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З нами з: 14.09.15
Востаннє: 15.03.25
Повідомлень: 1

2019-07-13 21:39  
"Гуртом і батька легше бити", а чому б не додати кооп в мод?

Є чудова нагода разом з Battle time, я б міг в цьому допомогти (я тільки в коді слабко розбираюсь). Нижче скину лінки з туторіалом:

Туторіал -
This source code is OSP, if you want to use it, don't ask permission, just give credit and let me know if you fix any bugs.
The source for v1 is also included for interested modders because it is designed quite differently. I do not recommend using v1 anymore, because storing values in high numbered registers can cause crashes. Version 1 uses some code from rubik for his python script to get item difficulties.

To add Battle Time to your mod:
1. Copy the 3 extra module files (these only include code for Battle Time):
2. Search all files for #COOP BEGIN
3. Copy the parts from #COOP BEGIN to #COOP END into the corresponding module files
4. Download and install the Warband Script Enhancer, and paste the file at the end of your
5. Copy the SceneObj folder to your mod (this overwrites scn_lair_steppe_bandits.sco to fix the ai mesh)
6. In your mod's module.ini change damage_interrupt_attack_threshold_mp = 3.0
7. If you don't want the player's gold display in MP mode, copy game_variables.txt to your mod folder


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