locked' = 'Save failed. The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_save_no_item' = 'Save failed. There are no items available.'
'msgshare_error_save_item_saved' = 'This item has already been saved.'
'msgshare_error_save_channel_saved' = 'The items in this channel have already been saved.'
'msgshare_error_save_channels_saved' = 'The items in the selected channels have already been saved.'
'msgshare_error_save_misc' = 'Save failed.'
'msgshare_error_save_msfull' = 'Save failed. There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msgshare_error_save_em_full' = 'Save failed. There is not enough free space in the system storage.'
'msgsysconf_rss_item' = 'Item Save Options'
'msgsysconf_rss_item_1' = 'Latest item'
'msgsysconf_rss_item_2' = 'Last 2 items'
'msgsysconf_rss_item_5' = 'Last 5 items'
'msgsysconf_rss_item_10' = 'Last 10 items'
'msgsysconf_rss_item_all' = 'All items'
'msg_perform_timer_settings' = 'The channel will be saved each day at the set time.'
'msg_cancel_timer_settings' = 'Press the %e button to clear the setting.'
'msg_save_timer_settings' = 'Press the %e button to save the setting. To activate the setting, you must turn on the WLAN switch and put the system in sleep mode or turn off the system before the set time. Note that if the system is put in sleep mode during gameplay, the setting will not be activated.'
'msg_save_timer_settings_wireless' = 'Press the %e button to save the setting. To activate the setting, you must turn on the WIRELESS switch and put the system in sleep mode or turn off the system before the set time. Note that if the system is put in sleep mode during gameplay, the setting will not be activated.'
'msg_save_yes' = 'Save'
'msg_save_no' = 'Do Not Save'
'msg_save_folder' = 'Destination'
'msg_set_item_save_settings' = 'Specify the method for saving the items.'
'msg_cannot_set_timer_conflict' = 'This setting cannot be saved. The following settings are scheduled to be time activated:'
'msg_timer_conflict_conf2' = 'The following time-activated settings have priority over this setting:'
'msg_sun' = 'Sun'
'msg_mon' = 'Mon'
'msg_tue' = 'Tue'
'msg_wed' = 'Wed'
'msg_thu' = 'Thu'
'msg_fri' = 'Fri'
'msg_sat' = 'Sat'
'msg_mon_thu' = 'Mon - Thu'
'msg_mon_fri' = 'Mon - Fri'
'msg_mon_sat' = 'Mon - Sat'
'msg_everyday' = 'Daily'
'msgshare_info_none' = '-'
'msgrss_subscribe_conf' = 'Do you want to add this channel? Go to [Network] > [RSS Channel] to access channels.'
'msg_adding' = 'Adding... Please wait.'
'msgrss_subscribe_completed' = 'Add completed.'
'msgrss_register_error_subscribe_no_ms' = 'The channel could not be added. There is no Memory Stick™ inserted.'
'msgrss_register_error_subscribe_ms_no_access' = 'The channel could not be added. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgrss_register_error_subscribe_em_no_access' = 'The channel could not be added. The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgrss_register_error_subscribe_ms_locked' = 'The channel could not be added. The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgrss_register_error_subscribe_ms_full' = 'The channel could not be added. There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msgrss_register_error_subscribe_em_full' = 'The channel could not be added. There is not enough free space in the system storage.'
'msgrss_register_error_subscribe_channel' = 'This channel has already been added.'
'msgrss_register_error_subscribe_unsupported_data' = 'The channel could not be added. The data type is not supported.'
'msgrss_register_error_subscribe_misc' = 'The channel could not be added.'
'msgrss_register_error_subscribe_server_comm' = 'The channel could not be added. Communication with the server failed.'
'msgrss_register_error_subscribe_address_over' = 'The channel could not be added. Addresses containing 256 characters or more cannot be used.'
'msg_rsschannel_registration' = 'Add RSS Channel'
'msg_error_ch_over_overwrite_conf' = 'The maximum number of channels is 100. Do you want to overwrite an existing channel?'
'msg_ch_overwrite_select' = 'Select a channel to overwrite.'
'msgshare_opt_del' = 'Delete'
'msgshare_opt_info' = 'Information'
'msgshare_info_date' = 'Updated'
'msgshare_info_size' = 'Size'
'msgshare_info_title' = 'Title'
'msgshare_info_none' = '-'
'msgshare_info_parent' = 'Parental Control'
'msgshare_info_level' = 'Level %1'
'msgshare_info_space' = 'Free Space'
'msgshare_del_data_ask' = 'The data will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msgshare_deleted' = 'Delete completed.'
'msgshare_error_del' = 'Delete failed.'
'msgshare_error_del_ms_locked' = 'Delete failed. The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_ms' = 'The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_em' = 'The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_no_data' = 'There is no data.'
'msgshare_error_no_ms' = 'There is no Memory Stick™ inserted.'
'msgshare_error_ms_full' = 'There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msgshare_error_em_full' = 'There is not enough free space in the system storage.'
'msgshare_error_ms_locked' = 'The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_date_num' = '%1/%2/%3'
'msgshare_datetime_num' = '%1/%2/%3 %4:%5:%6'
'msgshare_datetime_num_ap' = '%1/%2/%3 %4:%5:%6 %7'
'msgshare_corrupted_data' = 'Corrupted Data'
'msgshare_error_parental_lock' = 'Restricted Content'
'msgshare_error_parental_lock_data' = 'Restricted Data'
'msgshare_sd_error_load_data_corrupted' = 'Load failed. The data is corrupted.'
'msgshare_sd_error_load_no_data' = 'Load failed. There is no data available.'
'msgshare_sd_error_save_ms_full' = 'Save failed. There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™. At least %1 more space is needed.'
'msgshare_sd_error_save_em_full' = 'Save failed. There is not enough free space in the system storage. At least %1 more space is needed.'
'msgshare_sd_error_save_ms_locked' = 'Save failed. The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_load' = 'Load failed.'
'msgshare_error_save' = 'Save failed.'
'msgshare_wait' = 'Please wait...'
'msgshare_game' = 'Game'
'msgshare_sd_error_save_data_corrupted' = 'Save failed. The data is corrupted.'
'msgshare_info_details' = 'Details'
'msg_copying_em' = 'Copying to the system storage... Please wait.'
'msg_copying_ms' = 'Copying to the Memory Stick™... Please wait.'
'msgsavedata_info_savedatatitle' = 'Saved Data'
'msgsavedata_cmn_load_ask' = 'Do you want to load this data?'
'msgsavedata_cmn_loading' = 'Loading... Please wait.'
'msgsavedata_cmn_loaded' = 'Load completed.'
'msgsavedata_cmn_save_ask' = 'Do you want to save this data?'
'msgsavedata_cmn_saving' = 'Saving... Please wait.'
'msgsavedata_cmn_saved' = 'Save completed.'
'msgsavedata_cmn_overwrite_ask' = 'Do you want to overwrite the data?'
'msgsavedata_cmn_save' = 'Save'
'msgsavedata_cmn_load' = 'Load'
'msgsavedata_cmn_new' = 'New'
'msgsavedata_bu_start' = 'You will be asked to change the Memory Stick™ %1 times. Press the %e button to begin.'
'msgsavedata_bu_read_data' = 'Reading the data to be copied... (%1/%2) Do not remove the source Memory Stick™.'
'msgsavedata_bu_insert_msto_ask' = 'Insert the destination Memory Stick™ and press the %e button. (%1/%2)'
'msgsavedata_bu_saving' = 'Copying... (%1/%2) Do not remove the Memory Stick™.'
'msgsavedata_bu_insert_msfrom' = 'Insert the source Memory Stick™ and press the %e button. (%1/%2)'
'msgsavedata_bu_saved' = 'Copy completed. Insert the source Memory Stick™.'
'msgsavedata_bu_cancel_ask' = 'Do you want to cancel Copy?'
'msgsavedata_bu_delete_incomplete' = 'To delete the unfinished copy data, insert the destination Memory Stick™ and press the %e button. Press the %b button to cancel without deleting.'
'msgsavedata_bu_deleted' = 'Delete completed. Insert the source Memory Stick™.'
'msgsavedata_bu_error_ms_removed' = 'Copy failed. The Memory Stick™ has been removed.'
'msgsavedata_bu_error_ms_no_access' = 'Copy failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgsavedata_bu_error_ms_no_dest' = 'There is no Memory Stick™ inserted. Insert the destination Memory Stick™.'
'msgsavedata_bu_error_ms_no_source' = 'There is no Memory Stick™ inserted. Insert the source Memory Stick™.'
'msgsavedata_bu_error_ms_wrong_dest' = 'This is not the correct Memory Stick™. Insert the destination Memory Stick™.'
'msgsavedata_bu_error_ms_wrong_source' = 'This is not the correct Memory Stick™. Insert the source Memory Stick™.'
'msgsavedata_bu_error_ms_notread' = 'Copy failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be read.'
'msgsavedata_opt_backup' = 'Copy'
'msgsavedata_error_corrupted_data_notcopied' = 'This data cannot be copied. The data is corrupted.'
'msgsavedata_cmn_save_cancel_ask' = 'Do you want to cancel Save?'
'msgsavedata_error_copy' = 'This data cannot be copied.'
'msgsavedata_error_copy_ms_full' = 'Copy failed. There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msg_saveddata_overwrite_conf' = 'Saved data with the same name already exists. Do you want to overwrite the existing data?'
'msg_copied' = 'Copy completed.'
'msg_error_copy_failed' = 'Copy failed.'
'msgerror_load_ms_no_access' = 'Load failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_load_em_no_access' = 'Load failed. The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_sd_error_load_ms_removed' = 'Load failed. The Memory Stick™ has been removed.'
'msgerror_sd_error_save_ms_no_access' = 'Save failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_sd_error_save_em_no_access' = 'Save failed. The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_sd_error_save_ms_removed' = 'Save failed. The Memory Stick™ has been removed.'
'msgerror_error_del_ms_no_access' = 'Delete failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_error_del_em_no_access' = 'Delete failed. The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_error_del_ms_removed' = 'Delete failed. The Memory Stick™ has been removed.'
'msg_deleting' = 'Deleting... Please wait.'
'msg_error_ms_not_found' = 'Insert a Memory Stick™.'
'msgshare_opt_del' = 'Delete'
'msgshare_opt_info' = 'Information'
'msgshare_info_date' = 'Updated'
'msgshare_info_size' = 'Size'
'msgshare_info_title' = 'Title'
'msgshare_info_none' = '-'
'msgshare_info_parent' = 'Parental Control'
'msgshare_info_level' = 'Level %1'
'msgshare_info_space' = 'Free Space'
'msgshare_del_data_ask' = 'The data will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msgshare_deleted' = 'Delete completed.'
'msgshare_error_del' = 'Delete failed.'
'msgshare_error_del_ms_locked' = 'Delete failed. The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_ms' = 'The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_em' = 'The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_no_data' = 'There is no data.'
'msgshare_error_no_ms' = 'There is no Memory Stick™ inserted.'
'msgshare_error_ms_full' = 'There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msgshare_error_em_full' = 'There is not enough free space in the system storage.'
'msgshare_error_ms_locked' = 'The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_date_num' = '%1/%2/%3'
'msgshare_datetime_num' = '%1/%2/%3 %4:%5:%6'
'msgshare_datetime_num_ap' = '%1/%2/%3 %4:%5:%6 %7'
'msgshare_corrupted_data' = 'Corrupted Data'
'msgshare_error_parental_lock' = 'Restricted Content'
'msgshare_error_parental_lock_data' = 'Restricted Data'
'msgshare_sd_error_load_data_corrupted' = 'Load failed. The data is corrupted.'
'msgshare_sd_error_load_no_data' = 'Load failed. There is no data available.'
'msgshare_sd_error_save_ms_full' = 'Save failed. There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™. At least %1 more space is needed.'
'msgshare_sd_error_save_em_full' = 'Save failed. There is not enough free space in the system storage. At least %1 more space is needed.'
'msgshare_sd_error_save_ms_locked' = 'Save failed. The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_load' = 'Load failed.'
'msgshare_error_save' = 'Save failed.'
'msgshare_wait' = 'Please wait...'
'msgshare_game' = 'Game'
'msgshare_sd_error_save_data_corrupted' = 'Save failed. The data is corrupted.'
'msgshare_info_details' = 'Details'
'msg_copying_em' = 'Copying to the system storage... Please wait.'
'msg_copying_ms' = 'Copying to the Memory Stick™... Please wait.'
'msgsavedata_info_savedatatitle' = 'Saved Data'
'msgsavedata_cmn_load_ask' = 'Do you want to load this data?'
'msgsavedata_cmn_loading' = 'Loading... Please wait.'
'msgsavedata_cmn_loaded' = 'Load completed.'
'msgsavedata_cmn_save_ask' = 'Do you want to save this data?'
'msgsavedata_cmn_saving' = 'Saving... Please wait.'
'msgsavedata_cmn_saved' = 'Save completed.'
'msgsavedata_cmn_overwrite_ask' = 'Do you want to overwrite the data?'
'msgsavedata_cmn_save' = 'Save'
'msgsavedata_cmn_load' = 'Load'
'msgsavedata_cmn_new' = 'New'
'msgsavedata_bu_start' = 'You will be asked to change the Memory Stick™ %1 times. Press the %e button to begin.'
'msgsavedata_bu_read_data' = 'Reading the data to be copied... (%1/%2) Do not remove the source Memory Stick™.'
'msgsavedata_bu_insert_msto_ask' = 'Insert the destination Memory Stick™ and press the %e button. (%1/%2)'
'msgsavedata_bu_saving' = 'Copying... (%1/%2) Do not remove the Memory Stick™.'
'msgsavedata_bu_insert_msfrom' = 'Insert the source Memory Stick™ and press the %e button. (%1/%2)'
'msgsavedata_bu_saved' = 'Copy completed. Insert the source Memory Stick™.'
'msgsavedata_bu_cancel_ask' = 'Do you want to cancel Copy?'
'msgsavedata_bu_delete_incomplete' = 'To delete the unfinished copy data, insert the destination Memory Stick™ and press the %e button. Press the %b button to cancel without deleting.'
'msgsavedata_bu_deleted' = 'Delete completed. Insert the source Memory Stick™.'
'msgsavedata_bu_error_ms_removed' = 'Copy failed. The Memory Stick™ has been removed.'
'msgsavedata_bu_error_ms_no_access' = 'Copy failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgsavedata_bu_error_ms_no_dest' = 'There is no Memory Stick™ inserted. Insert the destination Memory Stick™.'
'msgsavedata_bu_error_ms_no_source' = 'There is no Memory Stick™ inserted. Insert the source Memory Stick™.'
'msgsavedata_bu_error_ms_wrong_dest' = 'This is not the correct Memory Stick™. Insert the destination Memory Stick™.'
'msgsavedata_bu_error_ms_wrong_source' = 'This is not the correct Memory Stick™. Insert the source Memory Stick™.'
'msgsavedata_bu_error_ms_notread' = 'Copy failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be read.'
'msgsavedata_opt_backup' = 'Copy'
'msgsavedata_error_corrupted_data_notcopied' = 'This data cannot be copied. The data is corrupted.'
'msgsavedata_cmn_save_cancel_ask' = 'Do you want to cancel Save?'
'msgsavedata_error_copy' = 'This data cannot be copied.'
'msgsavedata_error_copy_ms_full' = 'Copy failed. There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msg_saveddata_overwrite_conf' = 'Saved data with the same name already exists. Do you want to overwrite the existing data?'
'msg_copied' = 'Copy completed.'
'msg_error_copy_failed' = 'Copy failed.'
'msgerror_load_ms_no_access' = 'Load failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_load_em_no_access' = 'Load failed. The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_sd_error_load_ms_removed' = 'Load failed. The Memory Stick™ has been removed.'
'msgerror_sd_error_save_ms_no_access' = 'Save failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_sd_error_save_em_no_access' = 'Save failed. The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_sd_error_save_ms_removed' = 'Save failed. The Memory Stick™ has been removed.'
'msgerror_error_del_ms_no_access' = 'Delete failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_error_del_em_no_access' = 'Delete failed. The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgerror_error_del_ms_removed' = 'Delete failed. The Memory Stick™ has been removed.'
'msg_deleting' = 'Deleting... Please wait.'
'msg_error_ms_not_found' = 'Insert a Memory Stick™.'
'msgshare_saved' = 'Save completed.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_ms' = 'The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_em' = 'The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_datetime_num' = '%1/%2/%3 %4:%5:%6'
'msgshare_error_internal' = 'An internal error has occurred.'
'msgshare_saving' = 'Saving... Please wait.'
'msgshare_error_save_ms_no_access' = 'Save failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_save_em_no_access' = 'Save failed. The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_save_ms_locked' = 'Save failed. The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_save_misc' = 'Save failed.'
'msgshare_error_no_photo' = 'There are no images.'
'msgshare_error_save_msfull' = 'Save failed. There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msgshare_error_save_em_full' = 'Save failed. There is not enough free space in the system storage.'
'msgshare_error_save_ms_removed' = 'Save failed. The Memory Stick™ has been removed.'
'msg_select_save_folder' = 'Select a location to save to.'
'msg_error_ms_not_found' = 'Insert a Memory Stick™.'
'msg_screenshot' = 'Screenshot'
'msg_savescreenshot_conf' = 'Do you want to save the screenshot on the Memory Stick™?'
'msg_savescreenshot_em_conf' = 'Do you want to save the screenshot in the system storage?'
'msg_new_screenshot' = 'New Screenshot'
'msg_overwrite_screenshot_conf' = 'Do you want to overwrite this screenshot?'
'msg_error_save_screenshot_over' = 'Save failed. The maximum number of images that can be saved in a folder is %1.'
'msg_cancel_save_conf' = 'Do you want to cancel Save?'
'msgshare_opt_del' = 'Delete'
'msgshare_on' = 'On'
'msgshare_off' = 'Off'
'msgshare_agree' = 'Accept'
'msgshare_not_agree' = 'Do Not Accept'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_play' = 'Play'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_stop' = 'Stop'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_pause' = 'Pause'
'msgshare_del_data_ask' = 'The data will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msgshare_deleted' = 'Delete completed.'
'msgshare_error_no_ms' = 'There is no Memory Stick™ inserted.'
'msgshare_error_ms_full' = 'There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msgshare_error_em_full' = 'There is not enough free space in the system storage.'
'msgshare_error_ms_locked' = 'The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_lan_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WLAN switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_wireless_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WIRELESS switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_date_num' = '%1/%2/%3'
'msgshare_date_bar' = '----/--/--'
'msgshare_time_num1' = '%1:%2:%3'
'msgshare_time_num2' = '%1:%2'%3'''
'msgshare_time_hour' = '%1:%2'
'msgshare_time_bar' = '--:--:--'
'msgshare_datetime_num' = '%1/%2/%3 %4:%5:%6'
'msgshare_datetime_bar' = '----/--/-- --:--:--'
'msgshare_datetime_num_ap' = '%1/%2/%3 %4:%5:%6 %7'
'msgshare_datetime_bar_ap' = '----/--/-- --:--:-- --'
'msgshare_am' = 'AM'
'msgshare_pm' = 'PM'
'msgshare_direction_lr' = 'Press the ◀ button to go back, or the ▶ button to continue.'
'msgshare_direction_r' = 'Press the ▶ button to continue.'
'msgshare_direction_l' = 'Press the ◀ button to go back.'
'msgshare_error_connect' = 'A connection error has occurred.'
'msgshare_connecting' = 'Connecting... Please wait.'
'msgshare_wait' = 'Please wait...'
'msgshare_error' = 'An error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_ap_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the access point.'
'msgshare_error_pppoe_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the PPPoE server.'
'msgshare_error_pppoe_com' = 'A connection error has occurred. There was a PPPoE communication error.'
'msgshare_error_ms_read' = 'The Memory Stick™ cannot be read.'
'msgshare_error_em_read' = 'The system storage cannot be read.'
'msgshare_error_connection_timeout' = 'The connection to the server timed out.'
'msgshare_error_dns' = 'Communication with the server failed. A DNS error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_comm_server' = 'Communication with the server failed.'
'msgshare_error_setting_failed' = 'The setting could not be completed.'
'msgshare_settings' = 'Settings'
'msgsysconf_datetime_tz' = 'Time Zone'
'msgsysconf_console_theme_original' = 'Original'
'msgnetconf_password' = 'Password'
'msgnetconf_choose_address_manual' = 'Custom'
'msgnetconf_error_dhcp_com' = 'A connection error has occurred. There was a DHCP communication error.'
'msgnetconf_error_dhcp_not_found' = 'A connection error has occurred. A DHCP server was not detected.'
'msgnetconf_error_port_number' = 'The port number is invalid. Enter a number from 1 to 65535.'
'msg_error_invalid_number' = 'The value you entered is not valid.'
'msgvideoms_info_expired' = 'Expired'
'msg_signin' = 'Sign In'
'msg_create_skypeaccount' = 'Create New Skype Account'
'msg_skype_fullname_enter' = 'Enter your full name.'
'msg_cancel_create_account_ask' = 'Are you sure you want to cancel creation of the new Skype account?'
'msg_skype_fullname' = 'Full Name'
'msg_skypename_enter' = 'Enter a Skype Name.'
'msg_characters_length' = '(6-32 characters)'
'msg_skypename' = 'Skype Name'
'msg_pswd_enter' = 'Enter a password.'
'msg_save_pw' = 'Sign Me In When Skype Starts'
'msg_mailaddress_enter' = 'Enter your e-mail address. A valid e-mail address is the only way to retrieve lost passwords.'
'msg_email' = 'E-Mail Address'
'msg_accept_skypeeula_ask' = 'Do you accept the Skype end user license agreement?'
'msg_error_skype_eula' = 'You must accept the end user license agreement to use Skype.'
'msg_checking_skypename_available' = 'Checking if the Skype Name is available...'
'msg_skypename_taken' = 'The Skype Name you chose is already taken. Select from the following suggestions or enter a different Skype Name.'
'msg_new_skypename_enter' = 'Enter Different Skype Name'
'msg_forgot_pswd' = 'Forgot your password?'
'msg_myprofile' = 'My Profile'
'msg_signing' = 'Signing in...'
'msg_dial_history' = 'History'
'msg_dial' = 'Dial'
'msg_dial_pad' = 'Dial Pad'
'msg_tools' = 'Tools'
'msg_new_events' = '%1 New Events'
'msg_new_event' = '%1 New Event'
'msg_status' = 'Status'
'msg_picture' = 'Picture'
'msg_moodmsg' = 'Mood Message'
'msg_gender' = 'Gender'
'msg_birthdate' = 'Birth Date'
'msg_country_region' = 'Country/Region'
'msg_state_province' = 'State/Province'
'msg_city' = 'City'
'msg_language' = 'Language'
'msg_homephone' = 'Home Phone'
'msg_officephone' = 'Office Phone'
'msg_mobilephone' = 'Mobile Phone'
'msg_contactsnum' = 'Number of Contacts'
'msg_skypeme_instruction' = 'You are in "Skype Me" mode. This means anyone can call you. To enable your privacy settings, change your online status.'
'msg_not_set' = 'Not Specified'
'msg_female' = 'Female'
'msg_male' = 'Male'
'msg_show' = 'Show'
'msg_hide' = 'Hide'
'msg_offline' = 'Offline'
'msg_online' = 'Online'
'msg_skypeme' = 'Skype Me™'
'msg_away' = 'Away'
'msg_user_not_available' = 'Not Available'
'msg_not_disturb' = 'Do Not Disturb'
'msg_invisible' = 'Invisible'
'msg_donot_disturb_conf' = 'Your status is now set to "Do Not Disturb". You will not receive notifications about incoming calls.'
'msg_skype_test_call' = 'Skype Test Call'
'msg_no_contacts' = 'There are no contacts.'
'msg_add_contact_skypeuser' = 'Add Skype Contact'
'msg_add_phonenum_skypeout_contact' = 'Add SkypeOut Contact'
'msg_fullname_skypename_mailadd_enter' = 'Enter a full name, Skype Name or e-mail address to search for.'
'msg_find' = 'Find'
'msg_select_contact_list' = 'Select a person to add to your contact list.'
'msg_request_contact_details' = 'Add "%1" to your contact list and request contact details.'
'msg_selfintroduction_msg_enter' = 'Enter a message to introduce yourself.'
'msg_add_contact_list' = 'Add to Contact List'
'msg_country_region_code' = 'Country/Region Code'
'msg_view_profile' = 'View Profile'
'msg_phone_number' = 'Phone Number'
'msg_hello_from' = 'Hello! from %1'
'msg_add_contact' = 'Add a Contact'
'msg_sort' = 'Sort By'
'msg_call' = 'Call'
'msg_send_voicemail' = 'Send Voicemail'
'msg_rename' = 'Rename'
'msg_remove' = 'Remove'
'msg_block' = 'Block'
'msg_name' = 'Name'
'msg_connecting' = 'Connecting...'
'msg_ringing' = 'Ringing...'
'msg_hangup' = 'Hang Up'
'msg_hold' = 'Hold'
'msg_resume' = 'Resume'
'msg_canceled' = 'Cancelled'
'msg_busy' = 'Busy'
'msg_call_dropped' = 'The call was dropped.'
'msg_missed' = 'Missed'
'msg_incoming_call' = 'Incoming call...'
'msg_silence' = 'Silence'
'msg_reject' = 'Reject'
'msg_answer' = 'Answer'
'msg_call_duration' = 'Call Duration'
'msg_on_hold' = 'Call On Hold'
'msg_other_on_hold' = 'Call Held Remotely'
'msg_call_ended' = 'The call has ended.'
'msg_playing_voicemail_greeting' = 'Playing voicemail greeting...'
'msg_recording_voicemail' = 'Recording voicemail greeting...'
'msg_sending' = 'Sending...'
'msg_remove_contact_ask' = 'Are you sure you want to remove this contact?'
'msg_block_contact' = 'Also Block This Contact'
'msg_block_users_ask' = 'Are you sure you want to block this person from calling you?'
'msg_no_history_events' = 'There are no history events.'
'msg_duration' = 'Call Duration'
'msg_clear_history' = 'Clear History'
'msg_play_voicemail' = 'Play Voicemail'
'msg_all_events' = 'All Events'
'msg_new_events_2' = 'New Events'
'msg_no_new_events' = 'No New Events'
'msg_voicemails' = 'Voicemail'
'msg_missed_calls' = 'Missed Calls'
'msg_incoming_calls' = 'Incoming Calls'
'msg_outgoing_calls' = 'Outgoing Calls'
'msg_clear_history_ask' = 'Are you sure you want to delete the history?'
'msg_del_event_ask' = 'Are you sure you want to delete this event?'
'msg_start_call' = 'Start Call'
'msg_account' = 'My Account'
'msg_manage_blocked_users' = 'Manage Blocked Users'
'msg_privacy' = 'Privacy'
'msg_sound' = 'Sounds'
'msg_connection' = 'Connection'
'msg_call_forwarding' = 'Call Forwarding'
'msg_skype_voicemail' = 'Skype Voicemail'
'msg_incoming_conecctions_port' = 'Incoming Connections Port'
'msg_port_alternatives' = 'Use Port 80 and 443 As Alternatives'
'msg_ringtone' = 'Ringtone'
'msg_dial_tone' = 'Dial Tone'
'msg_busy_signal' = 'Busy Signal'
'msg_call_on_hold' = 'Call On Hold'
'msg_resuming_call' = 'Resuming Call'
'msg_connecting_call' = 'Connecting Call'
'msg_incoming_voicemail' = 'Incoming Voicemail'
'msg_sign_in' = 'I Sign In'
'msg_sign_out' = 'I Sign Out'
'msg_hangup_sound' = 'Hang Up'
'msg_allow_calls_from' = 'Allow Calls From'
'msg_error_skypeme' = 'This setting does not apply when you are in "Skype Me" mode.'
'msg_allow_skypein_calls_from' = 'Allow SkypeIn Calls From'
'msg_anyone' = 'Anyone'
'msg_accepted' = 'Accepted'
'msg_known_members' = 'Known Numbers'
'msg_forward_unanswered_calls' = 'Forward Unanswered Calls'
'msg_forward_to' = 'Forward To'
'msg_forward_unanswered_calls_to' = 'Forward Unanswered Calls To'
'msg_send_unanswered_calls_after' = 'Send Unanswered Calls After'
'msg_send_rejected_call' = 'Send Rejected Calls to Voicemail'
'msg_send_waiting_call' = 'Send to Voicemail While Communicating'
'msg_voicemail_greeting' = 'Voicemail Greeting'
'msg_5seconds' = '5 Seconds'
'msg_10seconds' = '10 Seconds'
'msg_20seconds' = '20 Seconds'
'msg_record_sound' = 'Record'
'msg_reset' = 'Reset'
'msg_learn_more' = 'Learn More'
'msg_buy_credit' = 'Get Skype Voicemail'
'msg_skype_credit' = 'Skype Credit'
'msg_skypein' = 'SkypeIn'
'msg_manage_account' = 'Go to My Account Page'
'msg_no_blocked_users' = 'There are no blocked users.'
'msg_unblock' = 'Unblock'
'msg_signout' = 'Sign Out'
'msg_signout_ask' = 'Are you sure you want to sign out?'
'msg_old_pswd' = 'Enter your old password.'
'msg_new_pswd' = 'Enter a new password.'
'msg_conf_new_pswd' = 'Confirm the new password.'
'msg_skype_closed' = 'Skype will close. Do you want to continue?'
'msg_phone_enter' = 'Enter Phone Number'
'msg_skype_name_enter' = 'Enter Skype Name'
'msg_accept' = 'Accept'
'msg_not_accept' = 'Reject'
'msg_not_warn_again' = 'Do Not Ask Me Again'
'msg_expires' = 'Expires'
'msg_error_user_not_found' = '%1 was not found.'
'msg_error_invalid_password' = 'The password you entered is not valid. Please try again.'
'msg_error_signin_failure' = 'There have been too many failed sign-in attempts. Please wait one minute and try again.'
'msg_error_skypename_pswd' = 'Your Skype Name and password were not recognized. Please check and try again.'
'msg_error_pswd_not_match' = 'The passwords do not match.'
'msg_error_skypename_length' = 'The Skype Name must contain between 6 and 32 characters.'
'msg_error_invalid_characters' = 'The name you entered contains invalid characters.'
'msg_error_input_skypename' = 'The Skype Name must start with a letter a-z.'
'msg_error_cannot_add_yourself' = 'You cannot add yourself to your own contact list.'
'msg_error_save_forwarding_settings' = 'Your new call forwarding settings could not be saved at this time. Please try again later.'
'msg_error_invalid_phonenum_skypename' = 'The phone number or Skype Name is not valid. Please check and try again.'
'msg_error_call_forwarding_settings' = 'There is an error in the call forwarding settings.'
'msg_error_skype_connect' = 'Skype could not connect. You may be behind a firewall or may be experiencing problems connecting to the Internet. Please check your connection and try again.'
'msg_error_voicemail_sending' = 'An error occurred in sending the voicemail.'
'msg_error_voicemail_failed' = 'The voicemail could not be sent.'
'msg_error_not_listen_voicemail_greeting' = 'You must be online to listen to your voicemail greeting.'
'msg_error_record_voicemail_greeting' = 'You must be online to record a voicemail greeting.'
'msg_error_reset_voicemail_greeting' = 'You must be online to reset your voicemail greeting.'
'msg_error_voicemail_playback' = 'An error occurred in playing the voicemail.'
'msg_error_create_voicemail_greeting' = 'An error occurred in creating the voicemail greeting.'
'msg_error_not_connect_dial' = 'Skype could not connect to the dialed number. Please try again later.'
'msg_error_proxy_not_found' = 'No proxy could be found.'
'msg_wrong_phonenum_2' = 'The number is not correct. You must enter + and then the country code and the number you want to call. Example: +1 212-555-1212'
'msg_error_connection_timeout' = 'The connection has timed out. Please try again.'
'msg_error_wrong_phonenum' = 'The number is invalid or does not exist.'
'msg_error_user_not_found_2' = '%1 could not be found. Either this person has not been online recently, or this person has blocked you.'
'msg_error_user_offline' = '%1 is offline. Check the Skype contact list and try again when the person you want to contact is online.'
'msg_error_user_blocked' = 'You have blocked %1. Unblock and try again.'
'msg_error_unlisted_user' = '%1 only accepts calls from people on the contact list.'
'msg_error_not_allowed_user' = '%1 only allows calls from people with whom contact details have been shared.'
'msg_error_network' = 'A network error has occurred. Please try again later.'
'msg_error_call_connection' = 'A connection could not be established.'
'msg_error_skypeaccount_blocked' = 'Your Skype account has been blocked.'
'msg_error_session_ended' = 'The session has ended.'
'msg_error_phone_network' = 'A phone network error has occurred. Please try again later.'
'msg_error_network_busy' = 'The network is busy. Please try again later.'
'msg_error_skypecredit' = 'You must have Skype Credit to call ordinary phones.'
'msg_error_invalid_skypename' = '%1 is not a valid number. Please check and try again.'
'msg_error_voicemail_subscription' = 'You do not have a Skype Voicemail subscription.'
'msg_error_wrong_email' = 'The e-mail address does not work. Please check that the address is correct.'
'msg_error_not_support' = 'This number is not currently supported by Skype.'
'msg_error_need_skypecredit' = 'You must purchase Skype Credit to perform this operation.'
'msg_contacts' = 'Contacts'
'msg_error_need_skypecredit_forward' = 'You must purchase Skype Credit to forward calls to ordinary phones.'
'msg_buy_skypecredit' = 'Buy Skype Credit'
'msg_unknown_number' = 'Unknown Number'
'msg_error_character_over' = 'The maximum number of characters that can be entered has been exceeded.'
'msg_accept_contact' = 'Accept Contact Details'
'msg_request_contact' = 'Request Contact Details'
'msg_error_need_mic' = 'An audio input device that is compatible with the PSP™ system is necessary for voice calls.'
'msg_error_skypepassword_changed' = 'Your Skype password has recently been changed. You must sign in with your new password to continue using Skype.'
'msg_error_password_length' = 'The password must be between 4 and 20 characters.'
'msg_error_no_common_codec' = 'This is not a common codec.'
'msg_error_otherperson_device' = 'There was an error with the other person's microphone or speakers.'
'msg_error_call_failed' = 'The call could not be completed.'
'msg_error_invalid_phonenum' = 'The phone number is not valid.'
'msg_enter_kakutei' = 'Enter'
'msg_skype_change_password' = 'Change My Password'
'msg_std' = 'Standard'
'msg_forward_calls' = 'Forward Calls When I'm Not on Skype'
'msg_error_skypename_as_pswd' = 'Your password cannot be the same as your Skype Name.'
'msg_error_added_user' = '%1 is already in your contacts and was not added again.'
'msg_buymore' = 'Buy more'
'msg_accept_eula_skype' = 'I have read and accept Skype's terms and conditions at, and the privacy statement at No Emergency Calls. Skype is not a replacement for your ordinary telephone and can not be used for emergency calling.'
'msg_extend_voicemail' = 'Extend Voicemail Subscription'
'msg_characters_length2' = '(4-20 characters)'
'msg_error_blocked_user' = 'This user is blocked. You cannot perform this operation.'
'msg_default_picture' = 'Default Picture'
'msg_psp_skype' = 'PSP™ Skype'
'msg_make_test_call' = 'Call me to test your sound'
'msg_error_cannot_call_yourself' = 'You cannot make a call to yourself.'
'msg_error_settingfile_corrupted' = 'The settings file is corrupted. The file will be reformatted.'
'msg_error_contacts_over' = 'This version of Skype supports up to 150 contacts per account.'
'msg_view_event_type_with_icon' = 'View Events by Type '
'msg_error_emergency_call' = 'Skype is not an ordinary phone service, and cannot be used for emergency service dialing.'
'msg_recording_voicemail2' = 'Recording voicemail...'
'msgshare_info_size' = 'Size'
'msgshare_info_title' = 'Title'
'msgshare_info_none' = '-'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_viewmode' = 'View Mode'
'msgshare_error_lan_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WLAN switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_wireless_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WIRELESS switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_lang_japanese' = 'Japanese'
'msgshare_lang_english' = 'English'
'msgshare_lang_french' = 'French'
'msgshare_lang_spanish' = 'Spanish'
'msgshare_lang_german' = 'German'
'msgshare_lang_italian' = 'Italian'
'msgshare_lang_dutch' = 'Dutch'
'msgshare_lang_portuguese' = 'Portuguese'
'msgshare_lang_danish' = 'Danish'
'msgshare_lang_swedish' = 'Swedish'
'msgshare_lang_finnish' = 'Finnish'
'msgshare_lang_norwegian' = 'Norwegian'
'msgshare_lang_russian' = 'Russian'
'msgshare_lang_korean' = 'Korean'
'msgshare_lang_chinese' = 'Chinese'
'msgshare_error_connect' = 'A connection error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error' = 'An error has occurred.'
'msgshare_game' = 'Game'
'msgshare_error_ap_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the access point.'
'msgshare_error_connection_timeout' = 'The connection to the server timed out.'
'msg_hd' = 'HD'
'msg_sd' = 'SD'
'msgtop_video' = 'Video'
'msgnetconf_error_dhcp_com' = 'A connection error has occurred. There was a DHCP communication error.'
'msgmusic_info_genre' = 'Genre'
'msg_all' = 'All'
'msg_error_invalid_account' = 'This content cannot be accessed on your account.'
'msgsystem_yes' = 'Yes'
'msgsystem_no' = 'No'
'msgsystem_enter' = 'Enter'
'msgsystem_back' = 'Back'
'msg_error_wrong_idpw' = 'The sign-in ID (e-mail address) or password is incorrect.'
'msg_error_use_account' = 'You cannot use PlayStation®Network with this account.'
'msg_search' = 'Search'
'msg_language' = 'Language'
'msg_program_guide' = 'Description'
'msg_book_comics' = 'Comics'
'msg_author' = 'Credits'
'msg_pages' = 'Pages'
'msg_season_variable_psn' = 'Season %1'
'msg_episode_variable_psn' = 'Episode %1'
'msg_minute' = '%1 Minutes'
'msg_mmyyyy_jan' = 'Jan %1'
'msg_mmyyyy_feb' = 'Feb %1'
'msg_mmyyyy_mar' = 'Mar %1'
'msg_mmyyyy_apr' = 'Apr %1'
'msg_mmyyyy_may' = 'May %1'
'msg_mmyyyy_jun' = 'Jun %1'
'msg_mmyyyy_jul' = 'Jul %1'
'msg_mmyyyy_aug' = 'Aug %1'
'msg_mmyyyy_sep' = 'Sep %1'
'msg_mmyyyy_oct' = 'Oct %1'
'msg_mmyyyy_nov' = 'Nov %1'
'msg_mmyyyy_dec' = 'Dec %1'
'msg_error_cannot_purchase_parental_control' = 'This content cannot be purchased because of parental control restrictions.'
'msg_error_service_maintenance' = 'This service is currently undergoing maintenance.'
'msg_shopping_quit_ask' = 'Do you want to exit PlayStation®Store?'
'msg_store_top_psn' = 'Store Top'
'msg_view_downloads_psn' = 'View Downloads'
'msg_view_cart_psn' = 'View Cart'
'msg_add_to_cart_psn' = 'Add to Cart'
'msg_rental_psn' = 'Rent'
'msg_free_psn' = 'Free'
'msg_buy_now_psn' = 'Buy Now'
'msg_download_psn' = 'Download'
'msg_confirm_psn' = 'Confirm'
'msg_cancel_psn' = 'Cancel'
'msg_remove_psn' = 'Delete'
'msg_added_to_cart_psn' = 'The item has been added to your cart.'
'msg_delete_from_cart_psn' = 'Delete from Cart'
'msg_get_now_psn' = 'Get Now'
'msg_play_time_psn' = 'Length'
'msg_release_year_psn' = 'Released'
'msg_original_air_date_psn' = 'Aired'
'msg_audio_language_psn' = 'Audio'
'msg_subtitle_language_psn' = 'Subtitles'
'msg_cast_psn' = 'Cast'
'msg_crew_psn' = 'Crew'
'msg_crew_director_bracket_psn' = '(Director)'
'msg_crew_producer_bracket_psn' = '(Producer)'
'msg_crew_writer_bracket_psn' = '(Writer)'
'msg_rental_video_caution_psn' = 'This content is available as a rental for %1 days. However, the content can only be played for %2 hours after first playback. For details, refer to the PlayStation®Network Terms of Service and User Agreement.'
'msg_cart_psn' = 'Shopping Cart'
'msg_add_funds_psn' = 'Add Funds'
'msg_wallet_psn' = 'Wallet'
'msg_sub_total_psn' = 'Subtotal'
'msg_tax_psn' = 'Tax'
'msg_total_purchase_price_psn' = 'Total Purchase Price'
'msg_amount_removed_from_master_account_psn' = 'This amount will be removed from the master account wallet.'
'msg_resulting_wallet_amount_psn' = 'Remaining Wallet Amount'
'msg_continue_browsing_psn' = 'Continue Shopping'
'msg_proceed_checkout_psn' = 'Proceed to Checkout'
'msg_cart_empty_psn' = 'Your cart is currently empty.'
'msg_aboutus_pp_tosua_psn' = 'About Us | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service'
'msg_no_content_found_psn' = 'No content was found.'
'msg_crew_director_producer_psn' = 'Director / Producer'
'msg_crew_writer_psn' = 'Writer'
'msg_error_cart_item_full_psn' = 'Your cart is full. This item cannot be added to your cart.'
'msg_error_cart_value_full_check_pls_psn' = 'The value of items in your cart exceeds the limit for a single transaction. Please confirm your purchase items.'
'msg_error_cannot_select_content_psn' = 'This content cannot be selected at this time.'
'msg_error_no_item_psn' = 'There are no items that you can purchase at this time.'
'msg_exit_psn' = 'Exit'
'msg_ok_psn' = 'OK'
'msg_code_input_psn' = 'Redeem Codes'
'msg_to_proceed_need_signup_ask' = 'To proceed, you must sign up for PlayStation®Network. Do you want to sign up now?'
'msg_error_service_not_available_region_psn' = 'This service is not available in your country/region.'
'msg_rent_now_psn' = 'Rent Now'
'msg_purchase_psn' = 'Own'
'msg_quit2_ask' = 'Do you want to quit?'
'msg_register_system' = 'Register This System'
'msg_system_registered_scee' = 'Registration has been completed for this system.'
'msg_system_already_registered' = 'A PSP™go system has already been registered with this account.'
'msg_umdv_next_step_scee' = 'Use this account on a PSP™ system that plays Universal Media Discs to access PlayStation®Store. Then register the Universal Media Disc version of any games you own to download 3 games from PSP™go Rewards Category.'
'msg_error_registered_another_account' = 'This system has already been registered with another account.'
'msg_insert_umd_to_register_scee' = 'Insert one Universal Media Disc game to get a choice of 3 games to download.'
'msg_error_game_already_registered' = 'This game is already registered.'
'msg_error_game_cannot_register' = 'This game cannot be registered.'
'msg_error_no_umd' = 'There is no disc inserted.'
'msg_game_registered_scee' = 'Registration complete. Use a PSP™go to access PlayStation®Store and download PSP™go Theme from PSP™go Rewards Category.'
'msg_aspect_ratio_psn' = 'Aspect Ratio'
'msg_widescreen_psn' = 'WideScreen'
'msg_fullscreen_psn' = 'FullScreen'
'msg_remains_psn' = 'Remaining'
'msg_license_renewal_psn' = 'Extend Date'
'msg_license_renewal_conf_psn' = 'The expire date for this content will be extended. Do you want to continue?'
'msg_error_cannot_choose_pack_content_psn' = 'This content is included in [%1]. You must first purchase [%1].'
'msg_error_pack_expired_purchase_conf' = 'The expire date for [%1] has been reached. Do you want to purchase [%1] in PlayStation®Store?'
'msg_error_renew_pack_consumed' = 'The expire date could not be extended. The maximum number of content items that can be used within this period has been reached.'
'msg_drawer_bracket_psn' = '(Artist)'
'msg_original_author_bracket_psn' = '(Author)'
'msg_2ch_psn' = '2 Ch.'
'msg_5.1ch_psn' = '5.1 Ch.'
'msg_composer_supervisor_bracket_psn' = ''
'msg_translator_bracket_psn' = ''
'msg_magazine_psn' = ''
'msg_book_release_psn' = 'Published'
'msgshare_info_size' = 'Size'
'msgshare_info_none' = '-'
'msgshare_error_lan_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WLAN switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_wireless_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WIRELESS switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_lang_japanese' = 'Japanese'
'msgshare_lang_english' = 'English'
'msgshare_lang_french' = 'French'
'msgshare_lang_spanish' = 'Spanish'
'msgshare_lang_german' = 'German'
'msgshare_lang_italian' = 'Italian'
'msgshare_lang_dutch' = 'Dutch'
'msgshare_lang_portuguese' = 'Portuguese'
'msgshare_lang_danish' = 'Danish'
'msgshare_lang_swedish' = 'Swedish'
'msgshare_lang_finnish' = 'Finnish'
'msgshare_lang_norwegian' = 'Norwegian'
'msgshare_lang_russian' = 'Russian'
'msgshare_lang_korean' = 'Korean'
'msgshare_lang_chinese' = 'Chinese'
'msgshare_error_connect' = 'A connection error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error' = 'An error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_ap_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the access point.'
'msgshare_error_pppoe_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the PPPoE server.'
'msgshare_error_pppoe_com' = 'A connection error has occurred. There was a PPPoE communication error.'
'msgshare_error_connection_timeout' = 'The connection to the server timed out.'
'msg_hd' = 'HD'
'msg_sd' = 'SD'
'msgnetconf_password' = 'Password'
'msgnetconf_error_dhcp_com' = 'A connection error has occurred. There was a DHCP communication error.'
'msgnetconf_error_dhcp_not_found' = 'A connection error has occurred. A DHCP server was not detected.'
'msgmusic_info_genre' = 'Genre'
'msg_error_invalid_account' = 'This content cannot be accessed on your account.'
'msgsystem_yes' = 'Yes'
'msgsystem_no' = 'No'
'msgsystem_enter' = 'Enter'
'msgsystem_back' = 'Back'
'msgddhelper_error_download' = 'This content cannot be downloaded.'
'msg_error_use_account' = 'You cannot use PlayStation®Network with this account.'
'msg_language' = 'Language'
'msg_author' = 'Credits'
'msg_pages' = 'Pages'
'msg_country_us_psn' = 'United States'
'msg_country_ca_psn' = 'Canada'
'msg_country_gb_psn' = 'United Kingdom'
'msg_country_ie_psn' = 'Ireland'
'msg_country_be_psn' = 'Belgium'
'msg_country_lu_psn' = 'Luxembourg'
'msg_country_nl_psn' = 'Netherlands'
'msg_country_fr_psn' = 'France'
'msg_country_de_psn' = 'Germany'
'msg_country_at_psn' = 'Austria'
'msg_country_ch_psn' = 'Switzerland'
'msg_country_it_psn' = 'Italy'
'msg_country_pt_psn' = 'Portugal'
'msg_country_dk_psn' = 'Denmark'
'msg_country_fi_psn' = 'Finland'
'msg_country_no_psn' = 'Norway'
'msg_country_se_psn' = 'Sweden'
'msg_country_au_psn' = 'Australia'
'msg_country_nz_psn' = 'New Zealand'
'msg_country_es_psn' = 'Spain'
'msg_country_ru_psn' = 'Russia'
'msg_country_ae_psn' = 'United Arab Emirates'
'msg_country_za_psn' = 'South Africa'
'msg_country_hk_psn' = 'Hong Kong'
'msg_country_tw_psn' = 'Taiwan'
'msg_country_sg_psn' = 'Singapore'
'msg_country_kr_psn' = 'Korea'
'msg_country_jp_psn' = 'Japan'
'msg_country_cz_psn' = 'Czech Republic'
'msg_country_pl_psn' = 'Poland'
'msg_country_sa_psn' = 'Saudi Arabia'
'msg_country_gr_psn' = 'Greece'
'msg_country_mx_psn' = 'Mexico'
'msg_country_my_psn' = 'Malaysia'
'msg_country_id_psn' = 'Indonesia'
'msg_country_th_psn' = 'Thailand'
'msg_season_variable_psn' = 'Season %1'
'msg_episode_variable_psn' = 'Episode %1'
'msg_minute' = '%1 Minutes'
'msg_mmyyyy_jan' = 'Jan %1'
'msg_mmyyyy_feb' = 'Feb %1'
'msg_mmyyyy_mar' = 'Mar %1'
'msg_mmyyyy_apr' = 'Apr %1'
'msg_mmyyyy_may' = 'May %1'
'msg_mmyyyy_jun' = 'Jun %1'
'msg_mmyyyy_jul' = 'Jul %1'
'msg_mmyyyy_aug' = 'Aug %1'
'msg_mmyyyy_sep' = 'Sep %1'
'msg_mmyyyy_oct' = 'Oct %1'
'msg_mmyyyy_nov' = 'Nov %1'
'msg_mmyyyy_dec' = 'Dec %1'
'msg_cancel_purchase_ask' = 'Do you want to cancel the purchase?'
'msg_error_service_maintenance' = 'This service is currently undergoing maintenance.'
'msg_close_checkout_utility_psn' = 'Close'
'msg_rental_psn' = 'Rent'
'msg_download_psn' = 'Download'
'msg_confirm_psn' = 'Confirm'
'msg_cancel_psn' = 'Cancel'
'msg_play_time_psn' = 'Length'
'msg_release_year_psn' = 'Released'
'msg_original_air_date_psn' = 'Aired'
'msg_audio_language_psn' = 'Audio'
'msg_subtitle_language_psn' = 'Subtitles'
'msg_cast_psn' = 'Cast'
'msg_crew_psn' = 'Crew'
'msg_crew_director_bracket_psn' = '(Director)'
'msg_crew_producer_bracket_psn' = '(Producer)'
'msg_crew_writer_bracket_psn' = '(Writer)'
'msg_rental_video_caution_psn' = 'This content is available as a rental for %1 days. However, the content can only be played for %2 hours after first playback. For details, refer to the PlayStation®Network Terms of Service and User Agreement.'
'msg_add_funds_psn' = 'Add Funds'
'msg_wallet_psn' = 'Wallet'
'msg_sub_total_psn' = 'Subtotal'
'msg_tax_psn' = 'Tax'
'msg_total_purchase_price_psn' = 'Total Purchase Price'
'msg_amount_removed_from_master_account_psn' = 'This amount will be removed from the master account wallet.'
'msg_resulting_wallet_amount_psn' = 'Remaining Wallet Amount'
'msg_continue_browsing_psn' = 'Continue Shopping'
'msg_purchase_checkout_psn' = 'Purchase Confirmation'
'msg_return_cart_psn' = 'Back To Cart'
'msg_confirm_purchase_psn' = 'Confirm Purchase'
'msg_buy_now_wallet_funded_by_creditcard_psn' = 'Funding Amount'
'msg_buy_now_minimum_amount_non_refund_psn' = 'Funds will be added to the wallet using the credit card on record for your account.* * The minimum funding amount is %1. Funds added to the wallet are non-refundable.'
'msg_buy_now_minimum_amount_non_refund_psn_hk_tw_sg' = 'Funds will be added to the wallet using the credit card on record for your account.* * The minimum funding amount is %1.'
'msg_checkout_legal_caution_psn' = 'By selecting [Confirm Purchase], you agree to complete the purchase in accordance with the Terms of Service.'
'msg_purchase_completed_psn' = 'Purchase Completion'
'msg_thanks_purchase_completed_psn' = 'Thank you. Your purchase has been completed.'
'msg_aboutus_pp_tosua_psn' = 'About Us | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service'
'msg_about_us_psn' = 'About Us'
'msg_privacy_policy_psn' = 'Privacy Policy'
'msg_tosua_psn' = 'Terms of Service and User Agreement'
'msg_health_warning_psn' = 'Health Warnings'
'msg_about_ratings_psn' = 'About Ratings and Parental Controls'
'msg_copyright_trademark_notice_psn' = 'Copyright and Trademark Notices'
'msg_download_list_psn' = 'Download List'
'msg_no_content_found_psn' = 'No content was found.'
'msg_download_ps3_store_psn' = 'Download from PlayStation®Store (PS3™).'
'msg_doesnot_have_enough_funds_psn' = 'The wallet does not have enough funds to complete this purchase.'
'msg_add_funds_ask_psn' = 'Do you want to add funds to the wallet?'
'msg_select_how_fund_wallet_psn' = 'Choose how you will fund your wallet.'
'msg_creditcard_psn' = 'Credit Card'
'msg_psn_card_psn' = 'PlayStation®Network Card'
'msg_funds_added_wallet_wallet_contains_value_psn' = 'The requested funds have been added to your wallet. Your wallet now contains %1.'
'msg_select_amount_pls_psn' = 'Select the amount of funds to be added.'
'msg_current_wallet_funds_psn' = 'Current Wallet Funds'
'msg_fund_amount_psn' = 'Funding Amount'
'msg_continue_psn' = 'Continue'
'msg_fund_amount_charge_creditcard_ask_psn' = 'Do you want to add %1 to the wallet using your credit card (%2 %3)?'
'msg_add_funds_legal_caution_psn' = 'By selecting [Yes], you agree to fund the wallet in accordance with the PlayStation®Network Terms of Service and User Agreement. Funds added to the wallet are non-refundable.'
'msg_add_funds_legal_caution_psn_hk_tw_sg' = 'By selecting [Yes], you agree to fund the wallet in accordance with the PlayStation®Network Terms of Service and User Agreement.'
'msg_add_funds_legal_caution2_psn_tw' = 'Notice: To obtain the receipt by post, please contact our customer services at 0809 079 888 within 5 days from the funding date of your wallet, to confirm your postal address and receipt content. (Office Hour: Monday ‐ Sunday, 9:00 ‐ 20:00)'
'msg_enter_creditcard_info_pls_psn' = 'Enter your credit card information.'
'msg_creditcard_type_psn' = 'Card Type'
'msg_creditcard_holder_name_psn' = 'Cardholder's Name'
'msg_creditcard_number_psn' = 'Card Number'
'msg_no_need_hyphen_psn' = '* No hyphens required'
'msg_postal_code_no_need_hyphen_psn' = '* No hyphens required'
'msg_creditcard_expires_on_psn' = 'Expires On'
'msg_creditcard_started_on_psn' = 'Started On'
'msg_creditcard_security_code_psn' = 'Card Security Code'
'msg_creditcard_security_code_explanation_psn' = '* This is the 3 or 4 digit code on your card.'
'msg_creditcard_issue_number_psn' = 'Issue Number'
'msg_enter_creditcard_address_pls_psn' = 'Enter the billing address that is on file with your credit card company.'
'msg_address1_psn' = 'Street Address 1'
'msg_address2_psn' = 'Street Address 2'
'msg_address3_psn' = 'Street Address 3'
'msg_city_psn' = 'City'
'msg_state_psn' = 'State/Province'
'msg_state_psn_hk' = 'District'
'msg_state_psn_tw' = 'Prefecture'
'msg_postal_code_psn' = 'Postal Code'
'msg_country_psn' = 'Country/Region'
'msg_lookup_postal_code_psn' = 'Look Up Code'
'msg_enter_psn_card_number_pls_psn' = 'Enter your PlayStation®Network Card number.'
'msg_psn_card_number_psn' = 'Card Number'
'msg_psn_card_value_add_funds_ask_psn' = 'This PlayStation®Network Card has a value of %1. Do you want to add these funds to your wallet?'
'msg_enter_password_pls_psn' = 'Enter your password.'
'msg_error_cart_item_full_psn' = 'Your cart is full. This item cannot be added to your cart.'
'msg_error_cart_value_full_check_pls_psn' = 'The value of items in your cart exceeds the limit for a single transaction. Please confirm your purchase items.'
'msg_error_spending_limit_exceeded_psn' = 'The monthly spending limit for this account has been reached. Spending Limit: %1 Amount Spent: %2'
'msg_error_creditcard_invalid_check_pls_psn' = 'The credit card information is not valid. Please check your entries carefully.'
'msg_error_billing_address_invalid_check_pls_psn' = 'You must enter a valid address. Please check your entries carefully.'
'msg_error_credit_card_expired_use_other_psn' = 'The credit card is no longer valid. Please use a different credit card.'
'msg_error_cannot_update_pls_contact_ic_psn' = 'The credit card information cannot be updated. Check your PlayStation®Network account information, and then contact technical support for assistance.'
'msg_error_invalid_psn_card_number_product_code_psn' = 'The code you entered may not be correct or may no longer be valid. Please check your entries.'
'msg_error_auto_add_funds_psn' = 'The attempt to automatically add funds to your wallet has failed.'
'msg_error_not_add_fund_try_again_psn' = 'The funds could not be added to your wallet.'
'msg_error_cannot_select_content_psn' = 'This content cannot be selected at this time.'
'msg_error_cannot_add_funds_psn_card_limit_exceeded_psn' = 'The funds cannot be added. The maximum funding amount would be exceeded.'
'msg_error_not_enough_funds_cannot_purchase_psn' = 'There are not enough funds in the master account wallet to complete this purchase.'
'msg_error_invalid_password_check_pls_psn' = 'The password is not valid. Please try again.'
'msg_error_creditcard_invalid_check_account_management_pls_psn' = 'The credit card information on file is not valid. Go to [PlayStation®Network] > [Account Management] and check the credit card information.'
'msg_ok_psn' = 'OK'
'msg_battery_low_psn' = 'The battery level is low.'
'msg_code_input_psn' = 'Redeem Codes'
'msg_billing_information_psn' = 'Billing Information'
'msg_code_input_instruction_psn' = 'Enter the PlayStation®Network Card number or promotion code.'
'msg_legal_notice1_psn' = 'Use of this item is subject to the Terms of Service and any specific conditions applying to the promotion.'
'msg_kakutei_confirm_psn' = 'Confirm'
'msg_thankyou_psn' = 'Thank you for using the PlayStation®Network.'
'msg_remove_billing_information_psn' = 'Delete Billing Information'
'msg_remove_billing_information_conf_psn' = 'Your billing information will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msg_billing_information_removed' = 'Billing information deleted.'
'msg_updated_psn' = 'Update completed.'
'msg_error_age_control_psn' = 'This content is not available because of parental control restrictions.'
'msg_year_psn' = 'YYYY'
'msg_month_psn' = 'MM'
'msg_error_sub_account_cannot_operate_psn' = 'This operation cannot be performed using your account (sub account).'
'msg_error_service_not_available_region_psn' = 'This service is not available in your country/region.'
'msg_purchase_psn' = 'Own'
'msg_download_all_psn' = 'Download All'
'msg_aspect_ratio_psn' = 'Aspect Ratio'
'msg_widescreen_psn' = 'WideScreen'
'msg_fullscreen_psn' = 'FullScreen'
'msg_drawer_bracket_psn' = '(Artist)'
'msg_original_author_bracket_psn' = '(Author)'
'msg_2ch_psn' = '2 Ch.'
'msg_5.1ch_psn' = '5.1 Ch.'
'msg_composer_supervisor_bracket_psn' = ''
'msg_translator_bracket_psn' = ''
'msg_magazine_psn' = ''
'msg_book_release_psn' = 'Published'
'msgshare_error_lan_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WLAN switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_wireless_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WIRELESS switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_connect' = 'A connection error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_ap_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the access point.'
'msgshare_error_dns' = 'Communication with the server failed. A DNS error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_comm_server' = 'Communication with the server failed.'
'msgnetconf_error_wlan_assoc_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. The signal may be weak.'
'msgnetconf_error_wlan_timeout' = 'A connection error has occurred. Please try again.'
'msg_update_conf_game_resume_data' = 'If you perform the update, the data for [Resume Game] will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msgupdate_error_connect_proxyserver' = 'Connection to the server failed. A connection to the HTTP proxy server could not be established.'
'msgupdate_error_server_maintenance' = 'Currently, the server may be down for maintenance or updating. Please try again later.'
'msg_updateprompt_game' = 'To update this game, a system software update for the PSP™ system is required. Do you want to cancel the current update operation for the game and perform a system software update?'
'msg_error_game_latest_version' = 'This game is the latest version.'
'msg_gameupdater_found_update_conf' = 'Update data for this game has been found. Do you want to perform the update?'
'msg_updatedata_checking' = 'Checking for update data... Please wait.'
'msg_no_network_connection_tip' = 'The expire date could not be extended. You can also extend the expire date by accessing PlayStation®Store on a PS3™ system or from the Media Go™ application and then selecting this game from [%1] again.'
'msg_version' = 'Version'
'msgshare_pspname' = 'Nickname'
'msgshare_opt_del' = 'Delete'
'msgshare_info_title' = 'Title'
'msgshare_info_none' = '-'
'msgshare_percent' = '%1%%'
'msgshare_on' = 'On'
'msgshare_off' = 'Off'
'msgshare_agree' = 'Accept'
'msgshare_not_agree' = 'Do Not Accept'
'msgshare_use' = 'Use'
'msgshare_not_use' = 'Do Not Use'
'msgshare_2minutes' = '2 minutes'
'msgshare_5minutes' = '5 minutes'
'msgshare_10minutes' = '10 minutes'
'msgshare_15minutes' = '15 minutes'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_size_normal' = 'Normal'
'msgshare_error_del' = 'Delete failed.'
'msgshare_error_no_ms' = 'There is no Memory Stick™ inserted.'
'msgshare_time_hour' = '%1:%2'
'msgshare_am' = 'AM'
'msgshare_pm' = 'PM'
'msgshare_lang_japanese' = 'Japanese'
'msgshare_lang_english' = 'English'
'msgshare_lang_french' = 'French'
'msgshare_lang_spanish' = 'Spanish'
'msgshare_lang_german' = 'German'
'msgshare_lang_italian' = 'Italian'
'msgshare_lang_dutch' = 'Dutch'
'msgshare_lang_portuguese' = 'Portuguese'
'msgshare_lang_danish' = 'Danish'
'msgshare_lang_swedish' = 'Swedish'
'msgshare_lang_finnish' = 'Finnish'
'msgshare_lang_norwegian' = 'Norwegian'
'msgshare_lang_russian' = 'Russian'
'msgshare_lang_korean' = 'Korean'
'msgshare_lang_chinese' = 'Chinese'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_aa' = 'Afar'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ab' = 'Abkhazian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ae' = 'Avestan'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_af' = 'Afrikaans'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ak' = 'Akan'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_am' = 'Amharic'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ar' = 'Arabic'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_as' = 'Assamese'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_av' = 'Avar'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ay' = 'Aymara'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_az' = 'Azerbaijani'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ba' = 'Bashkir'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_be' = 'Belarusian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_bg' = 'Bulgarian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_bh' = 'Bihari'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_bi' = 'Bislama'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_bm' = 'Bambara'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_bn' = 'Bengali'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_bo' = 'Tibetan'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_br' = 'Breton'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_bs' = 'Bosnian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ca' = 'Catalan'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ce' = 'Chechen'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ch' = 'Chamorro'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_co' = 'Corsican'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_cr' = 'Cree'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_cs' = 'Czech'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_cu' = 'Old Slavonic'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_cv' = 'Chuvash'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_cy' = 'Welsh'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_da' = 'Danish'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_de' = 'German'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_dv' = 'Divehi'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_dz' = 'Dzongkha'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ee' = 'Ewe'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_el' = 'Modern Greek'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_en' = 'English'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_eo' = 'Esperanto'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_es' = 'Spanish'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_et' = 'Estonian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_eu' = 'Basque'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_fa' = 'Farsi'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ff' = 'Fulah'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_fi' = 'Finnish'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_fj' = 'Fijian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_fo' = 'Faroese'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_fr' = 'French'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_fy' = 'Frisian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ga' = 'Irish'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_gd' = 'Gaelic'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_gl' = 'Galician'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_gn' = 'Guarani'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_gu' = 'Gujarati'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_gv' = 'Manx'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ha' = 'Hausa'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_he' = 'Hebrew'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_hi' = 'Hindi'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ho' = 'Hiri Motu'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_hr' = 'Croatian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_hu' = 'Hungarian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_hy' = 'Armenian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_hz' = 'Herero'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ia' = 'Interlingua'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_id' = 'Indonesian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ie' = 'Interlingue'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ig' = 'Igbo'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ik' = 'Inupiaq'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_io' = 'Ido'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_is' = 'Icelandic'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_it' = 'Italian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_iu' = 'Inuktitut'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ja' = 'Japanese'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_jv' = 'Javanese'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ka' = 'Georgian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_kg' = 'Kongo'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ki' = 'Kikuyu'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_kj' = 'Kwanyama'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_kk' = 'Kazakh'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_kl' = 'Greenlandic'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_km' = 'Khmer'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_kn' = 'Kannada'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ko' = 'Korean'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_kr' = 'Kanuri'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ks' = 'Kashmiri'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ku' = 'Kurdish'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_kv' = 'Komi'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_kw' = 'Cornish'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ky' = 'Kyrgyz'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_la' = 'Latin'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_lb' = 'Luxembourgish'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_lg' = 'Luganda'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ln' = 'Lingala'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_lo' = 'Laotian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_lt' = 'Lithuanian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_lu' = 'Luba-Katanga'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_lv' = 'Latvian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_mg' = 'Malagasy'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_mh' = 'Marshallese'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_mi' = 'Maori'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_mk' = 'Macedonian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ml' = 'Malayalam'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_mn' = 'Mongolian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_mo' = 'Moldavian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_mr' = 'Marathi'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ms' = 'Malay'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_mt' = 'Maltese'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_my' = 'Myanmar'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_na' = 'Nauruan'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_nb' = 'Norwegian Bokmal'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_nd' = 'North Ndebele'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ne' = 'Nepali'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ng' = 'Ndonga'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_nl' = 'Dutch'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_nn' = 'Norwegian Nynorsk'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_no' = 'Norwegian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_nr' = 'South Ndebele'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_nv' = 'Navajo'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ny' = 'Chichewa'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_oc' = 'Occitan'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_oj' = 'Ojibwa'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_om' = 'Oromo'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_or' = 'Oriya'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_os' = 'Ossetian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_pa' = 'Punjabi'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_pi' = 'Pali'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_pl' = 'Polish'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ps' = 'Pashto'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_pt' = 'Portuguese'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_qu' = 'Quechua'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_rm' = 'Rhaeto-Romance'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_rn' = 'Kirundi'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ro' = 'Romanian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ru' = 'Russian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_rw' = 'Kinyarwanda'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sa' = 'Sanskrit'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sc' = 'Sardinian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sd' = 'Sindhi'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_se' = 'Northern Sami'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sg' = 'Sango'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sh' = 'Serbo-Croatian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_si' = 'Sinhala'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sk' = 'Slovak'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sl' = 'Slovenian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sm' = 'Samoan'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sn' = 'Shona'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_so' = 'Somali'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sq' = 'Albanian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sr' = 'Serbian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ss' = 'Swazi'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_st' = 'Sesotho'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_su' = 'Sundanese'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sv' = 'Swedish'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sw' = 'Swahili'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ta' = 'Tamil'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_te' = 'Telugu'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_tg' = 'Tajiki'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_th' = 'Thai'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ti' = 'Tigrinya'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_tk' = 'Turkmen'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_tl' = 'Tagalog'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_tn' = 'Setswana'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_to' = 'Tongan'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_tr' = 'Turkish'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ts' = 'Tsonga'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_tt' = 'Tatar'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_tw' = 'Twi'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ty' = 'Tahitian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ug' = 'Uighur'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_uk' = 'Ukrainian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ur' = 'Urdu'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_uz' = 'Uzbek'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ve' = 'Venda'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_vi' = 'Vietnamese'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_vo' = 'Volapuk'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_wa' = 'Walloon'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_wo' = 'Wolof'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_xh' = 'Xhosa'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_yi' = 'Yiddish'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_yo' = 'Yoruba'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_za' = 'Zhuang'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_zh' = 'Chinese'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_zu' = 'Zulu'
'msgshare_direction_lr' = 'Press the ◀ button to go back, or the ▶ button to continue.'
'msgshare_direction_r' = 'Press the ▶ button to continue.'
'msgshare_direction_l' = 'Press the ◀ button to go back.'
'msgshare_error_format_ms_locked' = 'Format failed. The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_format_ms_no_access' = 'Format failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_format_em_no_access' = 'Format failed. The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_format' = 'Format failed.'
'msgshare_version' = 'Version %1'
'msgshare_error_internal' = 'An internal error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_format_ms_mg' = 'A format error has occurred. You will not be able to save data that requires copyright protection.'
'msgshare_ap_disconnect_1' = 'You have been disconnected from the access point.'
'msgshare_wait' = 'Please wait...'
'msgshare_error_ms_removed' = 'The Memory Stick™ has been removed.'
'msgshare_error_content_corrupted' = 'The data is corrupted.'
'msgshare_error_setting_failed' = 'The setting could not be completed.'
'msgshare_eula_title' = 'User Agreement'
'msgshare_accept_eula_ask' = 'Do you accept the User Agreement?'
'msgshare_datetime_set_completed' = 'Date and time set completed.'
'msgshare_error_datetime_set' = 'The current date and time could not be obtained.'
'msgshare_saving' = 'Saving... Please wait.'
'msgtop_sysconf_video' = 'Video Settings'
'msgtop_sysconf_photo' = 'Photo Settings'
'msgtop_sysconf_console' = 'System Settings'
'msgtop_sysconf_security' = 'Security Settings'
'msgtop_sysconf_powersave' = 'Power Save Settings'
'msgtop_sysconf_sound' = 'Sound Settings'
'msgtop_sysconf_network' = 'Network Settings'
'msgtop_sysconf_date' = 'Date & Time Settings'
'msgtop_sysconf_usb' = 'USB Connection'
'msgtop_sysconf_theme' = 'Theme Settings'
'msgtop_sysconf_rss' = 'RSS Channel Settings'
'msg_display_setting' = 'Connected Display Settings'
'msg_music_setting' = 'Music Settings'
'msg_remoteplay_setting' = 'Remote Play Settings'
'msg_internetbrowser_setting' = 'Internet Browser Settings'
'msg_psn_account_information' = 'PlayStation®Network Account Information'
'msg_camera_settings' = 'Camera Settings'
'msg_lftv_settings' = 'LocationFree™ Player Settings'
'msg_information_board_settings' = 'Information Board Settings'
'msg_data_for_resumegame' = '[Resume Game] Data'
'msgsysconf_video_menulang' = 'UMD™ Menu Language'
'msg_subtitle_language' = 'Subtitle Language'
'msg_audio_language' = 'Audio Language'
'msgsysconf_video_lang_original' = 'Original Language'
'msgsysconf_video_lang_list' = 'Language Options'
'msgsysconf_video_volume' = 'UMD™ Volume'
'msgsysconf_video_volume_nrml' = 'Normal'
'msgsysconf_video_volume_1' = '+1'
'msgsysconf_video_volume_2' = '+2'
'msgsysconf_photo_slide' = 'Slideshow Speed'
'msgsysconf_photo_slide_fast' = 'Fast'
'msgsysconf_photo_slide_slow' = 'Slow'
'msgsysconf_console_lang' = 'System Language'
'msgsysconf_console_lang_de' = 'Deutsch'
'msgsysconf_console_lang_english' = 'English'
'msgsysconf_console_lang_es' = 'Español'
'msgsysconf_console_lang_fr' = 'Français'
'msgsysconf_console_lang_it' = 'Italiano'
'msgsysconf_console_lang_nl' = 'Nederlands'
'msgsysconf_console_lang_pt' = 'Português'
'msgsysconf_console_lang_ru' = 'Русский'
'msgsysconf_console_lang_japanese' = '日本語'
'msgsysconf_console_lang_kr' = '한국어'
'msgsysconf_console_msformat' = 'Format Memory Stick™'
'msgsysconf_console_msformat_ask1' = 'Do you want to format the Memory Stick™?'
'msgsysconf_console_msformat_ask2' = 'All data on the Memory Stick™ will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msgsysconf_console_msformat_formatting' = 'Formatting... Do not remove the Memory Stick™ or turn off the power.'
'msgsysconf_console_em_format' = 'Format System Storage'
'msgsysconf_console_em_format_ask1' = 'Do you want to format the system storage?'
'msgsysconf_console_em_format_ask2' = 'All data in the system storage will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msgsysconf_console_em_format_formatting' = 'Formatting... Do not turn off the power.'
'msgsysconf_console_msformat_completed' = 'Format completed.'
'msgsysconf_console_init' = 'Restore Default Settings'
'msgsysconf_console_init_ask1' = 'The settings below will be restored:'
'msgsysconf_console_init_ask2' = 'Settings will be returned to default values. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msgsysconf_console_initializing' = 'Restoring default settings... Do not turn off the power.'
'msgsysconf_console_init_completed' = 'Restore completed. Press the %e button to restart.'
'msgsysconf_console_info' = 'System Information'
'msgsysconf_console_info_macaddress' = 'MAC Address'
'msgsysconf_console_battery' = 'Battery Information'
'msgsysconf_console_battery_info1' = 'Charge Level'
'msgsysconf_console_battery_info2' = 'Hours Left'
'msgsysconf_console_battery_info3' = 'Power Source'
'msgsysconf_console_battery_info4' = 'Battery Status'
'msgsysconf_console_battery_ac' = 'External'
'msgsysconf_console_battery_battery' = 'Battery'
'msgsysconf_console_battery_chg' = 'Charging'
'msgsysconf_console_battery_dischg' = 'In Use'
'msgsysconf_security_pswd' = 'Change Password'
'msgsysconf_security_pc_level' = 'Parental Control Level'
'msgsysconf_powersave_backlight' = 'Backlight Auto-Off'
'msgsysconf_powersave_suspend' = 'Auto Sleep'
'msgsysconf_powersave_wlanpowersave' = 'WLAN Power Save'
'msgsysconf_sound_avls' = 'AVLS'
'msgsysconf_sound_key' = 'Key Tone'
'msgsysconf_console_aboutpsp' = 'About PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable)'
'msgsysconf_datetime_timeformat' = 'Time Format'
'msgsysconf_datetime_timeformat_12' = '12 Hour Clock'
'msgsysconf_datetime_timeformat_24' = '24 Hour Clock'
'msgsysconf_datetime_dateformat' = 'Date Format'
'msgsysconf_datetime_dateformat_ymd' = 'YYYY/MM/DD'
'msgsysconf_datetime_dateformat_mdy' = 'MM/DD/YYYY'
'msgsysconf_datetime_dateformat_dmy' = 'DD/MM/YYYY'
'msgsysconf_datetime_summertime' = 'Daylight Saving'
'msgsysconf_datetime_summertime_nrml' = 'Standard'
'msgsysconf_datetime_tz' = 'Time Zone'
'msgsysconf_datetime_samoa' = 'GMT-11:00 Samoa Islands'
'msgsysconf_datetime_midway_islands' = 'GMT-11:00 Midway Islands'
'msgsysconf_datetime_united_states_hawaii' = 'GMT-10:00 Hawaii'
'msgsysconf_datetime_united_states_alaska' = 'GMT-09:00 Alaska'
'msgsysconf_datetime_pacific_us_canada' = 'GMT-08:00 Pacific Time (US, Canada)'
'msgsysconf_datetime_mexico_tijuana' = 'GMT-08:00 Tijuana'
'msgsysconf_datetime_mountain_us_canada' = 'GMT-07:00 Mountain Time (US, Canada)'
'msgsysconf_datetime_mexico_chihuahua' = 'GMT-07:00 Chihuahua'
'msgsysconf_datetime_sanjose_costa_rica' = 'GMT-06:00 San Jose'
'msgsysconf_datetime_central_us_canada' = 'GMT-06:00 Central Time (US, Canada)'
'msgsysconf_datetime_mexico_mexico_city' = 'GMT-06:00 Mexico City'
'msgsysconf_datetime_quito_ecuador' = 'GMT-05:00 Quito'
'msgsysconf_datetime_eastern_us_canada' = 'GMT-05:00 Eastern Time (US, Canada)'
'msgsysconf_datetime_panama' = 'GMT-05:00 Panama City'
'msgsysconf_datetime_bogota_colombia' = 'GMT-05:00 Bogota'
'msgsysconf_datetime_lima_peru' = 'GMT-05:00 Lima'
'msgsysconf_datetime_venezuela' = 'GMT-04:00 Caracas'
'msgsysconf_datetime_chile_santiago' = 'GMT-04:00 Santiago'
'msgsysconf_datetime_canada_atlantic' = 'GMT-04:00 Atlantic (Canada)'
'msgsysconf_datetime_puerto_rico' = 'GMT-04:00 Puerto Rico'
'msgsysconf_datetime_la_paz_bolivia' = 'GMT-04:00 La Paz'
'msgsysconf_datetime_canada_newfoundland' = 'GMT-03:30 Newfoundland'
'msgsysconf_datetime_sao_paulo_brazil' = 'GMT-03:00 Sao Paulo'
'msgsysconf_datetime_buenos_aires_argentine' = 'GMT-03:00 Buenos Aires'
'msgsysconf_datetime_portugal_azores' = 'GMT-01:00 Azores'
'msgsysconf_datetime_morocco' = 'GMT+00:00 Casablanca'
'msgsysconf_datetime_ireland' = 'GMT+00:00 Dublin'
'msgsysconf_datetime_portugal_lisbon' = 'GMT+00:00 Lisbon'
'msgsysconf_datetime_iceland' = 'GMT+00:00 Reykjavik'
'msgsysconf_datetime_united_kingdom' = 'GMT+00:00 London'
'msgsysconf_datetime_netherlands' = 'GMT+01:00 Amsterdam'
'msgsysconf_datetime_algeria' = 'GMT+01:00 Algiers'
'msgsysconf_datetime_andorra' = 'GMT+01:00 Andorra la Vella'
'msgsysconf_datetime_austria' = 'GMT+01:00 Vienna'
'msgsysconf_datetime_namibia' = 'GMT+01:00 Windhoek'
'msgsysconf_datetime_norway' = 'GMT+01:00 Oslo'
'msgsysconf_datetime_denmark' = 'GMT+01:00 Copenhagen'
'msgsysconf_datetime_croatia' = 'GMT+01:00 Zagreb'
'msgsysconf_datetime_bosnia_and_herzegovina' = 'GMT+01:00 Sarajevo'
'msgsysconf_datetime_san_marino' = 'GMT+01:00 San Marino'
'msgsysconf_datetime_macedonia' = 'GMT+01:00 Skopje'
'msgsysconf_datetime_sweden' = 'GMT+01:00 Stockholm'
'msgsysconf_datetime_tunisia' = 'GMT+01:00 Tunis'
'msgsysconf_datetime_albania' = 'GMT+01:00 Tirana'
'msgsysconf_datetime_france' = 'GMT+01:00 Paris'
'msgsysconf_datetime_malta' = 'GMT+01:00 Valletta'
'msgsysconf_datetime_liechtenstein' = 'GMT+01:00 Vaduz'
'msgsysconf_datetime_hungary' = 'GMT+01:00 Budapest'
'msgsysconf_datetime_slovakia' = 'GMT+01:00 Bratislava'
'msgsysconf_datetime_czech_republic' = 'GMT+01:00 Prague'
'msgsysconf_datetime_belgium' = 'GMT+01:00 Brussels'
'msgsysconf_datetime_yugoslavia' = 'GMT+01:00 Belgrade'
'msgsysconf_datetime_germany' = 'GMT+01:00 Berlin'
'msgsysconf_datetime_switzerland' = 'GMT+01:00 Bern'
'msgsysconf_datetime_spain_madrid' = 'GMT+01:00 Madrid'
'msgsysconf_datetime_monaco' = 'GMT+01:00 Monaco'
'msgsysconf_datetime_slovenia' = 'GMT+01:00 Ljubljana'
'msgsysconf_datetime_luxembourg' = 'GMT+01:00 Luxembourg'
'msgsysconf_datetime_italy' = 'GMT+01:00 Rome'
'msgsysconf_datetime_poland' = 'GMT+01:00 Warsaw'
'msgsysconf_datetime_greece' = 'GMT+02:00 Athens'
'msgsysconf_datetime_jordan' = 'GMT+02:00 Amman'
'msgsysconf_datetime_turkey' = 'GMT+02:00 Istanbul'
'msgsysconf_datetime_israel' = 'GMT+02:00 Jerusalem'
'msgsysconf_datetime_egypt' = 'GMT+02:00 Cairo'
'msgsysconf_datetime_ukraine' = 'GMT+02:00 Kiev'
'msgsysconf_datetime_bulgaria' = 'GMT+02:00 Sofia'
'msgsysconf_datetime_syrian_arab_republic' = 'GMT+02:00 Damascus'
'msgsysconf_datetime_estonia' = 'GMT+02:00 Tallinn'
'msgsysconf_datetime_cyprus' = 'GMT+02:00 Nicosia'
'msgsysconf_datetime_lithuania' = 'GMT+02:00 Vilnius'
'msgsysconf_datetime_romania' = 'GMT+02:00 Bucharest'
'msgsysconf_datetime_lebanon' = 'GMT+02:00 Beirut'
'msgsysconf_datetime_finland' = 'GMT+02:00 Helsinki'
'msgsysconf_datetime_belarus' = 'GMT+02:00 Minsk'
'msgsysconf_datetime_south_africa' = 'GMT+02:00 Johannesburg'
'msgsysconf_datetime_latvia' = 'GMT+02:00 Riga'
'msgsysconf_datetime_kuwait' = 'GMT+03:00 Kuwait City'
'msgsysconf_datetime_iraq' = 'GMT+03:00 Baghdad'
'msgsysconf_datetime_bahrain' = 'GMT+03:00 Manama'
'msgsysconf_datetime_russian_federation_moscow' = 'GMT+03:00 Moscow'
'msgsysconf_datetime_saudi_arabia' = 'GMT+03:00 Riyadh'
'msgsysconf_datetime_iran' = 'GMT+03:30 Tehran'
'msgsysconf_datetime_united_arab_emirates' = 'GMT+04:00 Abu Dhabi'
'msgsysconf_datetime_armenia' = 'GMT+04:00 Yerevan'
'msgsysconf_datetime_georgia' = 'GMT+04:00 Tbilisi'
'msgsysconf_datetime_azerbaijan' = 'GMT+04:00 Baku'
'msgsysconf_datetime_oman' = 'GMT+04:00 Muscat'
'msgsysconf_datetime_afghanistan' = 'GMT+04:30 Kabul'
'msgsysconf_datetime_pakistan' = 'GMT+05:00 Karachi'
'msgsysconf_datetime_uzbekistan' = 'GMT+05:00 Tashkent'
'msgsysconf_datetime_kyrgyzstan' = 'GMT+05:00 Bishkek'
'msgsysconf_datetime_india' = 'GMT+05:30 Calcutta'
'msgsysconf_datetime_nepal' = 'GMT+05:45 Kathmandu'
'msgsysconf_datetime_astana_kazakstan' = 'GMT+06:00 Astana'
'msgsysconf_datetime_bangladesh' = 'GMT+06:00 Dhaka'
'msgsysconf_datetime_thailand' = 'GMT+07:00 Bangkok'
'msgsysconf_datetime_malaysia' = 'GMT+08:00 Kuala Lumpur'
'msgsysconf_datetime_singapore' = 'GMT+08:00 Singapore'
'msgsysconf_datetime_taiwan_province_of_china' = 'GMT+08:00 Taipei'
'msgsysconf_datetime_australia_perth' = 'GMT+08:00 Perth'
'msgsysconf_datetime_china' = 'GMT+08:00 Beijing'
'msgsysconf_datetime_hong_kong' = 'GMT+08:00 Hong Kong'
'msgsysconf_datetime_korea' = 'GMT+09:00 Seoul'
'msgsysconf_datetime_japan' = 'GMT+09:00 Tokyo'
'msgsysconf_datetime_australia_adelaide' = 'GMT+09:30 Adelaide'
'msgsysconf_datetime_australia_sydney' = 'GMT+10:00 Sydney'
'msgsysconf_datetime_new_zealand' = 'GMT+12:00 Wellington'
'msgsysconf_datetime_fiji' = 'GMT+12:00 Suva'
'msg_connect_usbhost' = 'Connect this system to a PC or a PS3™ system using a USB cable.'
'msgsysconf_usb_usbmode' = 'USB Mode'
'msgsysconf_initsetup' = 'Initial Setup'
'msgsysconf_initsetup_datetime' = 'Set the time and date.'
'msgsysconf_initsetup_tz' = 'Select a time zone.'
'msgsysconf_initsetup_lang' = 'Select a language.'
'msgsysconf_initsetup_pspname' = 'Enter a nickname. The nickname may be visible to others in features such as networked gaming.'
'msg_initsetup_dob' = 'Set your date of birth.'
'msg_dob' = 'Your Birth Date'
'msgsysconf_initsetup_pspnamedf' = 'P'
'msgsysconf_initsetup_list' = 'Setting List'
'msgsysconf_initsetup_completed' = 'Press the %e button to complete Initial Setup. To adjust later, go to [Settings].'
'msgsysconf_datetime' = 'Date and Time'
'msgsysconf_security_pc_level_1' = '1'
'msgsysconf_security_pc_level_2' = '2'
'msgsysconf_security_pc_level_3' = '3'
'msgsysconf_security_pc_level_4' = '4'
'msgsysconf_security_pc_level_5' = '5'
'msgsysconf_security_pc_level_6' = '6'
'msgsysconf_security_pc_level_7' = '7'
'msgsysconf_security_pc_level_8' = '8'
'msgsysconf_security_pc_level_9' = '9'
'msgsysconf_security_pc_level_10' = '10'
'msgsysconf_security_pc_level_11' = '11'
'msgsysconf_security_pc_level_off' = 'Off'
'msgsysconf_security_pswd_change_ask' = 'Do you want to change your password to %1?'
'msgsysconf_security_pswd_changed' = 'The password has been changed.'
'msgsysconf_console_info_systemsoftware' = 'System Software'
'msgsysconf_console_battery_chg_cmpltd' = 'Charge Complete'
'msgsysconf_console_theme' = 'Theme'
'msgsysconf_console_theme_original' = 'Original'
'msgsysconf_console_theme_wallpaper' = 'Wallpaper'
'msgsysconf_console_theme_original_inst' = 'The color will change each month.'
'msgsysconf_console_theme_nopictureset' = 'There is no wallpaper set. Go to [Photo], open an image and then select [Set as Wallpaper] from the control panel to save the image for use as wallpaper.'
'msgsysconf_security_browser' = 'Internet Browser Start Control'
'msgsysconf_console_characterset' = 'Character Set'
'msgsysconf_console_filename' = 'For File Names'
'msgsysconf_console_textinfiles' = 'For Text in Files'
'msgsysconf_console_us437' = 'US (437)'
'msgsysconf_console_latin1' = 'Latin 1 (1252)'
'msgsysconf_console_multilinguallatin1' = 'Multilingual Latin 1 (850)'
'msgsysconf_console_russian866' = 'Russian (866)'
'msgsysconf_console_cyrillic1251' = 'Cyrillic (1251)'
'msgsysconf_console_japaneseshiftjis932' = 'Japanese Shift-JIS (932)'
'msgsysconf_console_smplifiedchinese936' = 'Simplified Chinese GBK (936)'
'msgsysconf_console_korean949' = 'Korean (949)'
'msgsysconf_console_traditionalchinese950' = 'Traditional Chinese Big5 (950)'
'msgsysconf_datetime_set_manual' = 'Set Manually'
'msgsysconf_datetime_set_internet' = 'Set via Internet'
'msgsysconf_console_wma_menu' = 'Enable WMA Playback'
'msgsysconf_console_wma_activated' = 'The feature has already been enabled.'
'msgsysconf_console_wma_activate_internet' = 'The system will connect to the Internet to enable WMA playback.'
'msgsysconf_console_wma_activate_completed' = 'WMA playback has been enabled.'
'msgsysconf_console_wma_activate_error_eula' = 'You must accept the user agreement to enable WMA playback.'
'msgsysconf_console_activate_eula_1' = 'During use you must comply with all applicable laws and license restrictions.'
'msgsysconf_console_activate_eula_4' = 'When using the %2 you agree to respect the intellectual property rights of others. See other terms and conditions of use in the user's manuals.'
'msgsysconf_console_activate_eula_5' = 'Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. uses DNAS (Dynamic Network Authentication System), a proprietary authentication system, to help protect copyright and security in connecting the PSP™ system to a network. DNAS may retrieve information about a user's hardware and software for authentication, copy protection, account blocking, system, rules, or game management and other purposes. The information collected does not identify the user personally.'
'msgsysconf_console_lang_chinese_t' = '繁體中文'
'msgsysconf_console_lang_chinese_s' = '简体中文'
'msgsysconf_rss_item' = 'Item Save Options'
'msgsysconf_rss_item_1' = 'Latest item'
'msgsysconf_rss_item_2' = 'Last 2 items'
'msgsysconf_rss_item_5' = 'Last 5 items'
'msgsysconf_rss_item_10' = 'Last 10 items'
'msgsysconf_rss_item_all' = 'All items'
'msgsysconf_video_lrbutton' = 'L/R Button'
'msgsysconf_console_flash_menu' = 'Enable Flash® Player'
'msgsysconf_console_flash_activate_internet' = 'The system will connect to the Internet to enable Flash® Player.'
'msgsysconf_console_flash_activate_error_eula' = 'You must accept the user agreement to enable Flash® Player.'
'msgsysconf_console_flash_activate_completed' = 'Flash® Player has been enabled.'
'msgsysconf_console_flash_activate_eula' = 'Contains Macromedia® Flash® Player technology by Adobe Copyright © 1995-2008 Adobe Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Macromedia, Flash and Macromedia Flash are trademarks or registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and internationally.'
'msgsysconf_console_activate_wma' = 'WMA'
'msgsysconf_console_activate_macromedia' = 'Macromedia® Flash® Player'
'msgsysconf_console_activate_flash' = 'Flash® Player'
'msg_sound_dnormal' = 'Dynamic Normalizer'
'msg_console_umd' = 'UMD™ Auto-Start'
'msg_tool_geo_filtering_for_psstore' = 'Geo Filtering for PlayStation®Store'
'msg_tool_normal' = 'Normal'
'msg_tool_always_succeed' = 'Always Succeed'
'msg_tool_always_fail' = 'Always Fail'
'msg_console_usb' = 'USB Charge'
'msg_error_console_usb' = 'If the host does not detect the connected system, go to [Settings] > [System Settings] and set [USB Recharge] to [Off]. Setting to [Off] may allow the system to be detected.'
'msg_display_output' = 'Switch Video Output'
'msg_display_output_instruction' = 'Sets to display video output on the PSP™ system's screen or on a connected device. You can also switch the output destination by pressing and holding down the display button for at least %1 seconds.'
'msg_tvtype' = 'TV Type'
'msg_component_output' = 'Component / D-Terminal Output'
'msg_component_output_instruction' = 'Sets the output format for use when connected to a TV using a component AV cable or D-terminal AV cable.'
'msg_output_other_conf' = 'Do you want to display video output on a connected device? You can go back to displaying video output on this system by turning the system off and on.'
'msg_output_psp_conf' = 'Do you want to display video output on this system?'
'msg_16_9' = '16:9'
'msg_4_3' = '4:3'
'msg_progressive' = 'Progressive'
'msg_interlace' = 'Interlace'
'msg_interlace_conf' = 'If you set to interlace, you will not be able to display screens from PSP™ format software on a connected device.'
'msg_error_no_av_cable' = 'Connect an AV cable.'
'msg_tool_adhoc_ssid_prefix' = 'Adhoc SSID prefix'
'msg_np_environment' = 'NP Environment'
'msg_tool_nav_only_np' = 'Nav-only NP'
'msg_tool_ps_ad_clock' = 'PlayStation®Store Ad Clock'
'msg_tool_datetime_set' = 'Set the time and date.'
'msg_tool_error_no_datetime_setting' = 'To perform this operation, go to [Settings] > [Date and Time Settings] > [Date and Time], and select [Set via Internet] to set the time and date.'
'msg_tool_ib_qa_server' = 'Information Board QA Server'
'msg_screensaver' = 'Screensaver'
'msg_screensaver_instruction' = 'Sets the screen protection feature (video output off) for use when video content is being output.'
'msg_umd_cache' = 'UMD™ Cache'
'msg_umd_cache_info' = 'If you set to [On], you can reduce the frequency at which the system reads from the UMD™.'
'msg_tvtype_info' = 'Set to match the aspect ratio of the connected display.'
'msg_console_themecolor' = 'Color'
'msgsysconf_console_theme_info' = 'Sets a theme including background, color and icon design.'
'msg_monthly' = 'By Month'
'msg_del_theme_conf' = 'The theme data will be deleted. The background or icon design included in the theme will also be cleared. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msg_apply' = 'Apply'
'msg_overwrite_theme_conf' = 'Do you want to overwrite a saved custom theme? If you overwrite, the currently saved custom theme will be deleted.'
'msg_background' = 'Background'
'msg_error_cannot_delete_live_theme' = 'A custom theme that is currently in use cannot be deleted.'
'msg_custom_theme' = 'Custom Theme'
'msg_custom_theme_copying' = 'Importing the custom theme... Please wait.'
'msg_cookies' = 'Tasty Treat'
'msg_sequential_play' = 'Sequential Playback'
'msg_sequential_play_info' = 'Sets for sequential playback of videos that are saved on the Memory Stick™.'
'msg_sequential_play_em_info' = 'Sets for sequential playback of videos that are saved in the system storage or on the Memory Stick™.'
'msg_error_older_theme_file' = 'This custom theme file is of an old version, so the theme cannot be applied.'
'msg_usb_auto_connection' = 'USB Auto Connect'
'msg_usb_auto_connection_info2' = 'If you set to [On], this system will automatically change to USB mode when connected to a PC or a PS3™ system.'
'msgsysconf_video_volume_info' = 'If the volume level of a UMD™ is low, set to a higher number.'
'msgsysconf_video_lrbutton_info' = 'If you set to [Do Not Use], the L and R buttons will be disabled during video playback.'
'msgsysconf_console_characterset_info' = 'Sets the character code to be applied to music files and other types of files. Usually it is not necessary to adjust this setting.'
'msg_console_umd_info' = 'If you set to [On], the inserted UMD™ will be started automatically when the system is started.'
'msg_console_usb_info' = 'If you set to [On], the system battery will be charged when in USB mode.'
'msgsysconf_console_wma_menu_info' = 'The system will connect to the Internet and perform an activation procedure to enable the playback of music data in WMA format.'
'msgsysconf_console_flash_menu_info' = 'The system will connect to the Internet and perform an activation procedure to enable Flash® Player.'
'msgsysconf_powersave_wlanpowersave_info' = 'If you set to [On], the system will communicate using less power. If the system does not communicate effectively, set to [Off].'
'msgsysconf_sound_avls_info' = 'Limits the maximum volume level for headphones. This can help reduce the amount of sound that escapes from the headphones as well as the risks from not being able to hear what is going on around you.'
'msg_sound_dnormal_info' = 'Reduces the difference in volume level between tracks.'
'msgsysconf_security_pc_level_info' = 'Restricts the ability to start content with parental control settings. The lower the level, the tighter the restriction.'
'msgsysconf_security_browser_info' = 'If you set to [On], you must enter a password before starting the Internet browser.'
'msg_colorspace' = 'Color Space'
'msg_colorspace_info' = 'If you set to [Wide], the system's display will appear more vivid.'
'msg_wide' = 'Wide'
'msg_flicker_reduction' = 'Flicker Reduction'
'msg_flicker_reduction_info' = 'If you set to [On], flicker will be reduced on screens that are displayed in interlace format. This setting is effective for PSP™ format software.'
'msg_active_backlit' = 'Backlight Auto-Adjust'
'msg_active_backlit_info' = 'If you set to [On], screen brightness will be adjusted to match the video in use. This may reduce power use.'
'msg_classic' = 'Classic'
'msg_title_display' = 'Title Display'
'msg_title_display_info' = 'If you set to [Title], the title will be displayed for content saved in the "VIDEO" folder of the Memory Stick™. The content must be in a format that supports this feature. If a title is not available, the file name will be displayed instead.'
'msg_title_display_em_info' = 'If you set to [Title], the title will be displayed for content saved in the "VIDEO" folder of the system storage or the Memory Stick™. The content must be in a format that supports this feature. If a title is not available, the file name will be displayed instead.'
'msg_close_panel' = 'Display Panel Close Options'
'msg_close_panel_info' = 'Sets what the PSP™ system will do when the display panel is closed.'
'msg_close_panel_sleepmode' = 'Enter Sleep Mode'
'msg_bt_device_settings' = 'Bluetooth® Device Settings'
'msgmusic_error_playback_cannot_open' = 'The file cannot be opened.'
'msgvideoms_error_licenseinfo' = 'The copyright protection information is invalid.'
'msggame_install_install_completed' = 'Install completed.'
'msggame_install_error_install' = 'The install failed.'
'msg_error_activated_psp' = 'To use this content, you must activate the system.'
'msg_error_invalid_account' = 'This content cannot be accessed on your account.'
'msglftv_settings_channel_skip' = 'Skip'
'msg_filename' = 'File Name'
'msg_updateprompt' = 'A system software update for the PSP™ system is required. Go to [Settings] > [System Update] to update the system.'
'msg_deleting' = 'Deleting... Please wait.'
'msg_std' = 'Standard'
'msg_month_psn' = 'MM'
'msg_day_psn' = 'DD'
'msgshare_opt_edit' = 'Edit'
'msgsystem_yes' = 'Yes'
'msgsystem_no' = 'No'
'msgsystem_enter' = 'Enter'
'msgsystem_back' = 'Back'
'msgsystem_option' = 'Options'
'msgsystem_cancel' = 'Cancel'
'msgsystem_circle' = '○'
'msgsystem_cross' = '╳'
'msgsystem_ok' = 'OK'
'msgsystem_uncheck' = 'Clear'
'msgsystem_select' = 'Select'
'msgsystem_option_with_icon' = ' Options'
'msgsystem_circle_gaiji' = ''
'msgsystem_cross_gaiji' = ''
'msgshare_umd' = 'UMD™'
'msgshare_ms' = 'Memory Stick™'
'msg_em' = 'System Storage'
'msgshare_opt_load' = 'Start'
'msgshare_opt_playbegin' = 'Play from Beginning'
'msgshare_opt_del' = 'Delete'
'msgshare_opt_info' = 'Information'
'msgshare_info_title' = 'Title'
'msgshare_info_none' = '-'
'msgshare_info_parent' = 'Parental Control'
'msgshare_info_level' = 'Level %1'
'msgshare_info_total' = 'User Capacity'
'msgshare_info_space' = 'Free Space'
'msgshare_info_space_2' = 'Free Space'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_play' = 'Play'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_slide' = 'Slideshow'
'msgshare_del_data_ask' = 'The data will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msgshare_deleted' = 'Delete completed.'
'msgshare_error_del' = 'Delete failed.'
'msgshare_error_parental_lock' = 'Restricted Content'
'msgshare_error_content_corrupted_game' = 'This game cannot be started. The data is corrupted.'
'msgshare_error_notload_disc' = 'This disc cannot be loaded.'
'msgshare_error_invalid_disc' = 'The disc could not be read.'
'msgshare_error_wrong_region_disc_game' = 'This disc cannot be started. The region code is not correct.'
'msgshare_error_game_start' = 'The game could not be started.'
'msg_update_play_system_update' = 'The system software of your PSP™ system is version %1. To play, you must update to version %2 or later. Go to [Settings] > [System Update] to update the system.'
'msgshare_updateprompt_updateunnecessary' = 'The system software of your PSP™ system is version %1. There is no need to update.'
'msgshare_receive' = 'Receive'
'msgshare_game' = 'Game'
'msgshare_error_start_game' = 'This game cannot be started.'
'msgshare_settings' = 'Settings'
'msg_supported' = 'Supported'
'msg_magicgate' = 'MagicGate™'
'msg_error_display_output' = 'You cannot use this feature when displaying video output on a connected device. Switch to display video output on the PSP™ system.'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_play_with_icon' = 'Play '
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_slide_with_icon' = 'Slideshow '
'msgshare_opt_load_with_icon' = 'Start '
'msg_game_hibernation' = 'Resume Game'
'msg_opening_hibernation_info' = 'You can resume the paused game by selecting [Game] > [Resume Game]. If you change the settings for this system, the game may not resume correctly.'
'msgtop_photo' = 'Photo'
'msgtop_music' = 'Music'
'msgtop_video' = 'Video'
'msgtop_network' = 'Network'
'msgtop_extras' = 'Extras'
'msgtop_sysconf_video' = 'Video Settings'
'msgtop_sysconf_photo' = 'Photo Settings'
'msgtop_sysconf_console' = 'System Settings'
'msgtop_sysconf_security' = 'Security Settings'
'msgtop_sysconf_powersave' = 'Power Save Settings'
'msgtop_sysconf_sound' = 'Sound Settings'
'msgtop_sysconf_network' = 'Network Settings'
'msgtop_sysconf_date' = 'Date & Time Settings'
'msgtop_sysconf_usb' = 'USB Connection'
'msgtop_game_savedata' = 'Saved Data Utility'
'msgtop_error_ms_wrong_format' = 'The Memory Stick™ cannot be read. Go to [Settings] > [System Settings] to format the Memory Stick™.'
'msgtop_error_em_wrong_format' = 'The system storage cannot be read. Go to [Settings] > [System Settings] to format the system storage.'
'msg_system_update' = 'System Update'
'msgtop_game_gamedl' = 'Game Sharing'
'msgtop_sysconf_theme' = 'Theme Settings'
'msgtop_updateprompt_game' = 'The system software of your PSP™ system is version %1. To start, you must update to version %2 or later. Do you want to update now?'
'msgtop_updateprompt_musicvideo' = 'The system software of your PSP™ system is version %1. To play, you must update to version %2 or later. Do you want to update now?'
'msgtop_updateprompt' = 'You will need to update before your next use.'
'msgtop_network_browser' = 'Internet Browser'
'msgtop_network_lftv' = 'LocationFree™ Player'
'msgtop_network_rss' = 'RSS Channel'
'msgtop_sysconf_rss' = 'RSS Channel Settings'
'msgtop_camera' = 'Camera'
'msgtop_ptv' = 'Portable TV™'
'msg_ps3_connection' = 'Remote Play'
'msg_onlinemanual' = 'Online Instruction Manuals'
'msg_skype' = 'Skype™'
'msg_tv' = 'TV'
'msg_1seg' = '1Seg'
'msg_tdmb' = 'T-DMB'
'msg_internetradio' = 'Internet Radio'
'msg_psspot' = 'PlayStation®Spot'
'msg_display_setting' = 'Connected Display Settings'
'msg_backto_photo_with_icon' = '%P Back to [Photo]'
'msg_backto_music_with_icon' = '%P Back to [Music]'
'msg_backto_rssch_with_icon' = '%P Back to [RSS Channel]'
'msg_information_board' = 'Information Board'
'msg_sensme_channels' = 'SensMe™ channels'
'msg_bt_disable_to_start' = 'The Bluetooth® connection must be temporarily disabled. Do you want to disable it now?'
'msg_bt_disable_to_start_usb' = 'To use accessories that require a USB connection, [Bluetooth® Connection] under [Settings] > [Bluetooth® Device Settings] must be set to [Off]. Do you want to set [Bluetooth® Connection] to [Off] now?'
'msg_bt_device_settings' = 'Bluetooth® Device Settings'
'msgnetconf_notsupported' = 'Not Supported'
'msgmusic_info_codec_unknown' = 'Unknown'
'msgvideoms_error_startdate' = 'The content is not available before the start date.'
'msgvideoms_error_expired' = 'The content has expired and is no longer available.'
'msgvideoms_error_timelimited_settime' = 'This content has a time limit. Go to [Settings] > [Date & Time Settings] > [Date and Time], and select [Set via Internet] to set the date and time.'
'msgvideoms_error_licenseinfo' = 'The copyright protection information is invalid.'
'msgsavedata_opt_backup' = 'Copy'
'msg_error_activated_psp' = 'To use this content, you must activate the system.'
'msg_error_game_display_output' = 'To display this screen on a connected device, you must be connected using a component AV cable or a D-terminal AV cable and you must output the video content in progressive format.'
'msg_error_invalid_account' = 'This content cannot be accessed on your account.'
'msg_update' = 'Update'
'msg_expired_game_quit' = 'The game was forced to quit because the expire date has passed.'
'msglftv_settings_remote_version' = 'Version Information'
'msg_version' = 'Version'
'msg_not_show_message' = 'Do Not Display Again'
'msg_connected_device' = 'Registered With'
'msg_internet_search' = 'Internet Search'
'msg_deleting' = 'Deleting... Please wait.'
'msg_digitalcomics' = 'Digital Comics'
'msg_bookreader' = 'Comic Reader'
'msg_signup' = 'Sign Up for PlayStation®Network'
'msg_psn' = 'PlayStation®Network'
'msg_account_manage' = 'Account Management'
'msg_ps_store' = 'PlayStation®Store'
'msg_can_change_psn_account_psstore_setteing' = 'Adjust settings for your PlayStation®Network account or for purchases made at PlayStation®Store.'
'msg_delete_accout' = 'Delete Account'
'msg_signout_psn' = 'Sign Out'
'msg_auto_signin_off' = 'Auto Sign-In Off'
'msgshare_umd' = 'UMD™'
'msgshare_ms' = 'Memory Stick™'
'msg_em' = 'System Storage'
'msgshare_info_none' = '-'
'msgshare_percent' = '%1%%'
'msgshare_error_notplay_ms' = 'The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_notplay_em' = 'The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgshare_error_no_ms' = 'There is no Memory Stick™ inserted.'
'msgshare_error_ms_full' = 'There is not enough free space on the Memory Stick™.'
'msgshare_error_em_full' = 'There is not enough free space in the system storage.'
'msgshare_error_ms_locked' = 'The Memory Stick™ is locked.'
'msgshare_error_lan_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WLAN switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_error_wireless_off' = 'A connection error has occurred. The WIRELESS switch on the PSP™ system is not turned on.'
'msgshare_time_bar' = '--:--:--'
'msgshare_error_fatal' = 'The update failed. Contact technical support for assistance.'
'msgshare_latest_ver' = 'The latest version of the system software is already installed. There is no need to update.'
'msgshare_updateprompt_updateunnecessary' = 'The system software of your PSP™ system is version %1. There is no need to update.'
'msgshare_error_connect_dns' = 'Connection to the server failed. A DNS error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_ap_disconnect' = 'A connection error has occurred. You have been disconnected from the access point.'
'msgshare_checking' = 'Checking... Please wait.'
'msg_error_display_output' = 'You cannot use this feature when displaying video output on a connected device. Switch to display video output on the PSP™ system.'
'msg_system_update' = 'System Update'
'msgnetconf_searching' = 'Scanning... Please wait.'
'msgupdate_new_found' = 'Network Update has found a later version. To download, insert a Memory Stick™ with at least %1 MB free space and press the %e button.'
'msgupdate_downloading' = 'Downloading... Do not turn off the power or remove the Memory Stick™.'
'msgupdate_downloading_em' = 'Downloading... Do not turn off the power.'
'msg_update_conf_game_resume_data' = 'If you perform the update, the data for [Resume Game] will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'
'msgupdate_downloaded_system_update' = 'Download completed. Press the %e button to start the update. To install later, go to [Settings] > [System Update] and select [Update via Storage Media].'
'msgupdate_error_start_no_memory' = 'The update cannot be started. System memory is low.'
'msgupdate_error_com_no_memory' = 'Communication with the server failed. System memory is low.'
'msgupdate_error_connect' = 'A connection to the server could not be established.'
'msgupdate_error_connect_proxyserver' = 'Connection to the server failed. A connection to the HTTP proxy server could not be established.'
'msgupdate_error_download_ms_removed' = 'The download failed. The Memory Stick™ has been removed.'
'msgupdate_error_download_ms_no_access' = 'The download failed. The Memory Stick™ could not be accessed.'
'msgupdate_error_download_em_no_access' = 'The download failed. The system storage could not be accessed.'
'msgupdate_error_download_no_memory' = 'The download failed. System memory is low.'
'msgupdate_error_download_dns' = 'The download failed. A DNS error has occurred.'
'msgupdate_error_download_proxyserver' = 'The download failed. A connection to the HTTP proxy server could not be established.'
'msgupdate_error_download_cannot_connect' = 'The download failed. A connection to the server could not be established.'
'msgupdate_error_server_maintenance' = 'Currently, the server may be down for maintenance or updating. Please try again later.'
'msgupdate_error_start' = 'The update could not be started.'
'msgupdate_error_start_ms_removed' = 'The update could not be started. The Memory Stick™ has been removed.'
'msgupdate_error_download' = 'The download failed.'
'msg_update_select' = 'Select an update method.'
'msg_update_net' = 'Update via Internet'
'msg_update_media' = 'Update via Storage Media'
'msg_update_follow_found' = 'The following update data was found:'
'msg_location' = 'Location'
'msg_error_no_updatedata' = 'No applicable update data was found.'
'msgupdater_cancel_update_ask' = 'Do you want to cancel the update?'
'msg_version' = 'Version'
'msgshare_info_title' = 'Title'
'msgshare_info_none' = '-'
'msgshare_info_parent' = 'Parental Control'
'msgshare_info_level' = 'Level %1'
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'msgshare_ctrlpnl_play' = 'Play'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_stop' = 'Stop'
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'msgshare_ctrlpnl_display' = 'Display'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_repeat_ab' = 'A-B Repeat'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_repeat' = 'Repeat'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_help' = 'Help'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_fastforward' = 'Fast Forward'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_fastreverse' = 'Fast Reverse'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_prev' = 'Previous'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_next' = 'Next'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_clear' = 'Clear'
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'msgshare_ctrlpnl_sizezoom' = 'Zoom'
'msgshare_error_notplay_umd' = 'This disc cannot be played.'
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'msgshare_video_lang_list_bh' = 'Bihari'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_bi' = 'Bislama'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_bm' = 'Bambara'
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'msgshare_video_lang_list_iu' = 'Inuktitut'
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'msgshare_video_lang_list_jv' = 'Javanese'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ka' = 'Georgian'
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'msgshare_video_lang_list_ki' = 'Kikuyu'
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'msgshare_video_lang_list_kk' = 'Kazakh'
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'msgshare_video_lang_list_kn' = 'Kannada'
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'msgshare_video_lang_list_ku' = 'Kurdish'
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'msgshare_video_lang_list_kw' = 'Cornish'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ky' = 'Kyrgyz'
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'msgshare_video_lang_list_lb' = 'Luxembourgish'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_lg' = 'Luganda'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ln' = 'Lingala'
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'msgshare_video_lang_list_lu' = 'Luba-Katanga'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_lv' = 'Latvian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_mg' = 'Malagasy'
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'msgshare_video_lang_list_mi' = 'Maori'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_mk' = 'Macedonian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ml' = 'Malayalam'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_mn' = 'Mongolian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_mo' = 'Moldavian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_mr' = 'Marathi'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ms' = 'Malay'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_mt' = 'Maltese'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_my' = 'Myanmar'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_na' = 'Nauruan'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_nb' = 'Norwegian Bokmal'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_nd' = 'North Ndebele'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ne' = 'Nepali'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ng' = 'Ndonga'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_nl' = 'Dutch'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_nn' = 'Norwegian Nynorsk'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_no' = 'Norwegian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_nr' = 'South Ndebele'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_nv' = 'Navajo'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ny' = 'Chichewa'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_oc' = 'Occitan'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_oj' = 'Ojibwa'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_om' = 'Oromo'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_or' = 'Oriya'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_os' = 'Ossetian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_pa' = 'Punjabi'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_pi' = 'Pali'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_pl' = 'Polish'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ps' = 'Pashto'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_pt' = 'Portuguese'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_qu' = 'Quechua'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_rm' = 'Rhaeto-Romance'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_rn' = 'Kirundi'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ro' = 'Romanian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ru' = 'Russian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_rw' = 'Kinyarwanda'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sa' = 'Sanskrit'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sc' = 'Sardinian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sd' = 'Sindhi'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_se' = 'Northern Sami'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sg' = 'Sango'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sh' = 'Serbo-Croatian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_si' = 'Sinhala'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sk' = 'Slovak'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sl' = 'Slovenian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sm' = 'Samoan'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sn' = 'Shona'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_so' = 'Somali'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sq' = 'Albanian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sr' = 'Serbian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ss' = 'Swazi'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_st' = 'Sesotho'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_su' = 'Sundanese'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sv' = 'Swedish'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_sw' = 'Swahili'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ta' = 'Tamil'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_te' = 'Telugu'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_tg' = 'Tajiki'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_th' = 'Thai'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ti' = 'Tigrinya'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_tk' = 'Turkmen'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_tl' = 'Tagalog'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_tn' = 'Setswana'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_to' = 'Tongan'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_tr' = 'Turkish'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ts' = 'Tsonga'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_tt' = 'Tatar'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_tw' = 'Twi'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ty' = 'Tahitian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ug' = 'Uighur'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_uk' = 'Ukrainian'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ur' = 'Urdu'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_uz' = 'Uzbek'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_ve' = 'Venda'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_vi' = 'Vietnamese'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_vo' = 'Volapuk'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_wa' = 'Walloon'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_wo' = 'Wolof'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_xh' = 'Xhosa'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_yi' = 'Yiddish'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_yo' = 'Yoruba'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_za' = 'Zhuang'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_zh' = 'Chinese'
'msgshare_video_lang_list_zu' = 'Zulu'
'msgshare_error_internal' = 'An internal error has occurred.'
'msgshare_error_content_corrupted' = 'The data is corrupted.'
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_play_with_icon' = 'Play '
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_pause_with_icon' = 'Pause '
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_fastforward_with_icon' = 'Fast Forward '
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_fastreverse_with_icon' = 'Fast Reverse '
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_prev_with_icon' = 'Previous '
'msgshare_ctrlpnl_next_with_icon' = 'Next '
'msgsysconf_video_volume' = 'UMD™ Volume'
'msgsysconf_video_volume_nrml' = 'Normal'
'msgmusic_ctrlpnl_help_play' = ': Play'
'msgmusic_ctrlpnl_help_stop' = ': Stop'
'msgmusic_ctrlpnl_help_pause' = ': Play/Pause'
'msgmusic_ctrlpnl_help_fastreverse' = ': Fast Reverse'
'msgmusic_ctrlpnl_help_fastforward' = ': Fast Forward'
'msg_ctrlpnl_with_icon' = ' Control Panel'
'msgvideo_error_notexecute' = 'This operation is not available here.'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_repeat_off' = 'Repeat Off'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_goto' = 'Go To'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_fastforward_1' = 'Forward 1'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_fastforward_2' = 'Forward 2'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_fastforward_3' = 'Forward 3'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_fastreverse_1' = 'Reverse 1'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_fastreverse_2' = 'Reverse 2'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_fastreverse_3' = 'Reverse 3'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_slow' = 'Slow Motion'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_oneframe' = 'Frame Advance'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_viewmode' = 'Screen Mode'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_sizefull' = 'Full Screen'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_sizeorgnl' = 'Original'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_opt_audio' = 'Audio Options'
'msgvideoumd_ctrlpnl_help_prev' = ': Previous Chapter'
'msgvideoumd_ctrlpnl_help_next' = ': Next Chapter'
'msgvideoumd_error_no_angle' = 'There are no angle options available.'
'msgvideoumd_error_no_audio' = 'There are no audio options available.'
'msgvideoumd_error_no_menu' = 'There is no menu available.'
'msgvideoumd_error_no_subtitle' = 'There are no subtitle options available.'
'msgvideoumd_error_no_nextchapter' = 'There is no chapter available.'
'msgvideoumd_error_no_prevchapter' = 'There is no chapter available.'
'msgvideoumd_ctrlpnl_repeat_disc' = 'Disc Repeat'
'msgvideoumd_ctrlpnl_repeat_chapter' = 'Chapter Repeat'
'msgvideoumd_ctrlpnl_chapter' = 'Chapter'
'msgvideoumd_ctrlpnl_menu' = 'Menu'
'msgvideoumd_ctrlpnl_opt_subtitle' = 'Subtitle Options'
'msgvideoumd_ctrlpnl_opt_angle' = 'Angle Options'
'msgvideoumd_ctrlpnl_volume_1' = '+1'
'msgvideoumd_ctrlpnl_volume_2' = '+2'
'msgvideoumd_ctrlpnl_help_umdmenu' = ': Display Menu'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_sizenormal_variable' = 'Normal (%1)'
'msgvideo_ctrlpnl_help_title' = 'Video Help'
'msgvideo_error_playback' = 'This video cannot be played.'

З нами з: 14.05.09
Востаннє: 03.01.25
Повідомлень: 85

2011-07-07 20:21  
помісти у прикріпленому файлі, а то незручно виділяти весь текст...

З нами з: 05.03.11
Востаннє: 19.09.24
Повідомлень: 300

2011-07-15 11:10  
я допоможу
давайте розділимо
Частий відвідувач

З нами з: 27.11.10
Востаннє: 16.07.12
Повідомлень: 48

2011-09-17 21:46  
Щось виходить? Happy

З нами з: 22.01.12
Востаннє: 11.01.25
Повідомлень: 96

2012-01-30 17:57  
А дійсно можна перекласти,все таки в мене є psp і було б прікольно на українській мові.

З нами з: 07.07.11
Востаннє: 04.08.24
Повідомлень: 78

2012-04-26 14:23  
Я б допоміг, але руки зв'язані моїм проектом. В мене самого є ЗІЗа)

З нами з: 30.09.07
Востаннє: 26.05.05
Повідомлень: 39598

2012-04-29 10:55  
Тему перенесено з Проекти до форуму Обговорення

Частий відвідувач

З нами з: 11.11.11
Востаннє: 14.01.25
Повідомлень: 47

2012-07-16 13:31  
Ось трошки перекладу ...

З нами з: 30.09.07
Востаннє: 26.05.05
Повідомлень: 39598

2013-08-07 23:01  
Тему перенесено з Обговорення до форуму Архів

Причина перенесення: Пункт 3.1 правил розділу.
Ваш часовий пояс: GMT + 2 Години

Нова тема   Відповісти